What We Do

In middle school there aren't many opportunities to volunteer that allow for direct interaction with our students.But great things still happen! 
With the generosity of our families and local businesses who give of their time and talentsour strong Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) does an amazing job creating community. 

Read below to learn more.

Newton Initiatives- In the past, we have provided monetary support to the principal to fund a big ticket item that will positively impact all students. In recent years, donations to PTO have helped pay for the Fitness Center, student heart rate monitors and the funding of a partial FTE to staff an additional full time psychologist. 

Staff Appreciation- Since middle school students have many teachers, it can be challenging for families to show appreciation for each of them. So PTO does it for everyone. Appreciation includes a variety of fun (and usually food-filled) events throughout the school year, reimbursement for supplies purchased with personal funds and grants for big ticket items and/or professional development.

Student Services- We also support our students in a few ways. PTO pays for the school-wide independent reading program, provides some supplies for student rewards at the CODE Shop and also works with our school social worker to sponsor families, anonymously identified as in-need, during the Book Fair & the December holiday season. 

Operating Expenses- Even though PTO is a volunteer organization, it does cost a little to keep us running smoothly. We pay for our accounting software, website maintenance, required fidelity bonds, checks, stamps and a few other miscellaneous office supplies. 

District Contributions- All LPS PTOs contribute some of our funds to special District events. Each year Newton PTO puts together a coveted gift basket for the LPS Foundation's Spirit Celebration and silent auction. This comes back to us, since the funds they raise are used within the District. In addition, in collaboration with many other LPS PTOs we host appreciation events for the staff at Options Secondary Program since they don’t have a PTO of their own. 

To support our mission, we need donations and volunteers. We invite all Newton Knight families to be actively involved in the school through the PTO. To get started, simply attend a meeting or reach out to the PTO President at NewtonPTOPres@gmail.com.