Contact Information : 

Naresh Boddu

Office : 134, 

940 Stewart Drive,

Sunnyvale, CA - 94085.

E-mail : naresh.boddu[at], e0169905[at]

Here are my arXiv, Linkedin, Google scholar, ORCID: 0000-0001-6595-572X and DBLP  profiles.

I am currently a post-doctoral research fellow (starting March 15, 2023) at NTT Research mentored by Prof Vipul Goyal and Prof. Dakshita Khurana. I completed my PhD at CQT, NUS and was fortunate to be advised by Prof Rahul Jain. Prior to that, I worked as Research (Project) Associate with Prof. Prabha Mandayam and Prof. Anil Prabhakar and completed my Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

I was part of the theoretical computer science group at CQT, NUS from 2017-2022. Currently I am a member of CIS Lab (Cryptography and Information Security Lab) at NTT Research.

Research Interests :

My research interests are quantum information and quantum cryptography (tamper-resilient quantum cryptography). 


I am quite passionate about teaching and have been a teaching assistant for most of the time during my PhD. I have scribed the lecture notes of “Introduction to Information Theory” that can be downloaded from here

I strongly believe in educational equity and have volunteered my time for many organizations.