As you can see, script throwed an error when faced with "." symbol. Think it's because windows does not support partial links like "./bla/blabla/blablabla".Also by some reason the path to webdriver-manager seems to be broken. It starts with 'C:\' and ends with './node' because the symbol '>' (dunno how to name it) separates them in two lines. Still do not understand how to fix it on windows 8. Suppose that webdriver-manager script thinks that './node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager' is the absolute path to this script.

What was happening to me was that webdriver would find a reference to a DOM element and then at some point after that reference was obtained, javascript would remove that element and re-add it (because the page was doing a redraw, basically).

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Please donot confuse others amongs ourselves, if we are not sure on the answers. It is quite frustrating for end user. The simple and the short answer is use the @CacheLookup annotation in webdriver. Please refer below link for it.How does @CacheLookup work in WebDriver?

While you can use any WebDriver server out there, probably the simplest server to use with haskell-webdriver is Selenium Server. You'll need an installation of the Java runtime to use this server. Once you've downloaded Selenium Server to your current working directory, you can start the server with this shell command:

Each version of selenium-webdriver will support the latest semver-minorversion of the LTS and stable Node releases. All semver-major &semver-minor versions between the LTS and stable release will have "besteffort" support. Following a Selenium release, any semver-minor Node releaseswill also have "best effort" support. Releases older than the latest LTS,semver-major releases, and all unstable release branches (e.g. "v.Next")are considered strictly unsupported.

Element may not yet be on the screen at the time of the find operation,(webpage is still loading) see how to write a wait wrapper to wait for an element to appear.

eachElement function matches all elements by locator and performs a callback on each of those element. A callback function receives element of webdriverio. eachElement may perform arbitrary actions on a page, so the first argument should by a description of the actions performed. This description will be used for logging purposes.

CodeceptJS doesn't aim to embrace all possible functionality of WebDriver. At some points you may find that some actions do not exist, however it is easy to add one. You will need to use WebDriver API from (opens new window) library.

webdriver_manager downloading some webdrivers from their official GitHub repositories but GitHub has limitations like 60 requests per hour for unauthenticated users.In case not to face an error related to GitHub credentials, you need to create GitHub token and place it into your environment: (*)

SSL verification can be disabled for downloading webdriver binaries in case when you have troubles with SSL Certificates or SSL Certificate Chain. Just set the environment variable WDM_SSL_VERIFY to "0".

There is an open source utility called "webdrivermanager" to handle WebDriver binaries (chromedriver, operadriver, IEDriverServer) in Java. This library downloads the latest version of the WebDriver binary you need, store it in the Maven local repository (.m2/repository), and export the proper Java system variable (, webdriver.opera.driver, e24fc04721

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