The NM Department of Health is making their daily update (Mon - Fri) around 5-5:30pm.
View the Navajo Nation Department of Health update.
Contact John Culbertson for questions or to report errors.
Note. Due to asymptomatic cases and unreported positive cases, the NMDoH estimates that the actual case counts are 2.1 times higher than the observed case counts tracked in the charts below.
Statewide Summary
Mortality and Recovered
CDC Variants of Concern
Note. CDC Region 6 data includes NM, TX, OK, LA and AR.
Note. Case counts in this section do not include correctional facilities.
Bernalillo County
ZIP Code
USA Mortality and Recovered
Only currently active variants and subvariants will be noted in the legend of the "Region 6 Variants of Concern Estimated Distribution %" chart. Previous dominant variants are now labeled in the body of the chart.
The NMDoH has changed their vaccination tracking to include only the primary series and the Omicron booster. Charts in the "Vaccination" section reflect this change.
The start date for the county-level charts is now 3/1/2022. This will make it easier to see recent variability in trending and day-to-day totals.
The NMDoH is continuing to release daily case data by ZIP code and by county. This site will continue to update the ZIP code and daily new cases by county pages.
The NMDOH has modified its daily reporting of COVID-19 data.
They are no longer releasing mortality data by age and gender.
They have changed the reporting of test positivity rates due to the difficulty in tracking home tests.
If the NMDoH begins releasing this data again, the corresponding charts will be updated and posted back to this site.
Note. The NMDoH has added "fully vaccinated with booster" to their tracking of cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status. With this change, the vaccination status charts have been removed until a possible update reflecting this change can be made.
Added "NM Daily New Cases and Total Hospitalized as % of 2020 Peak" chart to the "Statewide Summary" section.
Note. The NMDoH released a statement explaining that today's spike in new cases is the cumulative total for 1/11 and 1/12, along with previously unreleased new cases collected over the past 12 days.
The daily tracking charts will reflect the per day average of that two-day total.
Added "NM Deaths % By Vaccination Status (Moving 4-week Total)" to the "Mortality and Recovered" section. The chart percentages reflect a moving 4-week total case count. The NMDoH releases this update every Tuesday or Wednesday.
Added "NM Hospitalization % By Vaccination Status (Moving 4-week Total)" to the "Hospitalization" section. The chart percentages reflect a moving 4-week total case count. The NMDoH releases this update every Tuesday or Wednesday.
The "NM Eligible Population Vaccination Status" chart now includes the total of those who have received a booster.
The NMDoH updated their vaccination tracking site to include those of age 5 -11. The charts in the "Vaccination" section now include this update.
Demographic charts that show the current 7 and 14-day distribution percentages now include the totals in the legends.
With the NMDoH reporting the cumulative weekend total with Monday's total, daily tracking charts will reflect the per day average of that three-day total.
Added "NM Case % By Vaccination Status (Moving 4-week Total)" to the "Vaccination" section. The chart percentages reflect a moving 4-week total case count. The chart will be updated every 7 days.
Added 7-day moving average labels to all county charts in the "Daily New Cases (3/2021 - Current)" page.
The "NM Total Case Distribution by Gender " and "NM Total Case Distribution by Race/Ethnicity" charts now include markers showing the current 7-day distribution.
The "NM Total Deaths by Age" and "NM Total Deaths by Gender" charts now include markers showing the current 14-day distribution.
Added "NM Vaccination Status of Eligible Population" chart to the "Vaccination" section. This chart also includes the estimated total who are not vaccinated. Note that the percentages include everyone who is eligible to receive the vaccine age 12 and older.
This change in the percentage calculation of everyone who are eligible to receive the vaccine was applied to the "NM Total Doses Administered" chart.
The NMDoH is still tracking total county vaccination as a percent of the adult population.
Added "CDC Variants of Concern" section, along with the "Region 6 Variants of Concern Estimated Distribution" charts. These charts will be updated every two weeks per the CDC’s epidemiology data release.
The regional data consists of the following states: NM, TX, OK, LA, AR.
Please note that the most recent two-week data are estimates provided by the CDC.
The NMDoH is also releasing epidemiology reports on variants of concern. Please see these reports to learn more about variant sampling and sequencing methodology.
The NMDoH is no longer reporting weekly ICU capacity levels in hub hospitals. If the NMDoH begins releasing this data again, the chart will be updated and posted back to the "Hospitalization" section.
Added county-level charts for daily case tracking with a start date of 3/1/2021. This will make it easier to see recent variability in trending and day-to-day totals. Each chart also includes the single day maximum case count and the date in which it occurred.
The charts are accessible by hyperlink in the "County-Level" section , the "Home V" dropdown at the top of the page, or the ≡ for mobile devices in the "Daily New Cases (3/2021 - Current)" subheading.
With the NMDoH moving all counties into the "Turquoise" level, the "NM Daily New Cases Per 10,000" chart is now in the "Statewide Summary" section, and the "NM % Positive of Tested" chart is now in the "Testing" section. See the "Vaccination and Reopening" section for the percent fully vaccinated by county.
The New Mexico Department of Health Epidemiology Division conducted an audit of the reported deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This audit resulted in an additional 113 deaths, which were added to the total on 5/23. The NMDoH has not released these additional deaths by age or gender. If this information is released, the tables and charts in the demographic and mortality sections will be updated. Read the press release for more details.
Update: The NMDoH released the additional deaths by gender. The demographic and mortality sections now include this update.
The NMDoH updated their vaccination tracking site to include those of age 12 - 15. The chart "NM % of Population Vaccinated by Age" in the "Vaccination and Reopening Status" section now includes this update.
The "NM Total Case Distribution by Age" chart now includes markers showing the current 7-day case distribution by age.
The NMDoH updated the age ranges on their vaccination tracking site. The chart "NM % of Population Vaccinated by Age" in the "Vaccination and Reopening Status" section now reflects this update.
"Green" Level
The NMDoH has updated their requirements for counties to move into the "Green" Level. Two of the following three conditions must be met:
two-week average of 7.5% or less in positivity;
two-week average of 1 per 10,000 or less in daily new cases;
40% of eligible population fully vaccinated (by 5/5), followed by an increase of 5 percentage points every two weeks.
The "Red to Turquoise" section now includes a chart to track these targets.
County assessments are made every two weeks while in the "Green", "Yellow", or "Red" level.
All prior charts now reflect these updates.
"Turquoise" Level
Counties that meet all three of the above conditions move into the "Turquoise" level.
Counties that meet two of the three conditions for four consecutive weeks will also move into the "Turquoise" level.
Once in the "Turquoise" level, county assessments are made at a 4 week interval instead of every 2 weeks.
Reopening Criteria
The NMDoH also established a target for the state to fully reopen:
60% of the eligible state population fully vaccinated.
The "Vaccination and Reopening Status" section includes a chart to track progress toward the 60% target.
The "NM Total Doses Administered" chart also includes the 60% target.
Read the NMDoH press release for more details.
The NMDoH will no longer be releasing daily updates on Saturdays and Sundays.
Mondays will now include totals for all three days.
Standard deviations will no longer be included in charts affected by this change (4/27).
The "Bernalillo County Daily New Cases" sub-chart now includes a marker showing the maximum daily new cases as part of the NMDoH "Red to Green" criteria.
Per the NMDoH: The following counties will now use an adjusted population of 6,250 for calculations of the Red to Green 14-day per 100,000 case rate: Catron, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Harding, Hildago, Mora, and Union.
The chart in the "Red to Green Status" section now reflects this change.
The NM and Bernalillo county charts that track active cases now include 8-day moving sub-charts.
The NMDoH is now reporting both federal and general population data in the overall total vaccinated. This includes the Indian Health Service, Veterans Administration, Department of Defense, and Bureau of Prisons.
The "NM Total Doses Administered" chart will now reflect this change.
The remaining NM charts that track daily new totals now include 8-day moving sub-charts.
Charts that track daily new cases will now include 8-day moving sub-charts to make it easier to see variability in trending and day-to-day totals.
Added two demographic charts (age and ethnicity) to the "Vaccination" section.
Added "NM % of Population Vaccinated by County" and "NM% of Population Registered for Vaccine by County" charts to the "Vaccination" section.
The Zip Code table now includes the numeric change in the current 7-day total from the previous week.
The NMDoH vaccine dashboard is now reporting all of the CDC metrics that were being tracked on the chart in the "Vaccination" section. This chart will now reflect the NMDoH data.
The CDC has changed their vaccination reporting totals to 1st and 2nd doses administered. The chart in the "Vaccination" section now reflects this change. If additional historical data prior to this change is provided, it will be incorporated into the chart.
Note. The CDC is no longer posting dose totals by manufacturer. If this data is made available again, the chart that tracks it will be reposted.
Added "Vaccination" section, along with "NM Total Vaccinated" and "NM Vaccine 1st Dose Administered by Manufacturer" charts.
Added trending arrows to the ZIP Code table to show the direction of change in the current 7-day total of new cases compared to the previous week.
Added markers that show the current 14-day average to the daily new cases per 10,000 chart in the "Red to Green" section.
As noted for the Zip Code table, the NMDoH makes frequent corrections to case counts. This could result in changes to previously posted totals.
Added "NMDoH 'Red to Green' Status" subsection under the "Statewide Summary" section. Included are two charts that show the NMDoH's biweekly update, along with the public health order targets:
two-week average of 5% or less in positivity;
two-week average of 8 per 100,000 or less in daily new cases (which is equivalent to 0.80 per 10,000 shown in the chart).
Note that the chart displays "per 10,000" to make direct comparisons with other metrics in this site easier.
Read the public health order for more details.
Added the 7-day total in daily new cases to the ZIP Code table.
Note. The NMDoH makes frequent corrections to case counts. This could result in changes to previously posted totals.
State, demographic and county population estimates have been updated per the University of New Mexico, Geospatial and Population Studies (GPS) Program as referenced by the NMDoH.
Added a sortable and searchable table of total cases by ZIP Code.
The table is accessible by hyperlink in the "ZIP Code-Level" section , the "Home V" dropdown at the top of the page, or the ≡ for mobile devices.
The default sort is descending by total cases.
Decimals for 1 in [population] are rounded to the nearest whole number, where [.4] and lower are rounded down to the value, and [.5] and greater are rounded up to the next value.
All fields in the table are searchable.
Columns are also arrangeable by drag and drop from the header.
Added longitudinal tracking chart for "NM Total Adult ICU Bed Capacity in Hub Hospitals".
"Unknown" and "Other" will now be tracked separately in the ethnicity table and charts.
Added "Symptoms" section and "NM Reported Symptoms from Positive Cases" chart.
Added "Hospitalization" section.
Added "NM Total Adult ICU Bed Capacity in Hub Hospitals" chart and table.
Added "NM Total Cases Per 10,000 by Region" chart to the region-level section.
Added the total cases as a percent of population under the "per 10,000" parameter in the county and region-level tables.
Added the current number of active cases to the county and region-level tables.
Added the 7-day total in daily new cases to the county and region-level tables as a supplement to the trending arrow, percent and ± change from the previous week.
Added two additional NM heat maps reporting active cases and active cases per 10,000 by county.
Added "NM % Positive of Tested by County" chart to the testing section. The date range in the chart reflects the most recent positivity data released by the NMDoH.
Added "NM % of Total Cases Currently Active " charts to the county-level and region-level section.
[(total cases - deceased - recovered) / total cases]
Added "Recovered" and "Currently Active" totals and percents, along with longitudinal tracking to the Bernalillo County total cases chart.
Reformatted "NM % Positive of Tested" chart to include tracking of the 7-day moving average. The previous version of the chart simply tracked the overall total in percent positive. This made it difficult to make discrete comparisons in rate changes between dates.
The overall total is now represented by a line for comparison to the 7-day moving average.
Added "NM Daily New Cases Per 10,000 (7-day Average)" to the county-level and region-level tables, along with the corresponding charts to make daily growth comparisons between counties and regions easier.
Counties or regions that are increasing at a rate greater of 1 per 10,000 or greater are flagged in the corresponding tables per the criteria of the Harvard Global Health Institute.
Reformatted county-level tracking charts to include counties with cases 50 per 10,000 and higher.
Added 7-day moving averages to the NM and Bernalillo County percent increase charts to make week-to-week comparisons easier. Due to extremes in early percent changes, charting begins the week growth fell below 10 percent.
Added the 7-day total in new cases compared to the previous week to the region and county-level tables. This is in addition to the trending arrows and percent changes in those tables. For weeks where there are no new cases, only a trending arrow and total will appear.
Added percent and average change from the previous week to charts with 7-day moving average descriptive statistics.
Added "NM Total Case Distribution % By Ethnicity" chart to track trending by ethnicity groups.
Added 7-day moving average line-charts to the county-level table.
Added "NM Total Case Distribution % By Age" chart to track trending by age groups.
Added trending arrows to the remaining charts with 7-day moving average descriptive statistics.
Reconciled USA charts with World-O-Meter data corrections.
Added longitudinal tracking of the current number of active cases to the "NM Total Cases" chart.
Added a trending arrow to the "NM Daily New Cases" chart to show the direction of change in the current 7-day total of new cases compared to the previous week.
Reformatted the region charts to include both the daily new cases and the 7-day moving averages, along with descriptive statistics in the legends.
Added a 7-day moving average to the "NM Daily New Cases" chart that excludes correctional facilities.
Added "NM Daily New Cases 7-day Moving Average by Region" charts.
Added "Total" rows to the region, county and ZIP code-level tables. These tables do not include correctional or detention center cases.
Added trending arrows to the county and region-level tables to show the direction of change in the current 7-day total of new cases compared to the previous week:
↓ = lower than previous week; ↑ = higher than previous week; ↔ = no change from previous week.
Added ZIP code-level section.
Added "NM Total Cases Per 10,000 By Region (Excluding Northwest)" chart to make comparisons between the other four regions easier.
Added region-level section per the NMDOH's grouping of counties.
Changed 5-day moving averages to 7-day moving averages to make week-to-week comparisons easier, along with trending due to volatility in day-to-day variability.
Added "% positive of total tested" to the county-level table
Added estimated case totals by ethnicity to the chart labels.
Changed the x-axes on tracking charts to a 7-day interval with Sunday date labels.
Added total tested and % tested to the county-level table, along with "% Tested by County" bar chart.
Added an additional NM heat map reporting cases per 10,000 by county.
Added ethnicity table and chart, along with NM population distribution % markers on the chart for percent comparisons by total cases.
Added total hospitalized to the "NM Total Cases" chart legend.
Added "Total Cases Per 10,000 by County" bar chart.
Added all counties to the county-level table.
Added "Total Cases %" and "Estimated Population %" to the county-level table. Counties in which the case % is greater than the population % will be highlighted. For example, McKinley County (currently the hardest-hit county in NM), accounts for 24.1% of the state's cases, even though it only consists of 3.5% of the state's population.
Added "NM % Positive of Total Tested" chart.
Added total tested per day per 100,000 to the "NM Tested Per Day" chart.
Worldometer made a correction to the deceased count for 4/14 resulting in the spike on that day:
"New York City today has reported 3,778 additional deaths that have occurred since March 11 and have been classified as "probable," defined as follows: “decedent [...] had no known positive laboratory test for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) but the death certificate lists as a cause of death “COVID-19” or an equivalent" [source]. We will add these to the New York State total as soon as it is determined whether the historical distribution can be obtained."
Added a frequency table and chart of cases by age range and gender. Also included in the table is the observed case-fatality ratio.
Added "Top 5 Counties with Highest Total Cases Per 10,000" chart.
Added NM recovered charts and additional NM deceased charts.
Added a 5-day moving average to the daily charts to make it easier to see variability in trending with day-to-day volatility.
Replaced future estimated doubling time with doubling time to the current total due to increased variability with current exponential growth and future logistic growth.
Changed the 7-day averaging to 5-day averaging in the daily percent change charts due to increased variability with current exponential growth and future logistic growth.
Added "NM Total Hospitalized" chart.
All line charts will now project no more than 4 days forward due to increased variability with current exponential growth and future logistic growth.
Created daily charts to make it easier to see the difference in day-to-day variability.
Added a link at the top of the page to access the overall totals for the Navajo Nation.
Added demographic charts of deceased by age and gender.
Adjusted the per cases table to include counties with 10 or more cases. Chaves and McKinley county were added to the table.
Created an archive and moved the demographic charts to this section. If the NMDoH begins releasing this data again, these charts will be updated and moved back to the main section of the page.
Added recovered and hospitalized to the "NM Reported Cases" chart.
The NMDoH did not release age or gender data with this update; added "NMDoH last data update: 3/26" to both demographic chart legends.
Added "This % is not the mortality/case fatality rate" to the % dead by reported cases to clarify the difficulties in determining the actual total number of cases and adjusting this incoming rate with the subsequent period between either death or recovery.
The NMDoH did not release age or gender data with the update.
Adjusted the per cases table from 100,000 to 10,000 and added Taos County.
Correction for 3/24/2020: the total NM cases on that day was actually 99. A previously reported positive case in Chaves County was determined to be a clerical error. The state count and county count in the above charts are now correct per the NMDoH.
Updated the demographic bar charts to include deaths and active cases within the total cases.
All line charts will now project one week forward from the current day rather than to the end of the month.
Removed trend lines from the USA recovered chart due to the irregularity in updates to the daily new number.
Updated the "NM Reported Cases" chart to include deaths and active cases. The chart accounts for the total cases. As cases resolve from either death or recovery, the active cases in the legend will reflect this difference.
Added cases per 100,000 table for the largest five NM counties by population.
Added NM total tested chart with descriptive statistics.
Added percent change in total cases from previous day for NM and Bernalillo. If increases exceed 100% in these charts, then they will be updated with growth factors instead of percents.
Removed overall daily averages and standard deviations due to non-linear growth and replaced those with daily percent change and estimated doubling time.
Added demographic charts and USA recovered chart.
Removed prediction intervals from NM and Bernalillo linear regression trend lines
Added non-linear trend lines (2nd order polynomial).
Added NM heat map reporting cases by county.
Site launched.
Data Sources
NM Model Assumptions for Estimated Case Count
NM Population and Demographics