Privacy Policy

All participants joining the “Non-Hermitian Physics: from classical to quantum, from theory to the lab” online seminar series agree with our privacy policy and with our code of conduct. We kindly ask all the participants to read the privacy policy and the code of conduct of the seminar series.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the privacy policy and the code of conduct, contact us at

Privacy policy

Our privacy policy makes sure that all the participants are aware of the handling of their personal data, including image, and voice.

All talks in the “Non-Hermitian Physics: from classical to quantum, from theory to the lab” online seminar series will be streamed via Zoom and via YouTube. 

By participating in the Zoom stream, the participant agrees with Zoom’s privacy policy. When the participant registers for a session, their information is stored in Zoom servers. The participants should also be aware that, when joining a Zoom session, Zoom automatically collects information about your device and connection. This information is deleted shortly after the end of the session.

After the streaming, all talks of the series will be made publicly available on our YouTube channel. The participants should then aware that, in case they asked any questions during the session, their image (if their webcam is on) and voice will be recorded and will be shown in the video of the talk posted on YouTube. Upon reasonable request, the video of the talk can be edited to crop any content after the main talk.

For speakers:

For divulgation purposes, we will show your name, affiliation and a personal photo provided by you on our website. We kindly ask you to add all relevant copyrights and references to any audiovisual elements of your talk which you do not have the rights to.

Code of conduct

The code of conduct of the “Non-Hermitian Physics: from classical to quantum, from theory to the lab” online seminar series is aimed to ensure a smooth seminar and to form an inclusive and positive environment for discussing ideas and sharing knowledge.


To ensure that the talk is not interrupted by any sounds, we ask the audience to keep their microphones muted and their webcams turned off during the talk. 

In general, no questions will be taken during the talk. After the talk, any participant that has questions should use the “raise hand” function of Zoom, and the chairperson responsible for the session will organize the order of questions. When it is your turn to ask questions, then you may unmute your microphone and turn off your webcam. Be aware that all talks in the seminar series are streamed via Youtube, and are recorded, see our privacy policy.

All participants:

We ask all the participants to follow the guidelines below when communicating with fellow participants.

Examples of behavior that will not be tolerated include