Meeting in Portugal, Trofa (C5)

(the Greek perspective)

C5 Mobility in Trofa

The partner school 2o Gymnasio Samou, visited Trofa in Portugal from the 8th to the 14th of May 2023 participating in the last 5th mobility of the concluding EU Erasmus+ project with title «Nuevas tecnologias, nueva mundos - New technologies, new worlds».



Here is a very welcome performance with the European Anthem by the younger students (Primary) of the school for us.

The visiting school was our partner school:
Agrupamento de Escolas da Trofa

We had the opportunity to be guided in the School premises, laboratories and our Portuguese organisers explained everything about their daily activities and their educational system.


We enjoyed very much the Robot dancing activities prepared for us...


... and all students formed a big European group and participated actively in these musical moments.

Citizens of the World

The students were given the opportunity to meet and socialize with their peers from other countries, with different cultures and to open their horizons! All the students who participated, expressed their best impressions for the Program and stated that they would like to participate in similar activities in the future!

Accommodation of our students in Trofa took place in hosting families.

Trofa: Parque De Nossa Senhora Das Dores with the Capela.

School indoor  athletic premises

This was the Agenda with all the activities of the week in Portugal:

Mobilidade Portugal 2023 programa (def) - Cópia (1).pdf

The meeting with Trofa's friendly Mayor was very inspiring as he explained everything to us about the every day activities of the Town Hall, the vision of this city for the future as well as the city's history.

At this point we would like to thank the Municipality of Trofa because it arranged all schools transportation from/to the airport of Porto with their buses, free of charge for all Erasmus+ participants.

Student's work: "Ethical Certificate"

Student presentations took place in the Auditorium of the visiting School: Escola Secundária Da Trofa.

Their task was to collaborate in multinational groups in order to conclude to a Decalogue (Good Practices) as Robotics Specifications. These specifications, from a Technological point of view should address a Way of Programming so that according to Asimov's 3 Laws "the person is not at risk of harm" (Ethical point of view), should consider the Active Period lifetime ie How a robot will be disposed of at the end of its life and what kind  of Materials should be used in its construction (natural, wood, biodegradable, no dangerous dyes?) so as not to burden the Environment both during disposal (ewaste) and during the creation of new technology (recycling).

Before the meeting in Portugal, students created 3 major multinational groups in the application WhatsApp where they shared their opinions and discussed the subject.

Each Group had to formulate 3 Laws.

The 1st GROUP considered Rules for designing and creating a robot, Manufacturing and Programming, BUILDING AND PROGRAMMING PROCESS, Avoiding Planned Obsolescence.

The 2nd GROUP dealt with Rules for robot maintenance, Rules for proper maintenance - preservation & good operation of the robot.

The 3rd GROUP investigated Rules for disposal of the robot at the end of its life, ie rules on how to withdraw it properly.

These were presented in the meeting in Portugal. TOTAL 9 RULES from the 3 TEAMS. At the end there was a consultation and one more rule was agreed as an IMPORTANT 10th RULE.

A POSTER was produced presenting the 10 Rules, along with the relevant Seal of Quality that will bear some construction that ensures these rules.

Ethical Certificate.pdf

The hosting school prepared many interesting activities like guided walks by the Ave river of Trofa. Local attractions included Parks and Churches.

Guimaraes: Nossa Senhora da Consolação e Santos Passos Church.

We were astonished by the educational daily trips to the nearby historical cities of Guimaraes and Braga. We visited the Historic centers of the cities, as well as the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus.

Braga near Jardim de Santa Bárbara

Guimaraes castle

The picnic in the park outside Braga with the participating students & teachers was very well organised and provided a great opportunity to taste the local Portuguese cuisine and dance folklore dances from all participating countries in the project.

Santuário Bom Jesus Braga Sameiro.

Universidade do Minho: Visit to its robotics laboratories.

The daily trip to Porto was the perfect concluding experience of this Erasmus+ journey. We visited the historic centre of Porto with the River Douro on the Gaia side, where the Port Wine lodges are located that are classified as World Heritage.

Porto: São Bento railway station


Porto: Torre dos Clérigos

 Vila do Conde city near Porto is a summertime destination overlooking the Atlantic ocean


Another highly interesting mobility in Erasmus+, with a European Grant from IKY, has come to an end, but the lessons we learn and the life attitudes we form are irreplaceable.

We return back to Greece with fond memories, strong partnerships and new friendships that will contribute to continuing to work for a European School without borders and by extension for a stronger Europe of tomorrow's youth.

We would especially like to thank our former Director Mrs. Patricia Hatziioannidou for our perfect cooperation and all our students for the responsibility and consistency they showed.

We sincerely thank our colleagues at the Portuguese school and the families of the Portuguese students who hosted ours for the organization. Finally, we thank the Mayor of Trofa for his warm welcome in the Municipality, the Trofa Municipio building and the taking over of free bus transfers of all national shipments to and from Porto airport.