April 16th 2019

School Board Election


Find out more about NSU and what we do!
Tell us what we can do better!

What we did:

  • Debate
    • We alongside another organization called NEED, hosted a candidate debate. This was composed to assess how the candidates were able to interact with those of differing viewpoints and potential colleagues.
  • Forums
    • We attended forums hosted by other organizations.
      • To get acquainted with the candidate’s rhetoric and how they interacted with large amounts of their constituents.
  • Interviews
    • We (NSU) offered, and conducted by ourselves, interviews for each willing candidate towards the end of a more informed decision.
      • Gave them the opportunity to go more in depth on what/who they would be as a board member; if elected.
  • Research
    • Both online and by word of mouth.
      • Gave us an idea of what they are known for.
  • Voting
    • Members of the Newark Students’ Union, representing students across the district voted on the candidates we’d support as a collective based on the information we were able to gather.

What we looked at:

Community Involvement:

In this area we seek to get a feel of how connected to the newark public school community, each candidate has been especially before they had started running for the school board.

“Listening tours” have become a cliché first step response. While they are beneficial we are seeking candidates who already have an idea of where the NPS community stands: what’s going good and what needs drastic improvement.

Charter Schools

The effects of the expansion and practices of charter schools writ large are a commonly contested issue when speaking about what's best for Newark’s Students.

Still there are facts about the negative effects of the expansion of charter schools.

Many issues of these include:

  • Repeated overestimation of predicted enrollment which has resulted in NPS operating in a budget deficit for months, year after year.
  • Use of public money to purchase and build private property that remains with a private company even past their charter.
  • Charter school specific

Policy Knowledge

There are many ways to solve the many problems we face in the NPS district. However being a school members endows specific legislative power to those elected. Therefore it is extremely important that every board member has the skill set necessary to understand and use this power to ensure a “thorough and efficient” for Newark’s Students.

Student Power

This is what we're all about! Spending upwards of 7 hours in school each day, it is extremely important that students’ involvement in the decision making process that affects them daily is not taken lightly. For candidates we looked for unique strategies that work to promote student power in their education, and support towards our efforts to empower Newark Students.

Conflicts of Interest (X-Factor)

Who are the candidates beholden to? It is important that candidates devote themselves primarily to the students they educate and the parents that elect them. Simply put if you don't 100% support us (and show it in your actions, alliances, etc.) we CAN’T 100% or even support you at all.

Background in Education

As a legislator and decision maker in charge of Newark Public Schools, an understanding of everything from the basic principles that define education and its importance to the way that a classroom or school building functions is pertinent to fulfilling one’s role as school board member.

We’re looking for:

  • Experience/connection to
    • Students
    • Teachers
    • And School Staff
  • Credentials as an educator
  • Education Mindset (what is education, why do we need it and how do we get the best of it?)