California Ave SW PROJECT

February 19, 2019

What: Let us know what you think! Drop-in and join us to discuss the neighborhood vision for a residential 9-unit townhouse project. The project is located at 5917 California Ave SW.

When: Saturday, March 9, 2019 from 2pm to 3pm. No RSVP needed.

Where: Drop-in at High Point Branch Library Meeting Room located at 3411 SW Raymond St (see map).

Why: Provide feedback on this upcoming project. You can also provide feedback via comment below or email

Any information collected may be made public.

Additional information to be found on the Seattle Services Portal.

February 15, 2019

Project Address: 5917 California Ave SW (see map)

SDCI Number: 3033178-EG

Brief Summary: Proposed on this site are 9 townhouse units with 4 surface parking off the alley. The units are planned to be 3-story, residential and will each have secure, covered bike parking.

Contact Person: Akasha Whoolery

Provide feedback: Please email or comment below.


Any information collected may be made public.

Additional information to be found on the Seattle Services Portal.