
The following websites may be of interest to members of the forum:

History Ireland

The website of Ireland’s history magazine

Irish History Online

The online bibliography of Irish history

The Irish Labour History Society

The website of the Irish Labour History Society

Irish Newspaper Archives

The world’s largest Irish newspaper archive

The National Library of Ireland

The website of the National Library of Ireland

The Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism

A collaborative project involving scholars from Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, the United States and Belgium


A subscription-based biographical dictionary of British and Irish journalists

Research Society for Victorian Periodicals

An association dedicated to the study of the nineteenth century press

National Print Museum

The National Print Museum collects, documents, preserves, exhibits, interprets and makes accessible the material evidence of printing craft and fosters associated skills of the craft in Ireland

Pue’s Occurrences

An Irish History blog

National Library Newspaper s Database

A direct link to the search facility for the National Library of Ireland’s newspaper holdings

National Library Sources Database

A National Library of Ireland database for Irish research, contains over 180,000 catalogue records for Irish manuscripts

Centre for the Study of Journalism and History

Macquaire University Centre for Media History

American Journalism Historians Association