The Bazzle respondents and the Lackey and Buggs respondentsseparately entered into contracts with petitioner Green TreeFinancial Corp. that were governed by South Carolina law andincluded an arbitration clause governed by the Federal ArbitrationAct. Each set of respondents filed a state-court action,complaining that Green Tree's failure to provide them with a formthat would have told them of their right to name their own lawyersand insurance agents violated South Carolina law, and seekingdamages. The Bazzles moved for class certification, and Green Treesought to stay the court proceedings and compel arbitration. Afterthe court certified a class and compelled arbitration, Green Treeselected, with the Bazzles' consent, an arbitrator who laterawarded the class damages and attorney's fees. The trial courtconfirmed the award, and Green Tree appealed, claiming, among otherthings, that class arbitration was legally impermissible. Lackeyand the Buggses also sought class certification and Green Treemoved to compel arbitration. The trial court denied Green Tree'smotion, finding the agreement unenforceable, but the state appealscourt reversed. The parties then chose an arbitrator, the samearbitrator who was later chosen to arbitrate the Bazzles' dispute.The arbitrator certified a class and awarded it damages andattorney's fees. The trial court confirmed the award, and GreenTree appealed. The State Supreme Court withdrew both cases from theappeals court, assumed jurisdiction, and consolidated theproceedings. That court held that the contracts were silent inrespect to class arbitration, that they consequently authorizedclass arbitration, and that arbitration had properly taken thatform.

holding is flawed on its own terms; that court neither said norimplied that it would have authorized class arbitration had theparties' arbitration agreement forbidden it. Whether Green Tree isright about the contracts presents a disputed issue of contractinterpretation. The contracts say that disputes "shall be resolved... by one arbitrator selected by us [Green Tree] with consent ofyou [Green Tree's customer]." The class arbitrator was"selected by" Green Tree "with consent of" Green Tree's customers,the named plaintiffs. And insofar as the other class members agreedto proceed in class arbitration, they consented as well. Green Treedid not independently select this arbitrator toarbitrate its dispute with the other class members, butwhether the contracts contain such a requirement is not decided bythe literal contract terms. Whether "selected by [Green Tree]"means "selected by [Green Tree] to arbitrate this dispute and noother (even identical) dispute with another customer" is thequestion at issue: Do the contracts forbid class arbitration? Giventhe broad authority they elsewhere bestow upon the arbitrator, theanswer is not completely obvious. The parties agreed to submit tothe arbitrator "[alll disputes, claims, or controversiesarising from or relating to this contract or the relationshipswhich result from this contract." And the dispute about what thearbitration contracts mean is a dispute "relating to this contract"and the resulting "relationships." Hence the parties seem to haveagreed that an arbitrator, not a judge, would answer the relevantquestion, and any doubt about the "'scope of arbitrable issues'"should be resolved" 'in favor of arbitration.''' MitsubishiMotors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 473 U. S.614, 626. The question here does not fall into the limitedcircumstances where courts assume that the parties intended courts,not arbitrators, to decide a particular arbitration-related matter,as it concerns neither the arbitration clause's validity nor itsapplicability to the underlying dispute. The relevant question hereis what kind of arbitration proceeding the parties agreedto, which does not concern a state statute or judicial procedures,cf. Volt Information Sciences, Inc. v. Board of Trusteesof Leland Stanford Junior Univ., 489 U. S. 468, but rathercontract interpretation and arbitration procedures. Arbitrators arewell situated to answer that question. Pp. 450-453.

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(b) With respect to the question whether the contracts forbidclass arbitration, the parties have not yet obtained thearbitration decision that their contracts foresee. RegardingBazzle plaintiffs, the State Supreme Court wrote that thetrial court issued an order granting class certification and thearbitrator subsequently administered class arbitration proceedingswithout the trial court's further involvement. As for Lackeyplaintiffs, the arbitrator decided to certify the class after thetrial court had determined that the identical contract in theBazzle case

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The Green Tree Frog: How a Bill Becomes a Law is an animated short film inspired by the true story of how a Georgia fourth grade class proposed the green tree frog become the Georgia State Amphibian. Created and produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting, the film is intended to be used as supplemental material for eighth grade social studies (Georgia Standards of Excellence S8CG2c).

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Green tree pythons are named for their vibrant green color. These nonvenomous snakes and found in the tropical rainforests of New Guinea, eastern Indonesia, and the northeast Cape York Peninsula of Australia.

Green tree pythons have diamond shaped heads with irregular scales and are named for their vibrant green color. They have a white or yellow vertebral stripes and many also have yellow, green or blue spots. Juveniles are born bright yellow, red or red-brown, and do not get their characteristic green color until they are 6 to 12 months old.

Their coloration helps them to camouflage and avoid predators. A juvenile's yellow color blends into the edges of the rainforest. Their brick red coloration helps them blend in with the forest floor or tree branches. The bright green of adults helps them hide among the leaves of tall trees.

A prehensile tail helps the green tree python climb and catch prey. These snakes rest coiled up, hanging horizontally on branches. They dangle their tails to lure curious prey, and then hold onto the branch with their tail when they strike.

They prefer tropical rainforests with thick vegetation and high humidity. They may also inhabit secondary forests and gardens. Most of their time is spent in trees, but they also come down onto the ground, especially at night.

Green tree pythons eat mostly small mammals and reptiles. As juveniles, they are diurnal (or active during the day) and hunt smaller animals. As adults, they are nocturnal and hunt larger prey that is more active at night.

Green tree pythons are threatened by habitat loss due to logging in rainforests, especially in western New Guinea. The need for genetic variation puts a strain on the wild population. These are also very popular in the international pet trade, due to their vibrant color, and there is a small market for their meat and skin.

Protection under CITES Appendix II should help decrease the number of green tree pythons exported for trade. Australia has national laws restricting the collection of green tree pythons and banning their importation from New Guinea. Captive breeding programs could also help meet the demand for pets without decreasing the wild population.

green-tree-yoga of pa, offers tailor-made yoga classes and workshops suitable for the needs of all students. This includes public and private groups, private classes, and corporate yoga offerings. All classes and workshops are led by Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher and Yoga Discovery podcast founder Brenda C. Eppley. Brenda was first introduced to yoga more than fifteen years ago and became serious about her practice while searching for relief from chronic back pain. The yogic tools and methodology she learned literally changed her life.

When not on the mat, in the classroom, or in the theatre, Brenda travels the world searching for adventures that will expand her understanding of our global community. In the yogic world, she is passionate about bringing new practitioners to the mat while deepening the understanding of more seasoned practitioners.

The green tree frog is 1 to 2 inches long. It is bright green, greenish gray or yellow green. Its color may vary depending on temperature and activity. It is sometimes yellower when it is calling, and it may be a duller green or gray when it is cooler or when it is resting.

It has a light cream or green belly and it may have a light white or yellowish stripe that runs from its jaw along the side of its body. The stripe can be longer on one side of its body than it is on the other. It has long toes with big, sticky toe pads that help it cling to plants. Some green tree frogs have gold spots on their backs. 


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