Run 3

"Run 3" is a popular online endless runner game where you control a character running through a series of challenging tunnels and platforms in space. To play "Run 3" using your keyboard, follow these instructions:

1. Access the Game:

2. Start the Game:

3. Character Control:

4. Keyboard Controls:

5. Avoid Obstacles:

6. Gravity Shift:

7. Collecting Orbs:

8. Winning the Game:

9. Try Again:

10. Pause and Quit: - To pause the game or exit, press the "P" key or the "Esc" key. This will give you the option to resume, restart the level, or quit the game.

Remember that the specific keyboard controls and features may vary slightly depending on the version of "Run 3" you're playing or the website you're using. Always check the in-game instructions or tutorial for any additional details or special abilities. Enjoy playing "Run 3" and see how far you can run!