New Technologies, New Worlds

Nuevas Tecnologías, Nuevos Mundos

website of the KA229 Erasmus+ project   Project Reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA229-081965 

Nowadays, we can’t understand our way of living without technology. Therefore, it is necessary to train future European generations of citizens in the technological knowledge and advance. Hence, a part of our project focuses on robotics and application design. But it does not only requires practical preparation, it is urgent to reflect on the impact that technology causes. Therefore, another part of the project is the critical reflection of the technological phenomenon. 

Nuevas Tecnologías, Nuevos Mundos

Fomento de la robótica y de la ética aplicad. El objetivo es crear un sello ético que garantice , desde el su fabricación hasta el fin de su vida útil, la creación de los robots garantizando la ética. 

Project: New Technologies, New Worlds

Promoting the use of robotics and applied ethics. The objective is to create an ethical seal that guarantees ethics of robotics from the beginning of their manufacture, during their operational life until their final withdrawal.

In the period 2020-2023 we participated in the European Erasmus+ School Education Program (School Exchange Partnerships KA229) with student exchange partnerships between the Schools of Spain, Greece, Italy, Romania and Portugal.

The title of our implemented program is "New technologies, new worlds".

Partner Schools:

Group photo from our first meeting in Spain


The Program aims to educate future European generations in technological knowledge and progress. It has 2 parts: the technological part and the moral-social part. In technology, it focuses on robotics and designing applications such as video games.

Students are trained to use different programming languages ​​with which they can design video games, applications and robots. The social part examines technology with a critical eye. It aims to make young people responsible for the use of technologies that work on a daily basis and to make them think critically about concepts such as: cyberbullying, environmental effects of technology, responsible use of social networks, influences of video games and planning for the disposal of technological creations at the end of their life.


The students worked and created their own representative designs which were voted on and became the Program logos.

Students studied material related to Robotics and Ethics in science, as robotics and AI are rapidly evolving and integrated into our daily lives, but accompanied by a multitude of practical and ethical problems that require resolution.

Already many governments and organizations have questioned the ethics of the presence and use of robots and are conducting research on a framework of legislation for their use and management in the present and, even more so, in the future. In this context the students wrote Reports on the importance of ethics in robotics. Due to the COVID restrictions on movements all mobilities have been transferred for the following years.

Students wrote Essays and created Comic stories about how Social Networks (eg Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok) and Videogames affect our lives (advantages / disadvantages of using them), especially about the influence of videogames and social networks on relationships between teenagers and the expression of their emotions.

They also participated in a Questionnaire Survey about Social Networks & Video Games. From it we drew useful conclusions about the most popular social network at this age and its correlation with children's emotions. The students designed their own video games in Scratch that achieve a moral purpose, i.e. have some social contribution, make us think about an issue and are educational. Finally, they created Presentations about their Schools, their places where they live and the structure of their educational systems.

First task was the students to design a representative project's logo (referring to video games - robotics - ethics in robotics).

Students were happy to respond on this one and used various software and techniques in their designs.

Spanish Logo

Italian Logo

Greek Logo

The Good and Evil in robotics. The title is written in colours of the participants flags. Created in Tinkercad (3D model here), so it can be 3D printed! Created by Nikolaos Paliahanis. 

You can see all the logos designed  by the Greek students in this: 

Portuguese Logo

Romanian Logo

Voting portuguese logo



Nowadays, we can’t understand our way of living without technology. Therefore, it is necessary to train future European generations of citizens in the technological knowledge and advance. Hence, a part of our project focuses on robotics and application design. But it does not only requires practical preparation, it is urgent to reflect on the impact that technology causes. Therefore, another part of the project is the critical reflection of the technological phenomenon.

We want our students to be trained in the use of different programming languages with which to design video games, applications and robots. Also to make them responsible for the use of the technologies they operate on a daily basis. And to make them have a critical reflection of concepts such as: cyber-bullying, environmental impact and programmed obsolescence. The union of these two lines will create a technological seal of ethical guarantee, which will be a mark of distinction for any product that carries it, based on the principles of responsibility, sustainability and cooperation.

For the development of this project 5 educational centers from Spain, Romania, Greece, Italy and Portugal are associated. Partner Schools for the project have been selected according to whether they have a high development in at least one of the aspects of the project. We understand that the strengths of some can supply the deficiencies of others. Therefore, we will be able to create a synergy from the union that will make the project prosper and each center to improve those initial weaknesses.

Each partner school will select its students participating in a public competition, mainly attending to their interest in the humanistic and technological fields. But also to other criteria such as inclusion, equity and parity. In each transnational mobility, each country will have a team made up of 2 teachers and 6 students. The age of these will be from 14 to 16 years.

The project will last two school years and there will be five transnational mobilities, each with a duration of 2 days of travel and 4 days of activities, which will also include to show the results of the work done before each mobility. We will divide the students into two types of work groups: the first one will be made of students from each partner school and will work on the creation of an electronic device that helps to improve life at school. Another group will be a mixed one in which there is a student from each country, their job will be to study a specific problem related to technology. In each mobility, 5 creations and 6 talks will be exhibited. The works will be supervised by the teachers in charge of each area. The last activity will be the creation of a seal of ethical guarantee and the elaboration of a theoretical Decalogue to support it. In each mobility, other activities will be carried out in collaboration with external agents that will help expand our knowledge of what has been worked on. Finally, to spread the project, the students of each delegation will make a podcast that summarizes the content worked on in the project.

The methodology will be based on the principles of collaboration and communication. The project language will be English. We will create two work forums in Twinspace, one for each area of the project. Teachers will take care of stimulating and supervising its use. We will hold regular meetings to see that the established objectives are met and, if not, to correct errors. All activities will be evaluated to measure the objectives achieved and that everything is carried out as agreed.

In the short term, the impact of the project is the internationalization of each school and the knowledge of digital platforms to carry out and disseminate research work.

In the medium term, shared experiences between partner centers will have been generated and transmitted to the entire educational community and schools will incorporate into their curriculum both the shared methodologies of research work as well as the seal of ethical guarantee and the Decalogue that supports it.

In the long term, the partners undertake to maintain the use and dissemination of the seal and to include the content of the project in the schedules. In addition, the associated centers will be motivated to carry out more European projects.

The impact will be reflected on the final report that is made in the project evaluation plan.

The benefits that we can obtain are several: an improvement in our teaching work born from the exchange of methodological practices from all partner schools. Also, there will be a greater involvement of the students due to the nature of the project and its results, making life at school more attractive and reducing absenteeism and dropping out of school. In addition, from the students’ collaboration and the coexistence in the mobilities, a real feeling of European union will emerge that will spread throughout the entire educational community.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.