jr art classes

Master Acrylic Painting

"Learn the art of creating lifelike masterpieces with my Realistic Acrylic Painting Course"

71k+ YouTube Subscribers

20+ Hrs Of Content

15+ Years Of Experience

Lifetime Access To It

25+ Real-time Lessons, 20+ Hours of Video Content

Introduction to Materials

Blending Practise

Still-life Painting

Ear Painting

Lip Painting

Eye Painting

Nose Painting

Portrait of a Girl(Material and color study)

Portrait of a Girl(Underpainting and Glazing)

Portrait of a Girl(Final Touch and Varnishing)

Portrait of a Men(Material and color study)

Portrait of a Men(Underpainting and Color Mixing)

Portrait of a Girl(Final Touch and Varnishing)

Painting Hair, Cloth, Background

Fine-tuning and Detailing

Free Hand Portrait Drawing (Measurement without Grid)

Free Hand Portrait Drawing (Blending with Charcoal Pencil)

Usually ₹ 4000

Today Just At ₹ 2000 per month.

100% Money Back Guarantee

After going through all the videos, if you aren't able to draw a perfect object. Will refund you the money.

You must be thinking why am i doing this?
I am doing this as i am 100% confident that you will master it like all the other students.

When most of the courses doesn't have a good support system, i give live feedbacks on your painting

Live Feedback and Excellent Support System

Can't Believe it....

Mastering Acrylic Painting

By Youtube Sensation Debojyoti Boruah with 71k Subscribers

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Contact Us:

ph: 6281137059

Terms & Conditions:

You agree to share information entered on this page with Debojyoti Boruah Art (owner of this page) and Razorpay, adhering to applicable laws.


How can i join the course?

You can join the course simply by signing up with your login details and successful payments.

How can i join the course?

You can join the course simply by signing up with your login details and successful payments.

How can i join the course?

You can join the course simply by signing up with your login details and successful payments.

Does the videos have any expiry time restriction?

No. Once enrolled the videos can be viewed for a lifetime.

How can I watch the videos?

After successful payment, you can access the videos almost immediately from the comfort of your time on the same website.