The Backdrop podcast is a monthly interview program featuring conversations with UC Davis scholars and researchers working in the social sciences, humanities, arts and culture. Hosted by public radio veteran Soterios Johnson, the conversations feature new work and expertise on a trending topic in the news.

In particular, read about our efforts to call attention to platform dominance and the need for appropriate monetization by the platforms. Visit the JCPA Resource Center to learn more about the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act, which would allow news publishers to protect local news through collectively negotiating with the tech platforms for better business terms.

News 9

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Access the latest trends and developments pertaining to news and magazine media audience and readership, including our Market Report. Leverage our tools for members, such as our Tips for Successful News Publishing Partnerships guide, ad planning calendar, and our expansive library of free house ads and educational PSAs.

Join the most respected, well-informed and well-connected community for news and magazine media professionals. As a member of the News/Media Alliance, you join the leading news and magazine media companies in shaping business strategies that will foster growth and define our industry for years to come.

Google aims to make it easier to stay informed by using technology to organize and help people access information about current issues and events. News experiences across Google are built to help you easily find news from a diversity of trusted sources so you can stay up-to-date and informed on the stories that matter most to you.

Our goal is to connect you with a broad array of perspectives and reporting to help you develop your own informed opinions. When helpful to understand a developing story, we may highlight and curate topical experiences to provide context and related perspectives around a single news event or topic.

We intend to surface sources that create content about current issues, events, and important topics, and we take steps to ensure that sources adhere to our news policies, which include requirements for transparency.

Google strives to make it easy for you to find trustworthy information and to know where that information is coming from. Our algorithms are designed to elevate news from expert and authoritative sources, and we require publishers to be transparent about behaviors like site ownership, article authorship, bylines, and more in order to be represented in news results.

Our news policies target bad behavior, regardless of political perspective. We do not allow sources that misrepresent themselves with regard to their ownership or primary purpose. This includes sources that misrepresent their country of origin or that work together in ways that mislead users about their editorial relationships or independence.

Prominence is a way to identify noteworthy news events. For example, our news algorithms take into account if news sources are heavily covering a particular news story and are featuring that coverage prominently on their sites, if a story has been highly cited by other sources, and if something contains significant original reporting.

Freshness refers to how recently the content was published and how important this is in the context of the subject. When news is happening, our algorithms may determine that a story with up-to-date information is likely more useful than an older one.

Usability assesses how easy it is to view content on a site, such as whether the site appears correctly in different browsers; whether it is designed for all device types and sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones; and whether the page loading times work well for users with slow Internet connections. Paywalls have no impact on usability in news on Google.

If you want to keep up with the news, you need to know what the important stories are at any point in time. With sections such as Top Stories in Search, the News tab, Headlines & search within Google News, news on the Assistant, and Breaking News on YouTube, our systems identify the major stories of the moment. These results are not personalized to individuals, but do vary depending on region, language and location settings.

An independent and thriving ecosystem of news sources representing diverse perspectives is essential to our mission, and to a well-informed society. We want to ensure not only that users can readily discover a diverse range of authoritative reporting, but that news partners benefit from creating it.

When we find content or behavior that violates these policies, we may remove the content from our news surfaces. In cases of repeated or egregious violations, a site may be no longer eligible to appear on our news surfaces.

Tip: These policies only apply to news surfaces. Content ineligible for news surfaces may continue to appear elsewhere in Search, as long as the content and behavior comply with any relevant policies. 0852c4b9a8

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