Junk Car Removal: The Facts and Fiction of Junk Car Towing

If you have a total, dilapidated, or unmanageable wreck taking up space in your driveway or yard, you've probably wondered a time or two what to do with it. If you've been considering getting rid of junk cars but aren't sure how to avoid scams or just have questions about the whole wrecked car salvage process, it's time to learn the facts and fiction about disposing of those old ones.

Fiction: junk cars are harmless, so they can stay there forever.

Fact: In addition to not looking good, having a rusty or brand new vintage model in your driveway or yard is pretty dangerous. From the myriad threats of sharp edges like glass and metal to poisoning and the environmental hazards of leaking fluids like antifreeze, oil and gasoline, simply leaving that old wreck where it is puts you and your family at risk. Calling a junk shipping company to pick up the vehicle is by far the safest option for your property and your family.

Fiction: Junk car removal is not available for vehicles that don't drive or don't want to roll.

Fact: Most auto transport companies will accept ANY vehicle, regardless of its status. Most junk car collection services specialize in collecting cars and trucks of all ages, sizes, and levels of wear. Since flatbeds are available in many cases, these companies can tow vehicles with broken axles, missing wheels, wrinkled frames, and other major issues. Even the most challenging situations don't mean these professionals can't remove your junk.

Fiction: Picking up junk cars is too expensive to be worth it.

Fact: Moving companies should PAY YOU to remove your old car or truck, not the other way around. Even the oldest and most damaged vehicle has value: At the very least, the metal from the car can be recycled into scrap. So don't expect to pay a lot of money, or anything! - Take that beater away. Obviously, the price the auto transport company will offer you has a lot to do with the resale value of the vehicle and its components, so the amount you get will vary. But don't get scammed if the tow truck tries to charge you! In fact, a little research online can help you determine a fair price for your scrap car, giving you bargaining power when it comes to negotiating a price for scrap cars to pay for your vehicle.

So, what are you waiting for? Now that you know the facts about the trailer, contact your local trash collector today to schedule an appointment to collect your junk. It's an easy way to improve the look and safety of your property while earning a few bucks at the same time!

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