Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator (NHA) has similar features of Casio fx-570MS.

The manual of Casio fx-570MS can be downloaded from Casio website, or read directly from Google Drive.

Beside the features of Casio fx-570MS, my Scientific Calculator has more features like: Recall variable at cursor, Eqn Unknowns X, Context Menu,... .



• Due to "Floating-point Accuracy Problem", there're some cases the result should be 0 but calculator gives ~1E-16 (a number very close to 0) (e.g. "sin 30 ÷ cos 30 - tan 30" = -1.1E-16 while it should be 0)

• Abbreviated multiplication format in front of "Function with Arguments" gives "syntax error" (e.g. 2Rec(9,9) gives "syntax error" instead of giving 17.78, the workaround is 2*Rec(9,9). This bug is easy to fix, but I delay the fix for next release because the workaround is simple).



• In no event shall NHA Games be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of this product and items that come with it.

• Moreover, NHA Games shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever by any other party arising out of the use of this product and the items that come with it.
