Contact information
Faculty of Economics Sciences and Administration (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administración)
Universidad de la República - Uruguay
Email: with x=nicolas and y=frevenza.
About me
I am currently a Professor at Department of Quantitative Methods (Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos) and at Institute of Statistics (IESTA) of the School of Economics sciences and Administration. My main research interests are in the areas of analysis of partial differential equations, probability and the link between them. I am also part of the Probability and Statistics group of Udelar and the NoLoCE project (Nonlocal and Local Coupled Equations: Analysis, Computation, and Probability). Visit our page to know more about courses and seminars on topics of probability and statistics and partial differential equations.
From April 2017 to March 2019, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, working on Probability and Analysis in trees. I obtained my Ph.D. at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (FCEyN) in March 2017, working on the Probability Group with a CONICET scholarship under the supervision of Inés Armendáriz and Pablo Ferrari.
Previously, I completed the Degree in Mathematics at the Universidad de la República (FCIEN). During those years, I participated in the Centro de Estudiantes de Ciencias (C-100) and the Federación de Estudiantes del Uruguay (FEUU).
Researcher at PEDECIBA Matemática.
Probability and Statistics seminar and the Analysis of PDEs seminar.