

We are currently taking a break. We will let you know when new events are happening. 


Tuesday, February 14, 2023. 7:30 PM Central Time.

The Magic of Rama  

On February 14, 40 years ago, I had the amazing opportunity of meeting an Enlightened being. He was full of magic, power, and light. His name was Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz. Over the years, I have witnessed a wonderful array of powerful experiences, in the city, in the desert, and beyond time and space. On this special evening, I will share with you some magical stories and true incidents that changed my life forever. This will be a very powerful evening and meditation class. The class starts with a five minute meditation, followed by the lecture, a fifteen minute meditation, and a question and answer question. Join us on Zoom:

Thursday, September 22, 2022. 7:30 PM Central Time.

Manifesting Success  

Have you ever wondered why people who are raised in the same socioeconomic background, with similar education and experiences, end up achieving very different levels of success? Why is it that most of the people in the world live in poor or middle class neighborhoods, and a very small percentage live in wealthy neighborhoods? How did those people that are wealthy get there? They manifested it. How do you anything in life? You manifest it. You decide what it is you want and you make it happen. Your ability to manifest determines success in business, interpersonal relationships, health, and your level of personal satisfaction. Success and failure in other words, are dependent upon your ability to manifest. In the class we will discuss what success means to you, how to cultivate it, and achieve success in every aspect of your life. The class starts with a five minute meditation, followed by a half-hour lecture, a fifteen minute meditation, and a question and answer question. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom link:

Thursday, August 25, 2022. 7:30 PM Central Time.

The Four Agreements - Lecture and Meditation 

In the book, The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. On this evening we will discuss the power of Agreements, how they mold your life, and how to change the previous agreements you have made with yourself in order to build a better life. 

The class starts with a five minute meditation, followed by a half-hour lecture, a fifteen minute meditation, and a question and answer question. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom link:

Friday, May 13, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time.

Spiritual Crossroads

Once in a while, we come to a spiritual crosswalk. This is a place where you can turn right, left, or go straight. We go through many different crossroads in our lives, and we have passed through some of them together. The key is to find out which way to go. On this night, we will examine spiritual crossroads and how to handle them.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45 Q&A session, and a 20-minute meditation. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom link: 

Friday, April 22, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time.

Meditation and Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness is about learning to be where you are now. For example, when you are at work, you should just be working and put your whole mind into work. When your mind drifts, you should bring it back to your work. When you are driving on the freeway, you shouldn't be thinking about work and what you are going to do in the office. You should be experiencing the freeway. This discipline, which is called mindfulness, can help you have more fun in life and eliminates a tremendous amount of stress. In this class, we will discuss how to meditate in the morning, and how to take the energy from our meditation and turn it into mindfulness.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45 Q&A session, and a 20-minute meditation. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom link: 

Friday, April 8, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time.

Open Meditation and Q&A

Open Meditation and Q&A - Join us for a fun-filled evening of meditation and discussion of related topics. This is your chance to ask Roger anything you want to know about. We will also plan future lectures and events. 

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45 Q&A session, and a 20-minute meditation. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom link: 

Saturday, March 12, 2022. 

A One Day Retreat To Harmonize Mind, Body & Spirit

Join us online for a truly inspirational day with various speakers at the Dharma Center in Ocean Beach, California.

We'll follow up with a sunset meditation on the beach (sunset is 5:55pm). For more information, please go to:  

Friday, February 25, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time. 

Gaining Wisdom & Knowledge - Opening the Third Eye

The mind is made up of two parts: the surface mind and the deeper mind. The surface mind is always busy with thoughts and ideas. The deeper mind in ancient and it is connected to with all things. The Ajna chakra, or third eye, is the center of psychic wisdom. It is an inner window to the soul and an outer window for perception. Join us this evening as we talk about the Ajna chakra and concentrate on it. 

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question-and-answer session. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Online event link:

Wednesday, February 9, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time. 

Rama’s Birthday Celebration

Join us for a celebration of Rama’s life & teachings. Beginners Welcome!

Discover who Rama is and how his teachings are impacting the world today.

When: Feb 9, 2022 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Friday, January 28, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time. 

The Caretaker Personality

The Caretaker Personality is a way of dealing with the world. As you meditate, you come to realize that you don’t have one personality, you have many different selves inside you. You can choose which one to use in any situation, like choosing clothing that’s appropriate to an occasion. Two in particular — The Child and The Warrior — are of great value to the spiritual aspirant. Our inner child needs to be nurtured. Our warriors helps us to deal effectively with the world around us. In this evening we will discuss our various caretaker personalities and that which lies within all personalities.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question-and-answer session. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Online event link:

Friday, January 21, 2022. 8:00 PM Central Time. 

Overcoming Fears

This evening we will discuss how to overcome fears, whether they are small fears or large fears, fears that you are aware of or subconscious fears. What is fear anyway? It's a feeling that we feel in the pit of our stomach, in our body. It's very physical, isn't it? And when we experience that feeling, it really cuts us off from our strength, our power. It cuts us off from knowledge and experience. It's a guillotine that falls and separates.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question-and-answer session. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Online event link: 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time. 

Winter Solstice Meditation and Fire Ritual - ONLINE

We will be hosting an Online Meditation and Fire Ritual on Zoom. For the fire ritual, you will need two incense sticks, sage, or copal. We will focus on one stick first while meditating for ten minutes and focusing on the things that you want to let go off. Then we will burn that stick or throw it into the fire. After that, we will use the second stick to concentrate on the positive things we want to attract into our lives. We will meditate for another ten minutes, and then burn the second stick or throw it into the fire. Finally, we will meditate for another ten minutes and focus on all the positive things we have in our lives and being grateful to the Universe.

As you know, the Winter Solstice in the most important part of the year. During this time, we are in between the end of a year and the beginning of the other. While most people are frantically preparing for the holidays, this is an excellent time to reflect upon your life and goals for the future. It is a time to prepare for the new year and transcend your previous self. It is a perfect time to meditate, be grateful, and go beyond.

I look forward to seeing everyone there. Thank you. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Zoom link: 

Friday, December 3, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time.

Developing Willpower 

You have two choices in life. One choice is to be a normal human being. To be normal means to be frustrated, unfulfilled, and unhappy. But there is another possibility, a person can become limitless, awake, knowledgeable and powerful. Willpower determines success in business, interpersonal relations, health, whatever it is. All the activities in your life, including success and failure, are dependent upon your ability to manifest your will power. In this seminar, we will explore how to cultivate will power and will a better life for ourselves.

On this evening, we will discuss how to develop willpower. The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question-and-answer session. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Zoom link: 

Friday, November 12, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time.

Places of Power

A place of power is a vortex of energy. There are two types of places of power, one type is a personal place of power. It's a physical location that has a special meaning for you. It's specific to you, in other words. Then, there is a universal place of power, which is a place where the currents of energy are very extraordinary. Anyone who goes to one of these places would be consciously affected by it. Universal places of power are vortexes of energy.

On this evening, we will discuss places of power in the US, Mexico, and Europe. We will talk about how to approach a place of power, what to do there, and how to gain personal power from visiting these places. I will also share with you some of the magical experiences I have had in these places. It will be a powerful evening.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question-and-answer session. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Zoom link: 

Friday, November 5, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time.

Open Meditation and Q&A

Open Meditation and Q&A - Join us for a fun-filled evening of meditation and discussion of related topics. This is your chance to ask Roger anything you want to know about.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45 Q&A session, and a 20-minute meditation. Classes are offered free of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Zoom link: 

Thursday, October 21, 2021. 7:00 PM Central Time. 

Twitching with Roger - A Live Stream with Roger Cantu on Twitch 

For more details go to: 

Friday, October 15 at 8:00 PM Central Time 

What is Karma and How to Generate Better Karma

Sometimes we think that life is random, we just go through life without a plan, without a direction. Life seems chaotic, but in reality, there is only karma. Karma causes all things to happen. It is good not to think about karma as an alien force that’s outside of ourselves, because we are the generators of our own karma. Karma is your own energy – the energy patterns that emanate from your life and your actions. In the book, “Surfing the Himalayas” Master Fwap explains, “Karma is what happens to you today. It is an outgrowth of what happened yesterday. All moments and occurrences are caused by the moments and occurrences that preceded them, in an endless, causal chain of karmic interactions that lead back indefinitely through time.”

On this evening, we will explore the most interesting of all karmas – mental karma. How your mental states generate karma and how to develop better karma.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question-and-answer session. Classes are offered FREE of charge via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC. Zoom Online event link: 

Friday, October 1, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time

How to Manage and Increase Your Energy

Everything we do involves energy. The more energy you have, the more you can accomplish both physically and spiritually. During this class, we will learn that there are two sides to the study of energy. One side includes techniques for avoiding the loss of energy. The other side is how to gain energy. The primary place where we lose energy is in our interpersonal relationships with others. Therefore, we need to become aware of the effect other people have upon us and how to deal effectively with them. We will also learn to manage and increase our energy to develop better lives and brighter states of mind.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question and answer session. Classes are offered FREE of charge, via Zoom, and in personal occasionally. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC 

Online event link: 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time

Fall Equinox Meditation

In 2021, the autumnal equinox—also called the September equinox or fall equinox—arrives on Wednesday, September 22. This date marks the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a special time of the year to reflect upon the things we want to do before the end of the year. It’s an excellent time to make a plan to wrap up our projects and end the year on a high note. On this evening, we will meditate for half an hour to connect with the energy of the equinox and energize our plans for the rest of the year.

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC.

Friday, September 17, 2021. 8:00 PM Central Time

Meditation and Self-Discovery

Self-Discovery is the study of how to gain the most from your time, life, and mind. How to have an alert poised mind, a happy mind, a relaxed and balanced mind. In the study, we learn how to have more fun with our lives, and how to be more successful at work, in school, and in all phases of being. Meditation is the foundation of self-discovery. Meditation is an experience, an awareness, a way of perceiving, and a way of life. In this class, we will discuss the basic principles of meditation and self-discovery, and learn how to quiet our minds, and create new realities within our mind, so we can manifest them into life.

The class will start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by a 30 to 45-minute lecture, a 20-minute meditation, and a question and answer session. Classes are offered FREE of charge, via Zoom, and in personal occasionally. Zoom Meeting ID: 493 747 3491. Passcode: RC 

Online event link: