🔹FAQ: Sample Submission (Last updated: Aug 16, 2021) 

1. Where is NGS located?

We are located in the center section of the third floor of south side of south building. 

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2. Can I drop samples anytime when NGS is open?

Sorry, but NO!

Sample Drop-off is every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-12pm (holidays excluded). Please send your submission form first before the drop-off. We will check the information you provide first and notify you if there is anything that needs be changed. 

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3. How to fill the submission form?

Please follow the instructions on the first page of the form. Or watch the video (Link)

** Download submission form here. **

Note: Sample Names can ONLY be named with alphabets, numbers, underscores, and no more than 20 characters respectively (No space, +.,!@#$%^& etc.). It will delay the turn-around time as we cannot demultiplex properly if the names do not follow the rules. 

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4. How to bring RNA samples for library prep?

Please bring your RNA and 5ul QC aliquots in a Styrofoam box with ample dry ice with box cover and leave on the designated bench in NGS Core and make sure to sign out  the drop-off log sheet. Follow sample prep guideline on the sample submission form carefully to avoid any delay. If you don’t have the same type of strips showed here for RNA drop off, contact Core members and we will give you some. But please order your own individual attached cap-8 well PCR strips (USA scientific #1402-4700) next time. 

**Go to question 6 and see" how to label your tubes? ".

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5. How to bring DNA samples or pooled library for sequencing?

Please leave your DNA or library pool(s) in the drop-off box inside -20˚ freezer under 10x bench and make sure to sign out  the drop-off log sheet. Please follow sample prep guideline on the sample submission form carefully to avoid any delay.

**Go to question 6 and see" how to label your tubes? ".

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6. How to label sample tubes?

Please put your samples in individual-cap PCR strips (pic showed on the right) and label your samples with consecutive numbers followed by your initial (which is the same as sample code). 

For example, Michael Jones labels  tubes as MJ1, MJ2,MJ3.......

Please put your pool(s) in 1.5 mL tube and label with your initial  and the same submission date in the form.
For exmaple, MJ-4/20/2021-p1*, MJ-4/20/2021-p2 ...(*p means pool, if there are more than one pool in the submission form)

**Don’t cut your strips; keep it as whole strips.

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7. How to QC my samples?

NGS core has both Qubit and TapeStation 2200 to QC any DNA/RNA samples.

Qubit will give you an accurate reading of your sample concentration, while TapeStation can provide you a RIN/DIN number, indicating the integrity of your samples. Please find the instruction sheet for each instrument in the first drawer under the QC bench. 

All the reagents and tapes are inside the 4˚ fridge under QC bench. Please refer your nanodrop concentration to decide if high sensitivity tapes and qubit reagents are needed. If you are not sure, please make an appointment with one of our staff for overview/training. We are happy to show you how to do QC.

Please reserve the QC bench ahead before planning your trip to NGS Core (reservation calander link).

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8. Can NGS still generate libraries for those samples which are below the QC threshold? 

We can still try to generate libraries for those samples that didn’t meet our QC requirement but can’t guarantee the success of the library generation. You will be responsible for the cost of libraries preparations if they are failed. Please note that low quality RNA and DNA for library prep affect your data quality for analysis.

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10. When can I receive the data?

We can’t give you a firm answer, it depends on sequencing platform you choose and the order in the queue. Usually will be between 2-4 weeks.

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🔹 FAQ: NGS Shared Instruments (Last updated: April 19, 2021) 

11. What instruments are shared in NGS core?

In order to maintain the longevity and proper functioning of all the equipment, please have proper training before use and follow the instruction very carefully. 

Please use this link to reserve the date/time. 


**Go to question 12 to see "how to make a reservation"

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12. How to reserve NGS self-service instruments?

Instrument Reservation

Please use this link to reserve the date/time. 


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13. How to enter the recharge for NGS self-service?

The use of qPCR and 10x machine will be charged automatically with the reservation time selected.

All other instruments are charged only with the quantity of consumables/reagents used from NGS. Please enter the quantity of tubes/tapes/reagents into recharge computer.

**Log recharges if you used this servise/ instrument list below

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🔹 FAQ: Library and Sequencing (Last updated: April 19, 2021)

14. What sequencers does NGS have?

We have 

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15. Sequecing, library making, and other service rates ?

Salk NGS Core rates  (click to official website link for detail) 

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16. Which sequencer platform and run configuration (sequencing read length and reads) should I choose on the form?

It depends on number of samples you have and depth of sequencing you need for each sample. Here is a brief read length recommendation from Illumina website, but keep in mind, sequencing configuration must be changed accordingly by following your experiment design. The information of sequence platform and amount of data reads can be found in a submission form (instruction page) or on Salk NGS core official webpage.

How many reads should I target per sample?

Gene expression profiling experiments that are looking for a quick snapshot of highly expressed genes may only need 5–25 million reads per sample. (20-30M reads /sample recommended)

How long should my reads be? 

Gene expression / RNA Profiling – Quantifying the coding transcriptome typically requires a short single read (often 50–75 bp) to minimize reading across splice junctions while counting all RNAs in the pool. (Single end 50bp or pair end 50bp recommended)

You can make an appointment to consult with NGS core director or IGC core members about your experiment design and sequencing configuration. Or you can follow the sequencing suggestion in your library kit protocol (for examples, 10x single cell user guide)

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17. Which library prep method should I choose, mRNA library or Total RNA library?

TruSeq Stranded mRNA specifically targets poly-adenylated RNA (including coding RNA and non-coding with poly adenylation), while TruSeq Stranded Total RNA prepares RNA libraries based on rRNA depletion, targeting coding RNA and long non-coding RNA.

TruSeq Stranded mRNA requires high quality RNA (RIN>8) as input and TruSeq Stranded Total RNA can work with degraded / FFPE samples.

**Kits information can be found in Question 18

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18. What kits does NGS Core use for library prep?

We currently offer Stranded mRNA library prep, Total RNA library prep (rRNA depletion), Small RNA library prep, WGS library Prep (PCR free or low PCR cycles), Low Input DNA library Prep (for CHIP), Low Input RNA library prep, 10X 3’scRNA library construction from cDNA, others (special cooperating project approved by NGS director including Pac-Bio and Nonopore sequencing project)

Click each item and link to user guide

Illumina RNA library prep

Whole genome sequence library Prep (PCR free or low PCR cycles)-

Low Input DNA library Prep (for CHIP)

NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®

Low Input RNA library prep

10X 3'scRNA library construction from cDNA

PacBio (Sequel IIe) 

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19. My libraries have adaptor dimer contamination, what should I do?

You could either do another round of bead purification or electrophoresis gel purification.

If your library concentrations are low, it is not recommended to do bead purification because of low efficiency. It could work only when you have quite amount of samples.

Gel purification is tricky but most efficient way to remove the adaptor dimers. The recovery rate differs. It is also not recommended when you don't have enough samples.


You could sequenc the samples if the samples are essential and precious and adaptor dimers are less than 1%. It may end up losing ~5% of the reads since the adaptor dimers tend to cluster faster than your libraries. Or do the gel purification to cut off the contaminants with the chance of losing your libraries (you may pool the libraries first, so you have more DNA to start with). 

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20. My pool concentration is too diluted. What should I do?

You can use speedvac to concentrate your pool to meet the desired concentration.

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🔹 FAQ: 10X Single Cell (Last updated: Aug 16, 2021) 

21. For 10X single cell libraries, how do I start my experiment?

What provided for 10X experiment in NGS core

chip G, chip H (charge separately)

SPRI beads (5mL aliquote tube, charge separately)

**index plate --plate N, plate TT, plate NT, plate TN

**low EDTA TE buffer, 10% Tween 20, glycerol, elution buffer, nuclease free water, ethanol

**PCR strips, tubes, tips consumable

**10X magnetic separator, chip holder

**item are included in the fee of 10X bench usage 


Booking 10X bench

Hands-on video link

10X product list 

10x Genomics Support documents (sample prep guide, library prep guide...etc)

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22. 10X single cell --official Q&A


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