I spent all yesterday going through my materials. I bought the deluxe kit and thought it was a good deal. It has worked for me to the tme of 66 pounds in 10 months so I trustweigth watchers enough to do whatever they put out there. I do agree that it is going to be hard for people that liked to be able to eat the processe foods for low points. I think the new program will help people sustain the weight longer because they will have experienced a change in food habits with this program.

Looking forward to the new plan. I have a meeting Wednesday night. I have lost 31 pounds at weight watchers. I have a total of 70 pounds off. My doctor has set a goal for me and I hope after Wednesday night I will need to lose only 6.6 pounds more to be a lifetime member. I have really tried hard to get there. I have joined weight watchers several times and never could see a goal. This will be the first and I am really excited about accomplishing it this time. It has been a great struggle for me because of the blood pressure medication that I had been taking. I had my doctor change my medication to see if it would make a difference because it was real frustrating to try so hard and lose only .6 or less per week. We had to change them several times but finally got something that works for my blood pressure and allows for me to lose weight without such a struggle. I would love to join your support group. I have even applied for a position as receptionist at our meetings. Just waiting for an opening. This would really help me stay on track.

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I know that WW has tried to incorporate the newest nutritional information into this new program but they also have a profit motive in getting new and older members into the meetings and also in selling new materials and kits. Having done the new program for the last 3 days I have to tell you it is almost essential that you purchase the new points calculator and perhaps the new complete food companion. Most of the foods I eat just are not covered in the free materials.

But I am confused about how I can get my daily points target. On the old plan, it was 18. I am not into going to back to a meeting right now and I do not subscribe to etools (I am a Lifetime Member) and the third option is to use my points calculator to calculate the daily points target seems to be the best bet for me, but how can I figure out my daily points target using my points calculator???

Do you know when the app for the droid is coming out that you spoke about. Scan the barcode and get the points value? Also do you know what it is going to be called. Thanks! Your website is great, I am going to start weight watchers soon!

Thank you so much for posting this. I am attending an at work information session this coming Friday. I am really excited that the program has changed and is encouraging whole grain, fruits, veggies, etc. by changing the points value system. I did so great the first time I did WW which was 10 years ago. Sadly, I have gained it all back plus 10lbs. I was so discouraged until I read this post. I started today following the old plan 21 pts + 35 flex but am anxious to see how the new Points Plus will work. Yeah for 0pt fruits and veggies. I went from being devestated by the scale this morning to being encouraged at a new beginning.

I went online at the WW site and ordered the Deluxe at Home Kit. I started one week ago and lost 5 pounds so far. I can have 33 points a day and my hubby can have 54. I went through the books and wrote down all the foods and restaurant foods I like with the points. I have an Instant Breakfast every morning which is 6 points, so I have 27 left for the rest of the day. I like the new plan.

Lastly, well almost lastly, I have the Canadian Complete Food Companion book and the Canadian Dining Out Companion book. The food companion not only has a huuuge listing of foods with their points values it also indicates if something is a Power Food and not to be outdone in usefulness the dining out book has an A-Z list of dining out foods and menu items from over 45 restaurants with their points values and an ethnic and regional section with foods listed and the points values for the foods.

I love WW. I joined 9 weeks ago and have lost a total of 12 pounds. I gained weight twice or I would've lost more and I know why I gained, it was totally my fault. I like the meetings myself. I tried doing WW online but there was no one to hold me accountable so I didn't do well at all. Now I know that I have to face my leader and my friends when I weigh in on Tuesdays and that makes me want to work harder to lose the weight. I've tried every diet known to man and WW is the only one that has ever worked for me. I constantly find myself wondering how many points are in food, I shop for healthier foods, cook more, and no longer crave fast food. I now get sick even thinking I'm going to have to eat at a fast food restaurant. And let me tell you, if you look in the Dining Out book and see the points of some of the restaurant foods, it will definitely give you a different prospective.

Again, this is just a peek into how I might eat for the week and spend my points, feel free to make changes to suit you.. I know everyone is different and I know that some people could not use there points the same as I have done and lose weight, so please just remember that this is simply just a suggestion for those that might eat similar to myself.. be457b7860


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