The Official Web site for NEW SYNTHETIC THEATRE.
NST is an exciting new development in virtual performance.
You can see it in Second Life or talk to Lumiere about it by clicking here.
The first production Ninety Nine Percent is a musical piece residing in Second Life based on current world events. The audience is transported through a series of dramatic scenes - and returned safely home.
The show is fully automated and runs every ten minutes all day every day.
Go to the Ticket Office at ZoHa Islands E 91,226,21. Tickets cost L$50.
The second production Jabba Jabba Jabba tells three dark tales which some of you may recognise.
The show is fully automated and runs every fifteen minutes all day every day.
Go to the Ticket Office at ZoHa Islands E 91,226,21. Tickets cost L$75.
Further productions will be developed with possible migration to the web.