No, I believe Google only serves the files that are provided by the official download sites without any post-processing, and since that's what the provided CSS files look like, there isn't a "compressed" version.

Actually I don't believe you should load jQuery UI and it's associated CSS files from Google's CDN, since jQuery UI is modular, while loading the file from Google's CDN will load all of the modules, meaning that you'll be loading a bunch of unnecessary scripts and styles. Use the custom package builder from the jQuery UI downloads page instead to include only the modules you need should reduce filesizes much more than compressing the already highly compressed CSS file served through Google's CDN.

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To review, I began (above) with the 2021-01-01 fileset on HIST_ARCHIVE. I used Borg to back up that fileset in a first archive consisting of Borg segment files and top-level files in a folder on BORG_JAN that I could view, in Windows, as B:\2021-01-01\BorgRepoJan. I compressed the contents of that folder into a WinRAR archive stored on the UTILITY drive (in the U:\BORG_JAN\WinRAR Volumes\2021-01-01 Archive folder). That WinRAR archive was theoretically named BorgRepoJan_2021-01-01.rar. In practice, I set WinRAR to break that archive into chunks of about 23GiB each, and burned those to Blu-ray discs, so those 23GB files actually had names like BorgRepoJan_2021-01-01.part01.rar.

As discussed in the previous post, experience so far seemed to recommend going through the long, tedious process of restoring the WinRAR chunks saved on all those backup BD-Rs, using WinRAR to extract the Borg segments compressed into those chunks, using Borg to restore the user files contained in those segments, and then using Beyond Compare to see if there were any differences (at least in terms of filesize and timestamp) between these restored user files and the original user files on HIST_ARCHIVE. That process confirmed that the backups were good: aside from the three files mentioned in the previous paragraph, the restored user files matched the originals perfectly. It appeared that I now had two independent, working sets of Borg archive drives and BD-R backups. With that taken care of, my final archiving step was to store the Blu-ray discs in a cool, dark, dry place, away from dust, jostling, or anything else that might compromise their integrity.

In this work we apply a quantum chemical framework, recently designed in our laboratories, to rationalize the low-energy electronic spectrum and the magnetic properties of an homo-valent trinuclear [Mn(IV)3 O4]4+ model of the oxygen-evolving center in photosystem II. The method is based on chemically motivated molecular orbital unitary transformations, and the optimization of spin-adapted many-body wave functions, both for ground- and excited-states, in the transformed MO basis. In this basis, the configuration interaction Hamiltonian matrix of exchange-coupled multi-center clusters is extremely sparse and characterized by a unique block diagonal structure. This property leads to highly compressed wave functions (oligo- or single-reference) and crucially enables state-specific optimizations. The reduced multi-reference character of the wave function greatly simplifies the interpretation of the ground- and excited-state electronic structures, and provides a route for the direct rationalization of magnetic interactions in these compounds, often considered a challenge in polynuclear transition-metal chemistry.

The data we recently sent to the NSSDC is classified as "Level 2 Science Instrument Source Data." This means that the data has been lightly processed. In other words, the individual data elements have been separated out from the compressed format in which the data was telemetered back to Earth, and they have been tagged and entered into a database.

Before we begin, here is some fair advice: The guide below is a highly compressed version of a very detailled and deep process. To fully benefit from the process, I would wholeheartedly advise you touch base with Susan so that she can walk you through the process in its entirety.

Generally, you would use meta queries to define breakpoints in your code. This allows you to change different settings based on the size of the screen. The problem might not be with the meta queries but with the images being loaded. Images are usually the worst for slowing down site rendering. You could make sure your site supports options like lazy loading which I think WordPress implements by default now. Also, Make sure images are highly compressed. You might also want to check into Responsive images which allow images to be selected by the screen size.

CVE-2022-29225 (CVSS score 7.5, High): Decompressors can be zip bombedDecompressors accumulate decompressed data into an intermediate buffer before overwriting the body in the decode/encodeBody. This may allow an attacker to zip bomb the decompressor by sending a small highly compressed payload.

The original video asset supplied by Eidos was pretty highly compressed (Quicktime HD is awful, especially with gameplay video), but we were able to discern native 720p resolution with 2x multi-sampling anti-aliasing in what is obviously the 360 build of the game. The physics and the explosion effects are highlights, and screen motion blur is complemented by a subtle object motion blur effect on top of that which adds nicely to the quality of the overall presentation. On the flip side, frame rate issues and screen tearing are evident, along with noticeable LOD popping effects.

Envoy is a cloud-native high-performance proxy. In versions prior to 1.22.1 secompressors accumulate decompressed data into an intermediate buffer before overwriting the body in the decode/encodeBody. This may allow an attacker to zip bomb the decompressor by sending a small highly compressed payload. Maliciously constructed zip files may exhaust system memory and cause a denial of service. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may consider disabling decompression.

1 meter data is acceptable for FEMA base maps provided vegetation does not obscure roads or other important ground features. This imagery is more recent than NDOP DOQs, but 2 meter data and highly compressed county mosaics are not acceptable for FEMA base maps.

The Census Bureau has realigned street features in the counties or statistically equivalent entities listed below as part of the MAF/TIGER Accuracy Improvement Project (MTAIP) using sources with a horizontal spatial accuracy of circular error 95 (CE95) at 7.6 meters or better. Information about the source and the horizontal positional accuracy of that source appears in the county-based metadata included as part of each compressed 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line file. The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line Technical Documentation has further information on the use of Record Type M to determine the spatial accuracy for any individual line segment.

The data set was generated at NSSDC from the original PI-provided data and software (SPTH-00010) and from the orbit/attitude database and software that is part of the DE-2 UA data set (SPIO-00174). The original NACS data were provided by the PI team in a highly compressed VAX/VMS binary format on magnetic tapes. The data set covers the whole DE-2 mission time period. Each data point is an average over the normally 8 measurements per second. Densities and relative errors are provided for atomic oxygen (O), molecular nitrogen (N2), helium (He), atomic nitrogen (N), and argon (Ar). The data quality is generally quite good below 500 km, but deteriorates towards higher altitudes as oxygen and molecular nitrogen approach their background values (which could only be determined from infrequent spinning orbits) and the count rate for Ar becomes very low. The difference between minimum (background) and maximum count rate for atomic nitrogen (estimated from mass 30) was so small that results are generally poor. Data were lost between 12 March 1982 and 31 March 1982 when the counter overflowed.

Furthermore, how would you adjust the loudness between two different long-form segments when one of them is more compressed than the other? Supposing that you have a song with a long, soft passage which builds to a crescendo and a climax. One version which is more compressed so the soft passage is louder than in the less-compressed or uncompressed version. What is the fair method of setting the levels for the comparison? If you adjust it so the soft passages are equal, then the uncompressed version's loud passage will be much louder than the compressed version. If you adjust it so the loud passages are equal, then the uncompressed version's soft passage will be softer. If you take an average loudness approach, how do you measure the average and is it really meaningful to the test to do so?

Bottom line: We all know that macrodynamics are VERY important to the appreciation of music, but we cannot easily or perhaps NEVER test for them. It MIGHT be possible to find a 30 second segment with a portion of a soft passage that leads to a subito-forte. But there will be unsolveable arguments over how to adjust the loudness of the two comparisons. I could make a test that would favor the uncompress or the compressed depending on where I equalize the relative loudnesses!

2) What about microdynamics? I define microdynamics as that which is measurable by the peak-to-loudness ratio of the material. it is a measure of the amount and types of compression processing which softens the transients and the peaks. This type of processing also affects the stereo depth, soundstage and the width as well as the transient resopnse. In order for this test to be successful, the listening room will need a reflection-free zone, a set of monitors with good transient response and low diffraction, as well as trained listeners. It will also be necessary to obtain the original, clean mix of a recording and an overcompressed master of the same recording. Comparisons between two released commercial versions of a recording are simply uncontrollable. At least by having the mix and the master of a recording, the provenance will be completely known as well as the processes which were used to produce the master. 006ab0faaa

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