About us

Welcome to New Vision Education!


Meet our management   认识我们的管理层

Headteacher 校长

Miss Cai used to be an English teacher in a primary school and a teacher trainer for the Guangdong Education department in China. She received MA TESOL and MSc International Business from University of Leeds. She is currently a member of staff at University of Leeds.  She is also a member of the UK Association for Promotion of Chinese Education. She has been a deputy headteacher and headteacher in a local Chinese school over the past decade. She has been leading in Chinese languages education and promoting cultural events and has helped the school and students win a host of national and international awards.

       师范毕业的蔡老师,曾任职小学英语教师、中国广东省教育厅教师培训导师,多次获省市及国家级教学技能奖,持有普通话水平测试二级甲等证书、利兹大学外语教学文学硕士及国际商务理学硕士,现任职于利兹大学。她是英国中文教育促进会委员, 在英国拥有十多年中文学校教学、副校长和校长经验,致力于中文教学及文化活动推广,带领学校和学生赢得多项国家和国际奖项。

Director 校董

With over 25 years’ experience in teaching both Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese to students of all ages, Ms Tatum Yip has received many awards, most notably the Outstanding Oversea Chinese Teacher Award. She has extensive experience in directing Chinese teaching and learning programmes within a community school environment. Mrs Yip holds a UK postgraduate degree in science. She is a great contributor in showcasing and promoting Chinese culture in the North of England.  

       叶老师拥有超过 25 年为各个年龄段的学生教授粤语和普通话的经验。 叶老师获得了许多奖项,包括海外杰出华文教师贡献奖。她在领导社区中文学校教学和学习拥有丰富的经验。叶老师持有英国科学硕士学位。她是英格兰北部推广中国文化的重要贡献者。


Everyone has an opportunity to learn and utilise Chinese language in their daily life and business activities. All communities will live harmoniously and successfully in the UK.


To introduce and teach the Chinese language and culture.

To promote Chinese culture and language to our local community and throughout the UK.

To participate in local cultural events and engage in culture integration initiatives.

To help the Chinese community integrate in the UK society.