This is writer setup with the similar Default Style (top) + Text Body (bottom) as described in the OP; the only difference between these two here is that the font is 12pt (instead of 10pt) and is bold+italic in Text Body:

C:\fakepath\Screenshot_2020-10-07_16-52-20.png831742 63 KB

(Here is my reasoning: probably Writer computes the exact size of the font when the font size is changed. However if the font size is not changed then it is able to look at the paragraph font and apply a size provided by it.).

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Hello ImJimmi. I work on the same project as Milos. Thank you so much for your answer ! So helpfull. At that point if we consider what you say the solution would be to find different otfs with different styles of the Bahnschrift font in it. However for the moment our search is not successfull. Do you know where we could find these otf ? Do you think we can use a font editor to split the styles ? If so, have you any recomandation on which editor we could use.

No, there is no place to set that- using a startup command should help but does not- the scripted version seems to be broken as far as setting a font. As far as I can see that is a bug- you should be able to add a macro like

Dave R: I have been having this exact same problem both with text font size. arrow/line settings and colors. Only since starting Sketch UP/Layout 2021. It does not matter when I set my perameters, before or after clicking the tool or font size. it seems to be a 2021 bug. Per a previous post, I am now afraid to download the update, as that started new bad issues for others. Can SketchUp fix this or is this only a problem for a few random users.

So I select the table of contents tab on the ribbon (Word 2007), then I 

select "Insert a tabel of contents..." under the automatic and manual table 

images above and I want to "modify" the "formal" format, since it's pretty 

close to what I want except for the font color, type and size. I also want 

to change the "options" since I have predefined styles I created in the 

document and I want the "TOC"s to be assigned to these styles as opposed to 

"Heading1, 2, etc.". I can change the options, but "modify" is no longer a 

choice (faded). At one point, during all my attempts I could "modify" any format in the 

"Formats" list, but now only the "from template" format allows me to both 

change the "options" or "modify". If you're wondering why don't I just change the "from template" format, I've 

tried but can't get the "tab leader" I want "..." to display.There you have it! Help please! :)

Table of Contents are their own styles, a style for level 1 heading is TOC1,

level 2 heading is TOC2, etc. Unless you use direct formatting, the style

of the Heading is independent from the style of the TOC. I can edit them

I have Word 2007 and I'm not following where to do what you are suggesting. 

I will explain what I have done though:I have a document that no longer "visibly" has a table of contents. I go to 

the ribbon bar tab "References" select "Table of contents" and get scroll 

list which shows me pictures of built-in tables (automatic and manual). 

Underneath I have the option to either "Insert a table of contents..." or 

"Remove a table of contents" (which I don't no why since I am not supposed to 

have a table of contents in document, but I have the option. The third option 

to "Save selection to ..." is grayed out, normal I assume). So I have been selecting "Insert a table of contents..." and I see the 

"Table of contents" window that gives me a "print preview" of my "From 

template" Format. "Show page numbers" is selected (which I want), "Right 

align page numbers" is grayed out and "Show levels" is available (I have 2 

selected, which is fine). "Tab leader" is selected to "..." (though I do not 

see it in the print preview window nor does it show if a table is inserted). 

The web preview selections don't interest me, so they are fine. I also have 

"Options" and "Modify" available.Under "Options", automatically TOC's are assigned to styles "Heading 1, 2, & 

3" but I removed them, because to my knowledge I have no "headings" styles 

set in the document (unless they're there and I can't see them or it's 

standard and preset for "From template" - this seems confusing to me). I have 

predefined styles that I use in my document which I created called "PlanTitle 

Style, Plan Subtitle Style, & Plan Body Style". So, I set them to "TOC 1, 2 

& 3" respectively. "Outline levels" is selected and "Table entry levels" is 

not. I select "OK" and my "Print preview" window on the "Tabel of contents" 

window chagnes to reflect my TOC assignments to my document styles.Under "Modify" of the "Table of contents" window, I can "modify" the TOCs 

styles, so for TOC1, I have:

Name: TOC1

Style type: Paragraph

Style based on: Normal

Style for following paragraph: NormalI select my font choices & I select "Format" to add the leader under "tab". 

And for "numbering" I make "1." the choice for TOC 1. I make no other 

"Format" changes. What I see in the "Modify Style" window is what I want, 

except again I see no leader and I assume that here, this is normal.I do the same for TOC 2, with its "numbering" set to "1.1", all else is the 

same.So, I click "OK" and "OK" again on the Table of contents" window to finally 

insert my table of contents and I get a table that doesn't have leaders "..."The only way I can get the leader is to select an automatic table of 

contents with leaders in it, but then I can't properly modify the TOC Style.I guess, Word 2007 simply can't create a TOC with the precise styles you 

want and then allow you to save it. I thought I did this before (as I had 

the leaders in place and everything, but I made some changes to the styles in 

the document and everything went array afterwards.

Thanks any how!

"Terry Farrell" wrote:

Refresh the TOC.

Do the Leaders remain?

Does the formatting change to your requirements?Generally the only time I use the TOC insert dialog is for the initial 

insertion of a TOC. All subsequent changes, font, indenting, leaders, etc. I 

have always done via the Style and Format dialogs.Cross-fingers


Here's where I am:I finally relooked over all the advice and I'm pretty close to what I want. 

I reached it by clearing all tabs (both the paragraph tabs under the Modify 

TOC with the Insert TOC window and the TOC modify tab button) and only having 

the leader selected and the pages numbers & right align pages numbers 

selected. I think it was the right align that did it (Dah on my part) as I'm 

don't think it was selected thus the leader wouldn't show.Now, despite all of this, I have only one issue I can't resolve, and that is 

that automatically a 3.38" tab inserts between the number before the TOC 

entry:Ex. 1. Purpose.................................1

 2. Body......................................3

 2.1 Fact 1..............................5And of course, I'd rather have it look like this: 1. Purpose..................................1

 2. Body.......................................3

 2.1 Fact 1...............................5Once in my document, I can of course delete the tab and format my table as I 

want, but if I try to save it to the gallery afterwards, the formatting is 

lost. (As my final goal is to save my precious TOC to the TOC gallery so I 

can select it from the list whenever I enter a new TOC.I've looked everywhere to see where this automatic tab is coming from and 

can't figure it out. I've changed the Modify TOC style based on (within the 

Insert TOC window), by creating a style I set up without tabs and I've 

already cleared all tabs as I mentioned above. I've changed the Modify TOC 

for the first lines to"body text" (that is to say "1. & 2. are at "body text" 

level and 2.1 is at "level 1" as opposed to having 1. & 2. at "level 1" and 

2.1 at "level 2") and once got the TOC to show as I wanted, but then when I 

tried to save this TOC in the gallery, the format didn't stay nor did it 

remain if I refresh the TOC in order to update it. Any clue where this tab is coming from and how I can get rid of it? And 

then ultimately "save" my painstakingly TOC to the gallery? 

I hope this will be taken into consideration. This makes writing custom classes very hard. If I set a different font type at a given break point, and then change my mind, I can never go back to the default setting.

I made this request a while back as well. As a temporary workaround I suggest testing fonts using the side panel on some specific pieces of text, then only applying it in project settings when you have decided what to use. Inherited settings can then fall neatly into place without disturbance.

I chatted with support and called support and both referred me to the settings where you can define the default font styles, and neither rep had any idea what I was talking about. Thank goodness I found the article here that allowed me to see a screenshot of where the font style has been otherwise I might have thought I was going mad: Landing Pages - Text editor toolbar | Max Classic

Ive been doing an essay on google docs but i have to make it fit into more pages without scaling up the font. So i was just messing around and noticed that some font styles like comic sans, take up more space then others like times new roman. So since im lazy and want to do as little work as possible what would be the biggest font style for me to use.

I have been working on an Angular 4 personal project, and wanted to add the Ubuntu font family to my Angular application. What is the best practice or style for adding a number of custom fonts to a project? I currently have saved the ubuntu font family into /assets/fonts/ubuntu-font-family-0.83 and added it to the outer most component CSS file, app.component.css with font face. 006ab0faaa

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