IEEE Communications Letters, Exemplary Editor, December 2022

Best Paper Award of the EAI INISCOM 2022, Da Nang, Vietnam, April 2022

Best Paper Award of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, May 2019

IEEE Communications Letters Editor Award, December 2017

Best Student Paper Award of the IEEE SigTelCom, Da Nang, Vietnam, January 2017

Best Student Paper Award of the IEEE ICCE, Ha Long, Vietnam, July 2016

Best Paper Award of the IEEE ComManTel, Da Nang, Vietnam, December 2015

Best Paper Award Runner-up of the IEEE Canadian Workshop on Information Theory (CWIT), St. John, NL, Canada, July 2015

IEEE Senior Member, since February 2015

NSERC Doctoral Prize Nomination, July 2008

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, May 2008

University of Saskatchewan Graduate Thesis Award in the Physical and Engineering Sciences