Meeting in Greece, Samos (C2)

(the Greek perspective)

The Greek meeting took place in Samos island, Greece from 7th to 14th May 2022. This was the 2nd mobility (C2) following the one in Seville, Spain.

This was the Agenda of this meeting:

Samos Agenda EN 2022.docx

In the framework of the Erasmus+ European program "New Technologies, New Worlds",

our School, in the week of May 7th to 14th, 2022, welcomed in Samos, the 4 cooperating Schools from:

SPAIN Seville, PORTUGAL Trofa, ITALY Benevento and ROMANIA Braila.

Our School, the 2nd Gymnasium of Samos, perfectly coordinated this week of the Erasmus+ educational visit from the 4 cooperating Schools.

We gladly welcomed 38 foreign visitors, who got the best impressions by taking part in educational visits and various activities that enhance cooperation, extroversion and contact with Greek tradition and culture. The actions lasted 1 week. We especially thank the Greek families of our School who hosted foreign students.

We believe that the benefits we all derive from such opportunities are manifold as new friendships are built, tomorrow's new European citizen is shaped, but also the beliefs and idiosyncrasies of adults are transformed... for a better world. For our students, involvement in such programs may influence their future choices for studies, life and careers.

Reception of visitors to our School and exchange of souvenirs

Presentation of our students about our place, Samos, and our School, the 2nd Gymnasium of Samos. Accordingly, the students of the foreign schools presented to the rest about their countries.

Samos Our School.pptx

Mayor of Samos announcement: Today we welcomed students from the Erasmus+ European Program. The students hosted by the 2nd Gymnasium of Samos are from schools in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Romania.

The benefits for the participants are many since they broaden their horizons and develop an international outlook and perspective through the collaboration.

Many congratulations to the Principal of the 2nd Gymnasium of Samos, Mrs. Patricia Hatziioannidou and the teacher in charge, Mr. Vasilis Barekos and of course to all the students who participate as well as their families who support it.

Welcome to Samos Town Hall by the Mayor of Eastern Samos, Mr. Stanzos Georgios and the Director of the School, Ms. Hatziioannidou Patricia

Greeting from the Program Implementation Manager, Mr. Barekos Vasileios

Guided tour at the Archaeological Museum of Samos

Interviews on the local SAT TV channel. (sorry the English translation was "cut" in editing)

Guided tour of the Archaeological Museum of Samos with the tour guide Ms. Charalampaki Irini who gave the presentation in English.

From the presentations of the students' work at the Samos Town Hall.

The Students' Work that they developed was related to the subject of: Technoethics "Creation and destruction of technology"




SUBJECT CHOICE A:  Explain what is "Sustainable Development or Sustainable Development, Sustainable Technologies/Business". Give examples of national ventures (preferably local businesses) that qualify as sustainable development and explain what measures they have implemented.

Question: What are sustainable technologies and sustainable businesses?

Answer: Those that…

Question: What are the advantages of sustainable entrepreneurship?



SUBJECT CHOICE B:  Contemporary problems in technology creation. Pollution. Human exploitation in coltan mining.



SUBJECT CHOICE C:  "The technological divide"

What is it?

You can see some of our students' Presentations here:
(similar ones were also made by the students of the other schools)

Technology Gap

Presentation in Greek

Technology gap.pptx

Modern Problems in Technology Creation

Contemporary Problems In Technology Creation.pptx
The Problems Which the Creation of Technology Causes.pptx
Modern problems in technology creation - Mines human exploit.pptx

Sustainable Development

Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη Sustainable Development.pptx

In addition, there were presentations and demonstrations of robotic constructions with the Micro:bit Maqueen which aimed to improve school life.

Program code in makecode

microbit projects Samos.pptx

Having fun with Micro:bit Maqueen

Farewell Party

Meal in honor of Erasmus+ students

Visit to a Ceramics Workshop

Once again, Mr. Timos Hatzilagos welcomed us to the Hydria workshop in Koumaradai for an interesting educational visit about the history of ceramics from yesterday to today. Our excellent tour guide Mrs. Irini Charalampaki was a valuable help for the translations as well as the guided tours of the Erasmus+ groups.

The Fair Cup of Pythagoras

Raku pottery art demonstration

the students tried the pottery wheel

Visit to the General Archives of the State (GAK Samos)

On Monday, May 9th, the visiting Erasmus+ Schools from Spain, Italy, Romania and Portugal made an educational visit to the Archives of Samos (Archives of the Prefecture of Samos, a regional service of the General Archives of the State) where there is a rich historical material of manuscript books and collections from the 17th century, in Samian documents of the revolution of 1821, archives of Hegemonic Samos (1834-1912) etc. There they were guided by the Head of the GAC, Mrs. Angela Hatzimichalis, while the colleague of the 2nd Gymnasium of Samos, English teacher, Mrs. Angeliki Hasioti, took over the presentation translation into English.

Visiting the amazing and welcoming Monastery of Agia Zoni, in Vlamari Samos.

There the Archimandrite Father Amfilohios Flevaris presented us the history of the Monastery and we thank him for all his tours, treats and of course his words of love.

Visit to the Zoodochos Pigi Monastery in Vlamari, Samos

In the Archaeological site of Heraion Samos (Ancient Temple of Goddess Hera)

In the Ecclesiastical - Byzantine Museum of the Holy Metropolis of Samos, Ikaria, Fournoi. 

In the Public Central and Historical Library of Samos.

Visit to the Karlovasi Tanning Museum

Educational visit to the University of the Aegean, Karlovasi where the Aegean Robotics Team gave us a presentation of the research activity in the field of robotics and its perspectives.

There was a demonstration of the NAO humanoid robot, the "El Greco" robot and how its various parts were printed, etc.

A great Theatrical Music and Dance Performance of the Dance Club of Samos - CHOR.OS was given with the title "Everything started from fanari"

The Dance Club of Samos - CHOR.OS performed with great success the performance entitled "Everything started from fanari", on Monday 9th, Wednesday 11th and Friday 13th May 2022 at 9 pm in the Amphitheater of the General Lyceum Samos.

This performance was based on the original idea of the educator and folklore dance teacher Makis Evangelos, who also had its general supervision, based on the influences of Asia Minor on Hellenism, from 1930 to 1950.

With the tools of Greek traditional dance, song and theatrical performance, the show captured the human side of historical memory, cultural continuity and faith in the mother of all of us, Panagia (Virgin Mary)!

Great and unfulfilled loves, separations and separations, homeland and foreignness, pain and joy were presented, culminating in the festive spirit of the feast of a distant but not distant era.

All of the above was realized in an original, contemporary artistic creation, in which technology served tradition, highlighting light in a leading role, contrasting it with darkness, something that impressed the audience.

A number of diverse actors actively participated in the production, making the show so eclectic and multimodal, making history in the cultural events of Samos.

The performance was dedicated to students Claire and Aris (victims of the devastating Earthquake that hit Samos recently), through two scenes which captivated and moved the audience.

The dancers of the Dance Club of Samos - CHOR.OS starred in the performance: Vakra Vasileia, Vlacho Christina, Vourou Christiana, Douldoura Vasiliki, Michael Esambalioglou, Zafiropoulou Aglaia, Iliadou Eleni, Kakni Voula, Kariotoglou Kon/nos, Kapsopoulou Angeliki, Kiladi Marilena , Nikolaos Kortesis, Despina Litsaki, Maneta Avra, Markoulis Evangelia, Moschopoulou Thomais, Vasileios Barekos, Nicholas the Little, Papadimitriou Nicoleta, Parousina Maria, Pelekis Renatos, Skaros Georgia, Stavrianou Andriana, Sotiraki-Rizou Evangelia, Tsela Fatmira, Christodoulaki Stamatia, as well as and Mr. Skaros Athanasios, a genuine Samian dancer.

The show was attended by 60 students from Spain, Italy, Romania and Portugal as part of their visit to Samos through the Erasmus+ robotics program implemented by the 2nd Gymnasio of Samos.

Press release and photos from the performance (link).

Visits were made to areas of infinite natural beauty such as the Aidonia (Nightingales) in Agios Konstantinos.

We wandered through the alleys in the picturesque seaside town of Kokkari

Generally through experiential experiences the participants came into contact with various techniques that can be used in daily teaching practice enriching the standard face-to-face teaching.

Round dances, group hiking, group presentations in the common English language, student interactions, the exchange of opinions about educational systems and contemporary problems regarding technologies, contributed to the adoption of critical thinking in the context of a multicultural class with common characteristics.

By escaping from the traditional classroom and through collaborations we have seen in practice that the learning climate can be transformed into a pleasant and creative experience.

Certificates of the visiting Schools


Letter of thanks from the Management and Teachers' Association of the 2nd Gymnasium of Samos for Erasmus+

School Year: 2021-2022

More press releases (links):

to School's webpage

to Local News Blog