I have found my Google Nexus 5 which I had problems with in 2016 concerning the infamous stuck power button. At some point, the phone was stuck in a restarting loop. Then, I managed to leave this loop by pressing the power button multiple times.

After that until this day, when I start it, it is stuck in the Google booting animation of the spinning colored balls. It stays in this animation forever, it has now been in this state for the last 12 hours. Interesting is, that when I turn it off by pressing the power button, it automatically restarts, coming back to this animation screen. Looks like this (animated and moving):

Nexus Boot Animation Download

Download Zip 🔥 https://byltly.com/2yGcrk 🔥

After many hours of trying to make my Nexus 5 start again, I have given up on my data and wanted to make it work again at all. I have unlocked the bootloader via fastboot oem unlock and tried to flash a factory image. However, it said FAILED (remote: 'flash write failure'). When I tried to erase cache via fastboot, it said FAILED (Write to device failed'). So I couldn't write at all.

While the Winter Olympic Games came and past, as they always do. We look forward to what is yet to come. But, in the meanwhile, what is here today may not be here tomorrow. Therefore, I present a new treat of an Android KitKat 4.4 Easter Egg, go ahead, download and enjoy!

With so many Bootanimations it is often hard to remember all of the sources that I pulled them from, the largest source Developer that does simply incredible work and is simply known throughout the Android community for his work is JaeKarr99 which most of the Bootanimations that appear in this LiBRaRy KoLLecTioN are his, I have simply accepted the challenge of using a difficult themeing system and configured it the best I can to keep these Bootanimations in the best form possible. This was done through the guidance of xessus as his walkthroughs and many many countless hours of attempting this work is hopefully showing a positive. Other themers I will mention are Crakanug with the Black Ops II Bootanimation, CyanogenMod with CM, BKJolly, and the many others, if I fail to recognize I apologize it is not intentional nor out of disrespect, please forgive me.

I also give credit to xessus for his instruction and guidance with the Samsung Theme Designer program and QMG Formatting. Also, a Special Thanks to JaeKar99 who is the "Original Bootanimation Designer" that created large portion of these bootanimations seen here, I have reformatted them for our viewing pleasure!

If you are hesitant to deleting this folder I suggest moving it to the audio folder just to preserve and keep it out of the way. Next, pick a bootanimation that you would like to try and download it, then manually extract it and move the QMG files into the system/media folder go ahead change the permissions to RW-R-R-T (I suggest the T as it is Sticky and the bootanimation runs smoother and more consistent, the T is available in the special permissions in Root Explorer.) Also, if it has been a while I also suggest going into the system/media/audio/ui and look for the PowerOn.ogg file I would suggest deleting this file or moving it to the sd card as it is the stock sound file and certainly running the bootsamsung.qmg file, you certainly do not want that interrupt the bootanimation play.

Excellent, it'll give me sometime to refresh the links. Apparently, Dropbox killed 45 of my links which I'm right now going through a frenzy trying to upload all those to mediafire, which this is the Shared folder that those links will be located within and all new Bootanimations going forward...

When we look back on it, 2014 may be remembered as the Summer of Android Wear. With two new flagship smartwatches due out soon, Google's been readying its mobile OS for the wearables sector.

Just recently, a test build of the firmware from the upcoming LG G Watch leaked. This gave us our first look at a more polished version of Android Wear, and it also included a rather interesting boot animation.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

EDIT: After looking over someone's post on XDA, I was able to get it working. You need to change the permissions on the new .zip file. Long press on the file and click on permissions. Then make it look like this and it should work!

I was getting the android logo the simple one and then I did the corrections on the new zip file and it work but one thing that I notice now was that the android name was too big and it only display half the letter a of android and half the letter d I have a nexus 4 hope you could understand me ., thank you

It's official: The next version of Android will be code-named "Marshmallow," and we're getting a whole number bump to version 6.0. Lots of exciting new changes are coming to the world's most popular operating system, including a "Now on Tap" feature that will give you relevant information about any screen at the press of a button.

But rather than waiting until later this fall to enjoy all of the cool new functionality, you can have a piece of Android Marshmallow right now with just a little bit of work. We went ahead and pulled the awesome new boot animation out of the latest Android 6.0 preview build, and all you have to do to try it out on your rooted Android device is copy it over to a folder, set permissions, then reboot!

Before we begin, I want to stress that this method requires a rooted Android device. If you meet that requirement, there's one additional note: Most Samsung devices are not compatible with traditional Android boot animation files such as this one, so this won't work on any Galaxy devices unless you're running an AOSP-based custom ROM.

But to get started, simply point your Android device's web browser to this link, then the new boot animation file should begin downloading immediately. When it's done, use any root-enabled file browser to navigate to the Download folder on your internal storage, then copy the bootanimation.zip file.

From here, head to the root partition of your device, then open the system folder. After that, open the media folder, then be sure to mount this folder as read/write so that you can make changes to the files that it contains.

With the new bootanimation.zip file still in your clipboard, go ahead and press the "Copy Here" or "Paste" button in your file browser. Next, long-press the newly-copied bootanimation.zip file, then choose "Permissions."

From here, make sure that the "Owner" category is set to Read and Write, while all other categories are set to just Read. When you're done here, press "OK," then you'll be ready to try out the new Android Marshmallow boot animation.

Now that you've had a little taste of Marshmallow, what Android 6.0 feature are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comment section below, or drop us a line on Android Hacks' Facebook or Twitter, or Gadget Hacks' Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.

I'm sure its not the hardware, so how to diagnose why my phone reboots

seemingly randomly.Nexus One running stock 2.3.4My previous Nexus One suffered the same issue running 2.2.x. I sent

it in to find the replacement suffers the same problem.Note: I am in Japan so wonder if something related to the radio could

be the fault. Still, my GDP2 running stock 1.6 works fine. I run the

same apps on these (GDP2 1.6 and Nexus One 2.3.4) so am confused by

what it might be.Well ok either 2.x doesn't like Japan or my apps but how to figure out

which one. Stop using all apps? Shouldn't there be a log if an app

took the system down? no? wishful thinking?What should I do to figure this out?ShawnPS yes it rebooted while writing this message. I wanted to say that

it seems perhaps more frequent when using the sdcard but the phone was

just there idle...

As Chris Stratton mentioned, there are two different kinds of event

that look similar. One is a hard [kernel- or radio-level] reboot of

the entire device; the other is a restart of only the Android runtime

while the kernel keeps running properly.If you see the initial static splash image for some period of time,

followed by the Android boot animation, then it's a hard reboot. If

instead the crash takes the device immediately to the animated portion

of the sequence, it's a runtime restart.If it's a runtime restart, you need to try to pull a bugreport from

the device as soon as possible -- during the boot animation, even;

certainly as soon as possible after you hit the home application

again. Even 30 seconds can make a difference here; there is a *lot*

of log activity during early boot, and what you want to do is make

sure you capture the content of the logs leading up to the runtime

restart.Just capturing 'logcat' is not sufficient; you need a full bugreport.

There's a reason all that information is in the bugreport. :)So, let's assume that it was a hard reboot: a kernel- or radio-level

crash and reset. In this case, the single most valuable section of

the bugreport is the "LAST KMSG". That's a copy of the dmesg output

from the previous boot session of the kernel -- the one that ended

with a kernel or similar crash. Look at the end of that section to

see whether there was some sort of kernel-level issue. Oftentimes

you'll find that there's a kernel panic being reported, or some such

thing. At that point you're off and running to diagnose what the

problem was, taking your usual approach to debugging kernel crashes.

There can also be a panic log in the bugreport, which may contain

other significant information.It's possible that there was a radio-side problem. In that sort of

case, the end of the "LAST KMSG" kernel log will read something like

this:[ 535.383270] ARM9 has CRASHED

[ 535.383666] smem: DIAG 'MOD SM-TM 00000 'Obviously you will then worth with your radio code provider to address

the issue.Now, if the device crash was just a runtime restart, not a

kernel-level crash, then the bugreport has different useful

information. Most importantly, the various logs (main, radio, event)

remain intact and active through a runtime restart, so the logcat

block, the event log, and the radio log all show continuity across

whatever it was that caused the Android runtime to crash. Learn how

to read the event log and the logcat output in particular.Runtime restarts are almost always for one of two reasons: either a

component running in the system_server process has crashed outright,

or something has caused the system_server's process primary looper

thread to deadlock. The deadlock case is announced by a line in the

logcat buffer reading something very like this:04-04 14:06:16.888 885 1089 W Watchdog: *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM

PROCESS: nullI'm going to talk about the NON-deadlock cases first; they're simpler

to diagnose: just look in the logcat trace for the messages about the

system process crashing. There will be a Dalvik stack trace there to

the point at which the fatal exception was thrown, and you then know

where to go looking for the bug. As always, the event log and the

primary text log contain different information; both are useful for

reviewing the state and activity of the device leading up to a crash.If the crash *was* due to a deadlock, things get a little interesting.

 When the watchdog declares a deadlock and forcibly kills the system

process, it first captures the current stack trace of every

system_server process thread into the usual ANR stack trace file

(/data/anr/traces.txt on most devices). This file is automatically

included in a bugreport -- yet another reason to pull a full bugreport

rather than just logcat.Look at the timestamp of where the watchdog declared a problem. In

the example line I gave above, it was 04-04 14:06:16.888. That tells

you which set of stack traces you're interested in within the "LAST

ANR" section of the bugreport. Find the system_server stack dumps

that were captured at the time of the watchdog's message. For

example, in the bugreport that my example came from, the "LAST ANR"

section was headed:------ VM TRACES AT LAST ANR (/data/anr/traces.txt: 2011-04-04 14:06:14) ------and the file holds *two* sets of system_process stacks. One of them

starts like this:----- pid 885 at 2011-04-04 14:05:42 -----

Cmd line: system_serverand the second starts like this:----- pid 885 at 2011-04-04 14:06:12 -----

Cmd line: system_serverNote that the first was taken 30 seconds before the second, and the

second was just a few seconds before the watchdog message about

killing the system process to restart the system. The watchdog takes

a thread snapshot after 30 seconds of the looper being unresponsive,

then another snapshot after a full minute of unresponsiveness; and

it's after that full minute that it declares the deadlock and restarts

everything. You probably want to start with the later thread stacks,

the ones that reflect the state of affairs when the watchdog finally

gave up.In most Android applications the primary looper thread is called

"main", but this is *not* true of the system_process. The primary

system_process looper thread is titled "android.server.ServerThread".

Find that thread's stack trace that was taken at the time the watchdog

declared the deadlock, and you'll be off and running as far as

diagnosing what has caused that looper thread to be unresponsive for >

60 seconds.At this point you've got the information you need to figure out what

locks are being contended for, what unapproved long-running operations

might be mistakenly being run on the system process's main looper,

etc. Dalvik's stack dump output is very useful, especially since it

tells you things like which other thread currently holds a lock being

requested.Good luck!--

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