Legal Disclosure


(with Disclaimer Statement)

International Scientific Community can publish my 'statement', as will go in the history.

1. That this legal disclosure statement is for submission in their Respective Courts/Jurisdiction or Gov. authorities or Universities or Companies to seek final approval for the services offered by 'New Era Consultancy Services' and/or for the invitation as Invited Speaker or Keynote Speaker or Technical Committee or Technical Advisor or publication or Board Member or Special Session or Invited Position and/or Award.

2. That the undersigned Mr. Abhishek Bansal is a resident and citizen of Delhi, India.  And he has registered tradenames 'New Era Consultancy Services' and 'Learn Yourself Easy Solutions'.  And his ORCid is 0000-0002-2572-9004.

3. That the undersigned  has declared no potential conflict of interest. 

4.  That the undersigned `Mr. Abhishek Bansal' as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours. 

5. That the undersigned was never holder of any fake degree and also was never holder of fake marksheet of UGC/AICTE or any international recognised university/college/school.  

6. That the papers, datasets, codes, videos and all his work is either 100% original with variances to 90% original or 80% original, as claimed by the undersigned. His some papers are synopsis of known theory but exploration on it.

7. That all his research work has been submitted under individual and solo category,  neither representing India (or Bharat or his  homeland) nor representing anyone else.  

8.   That he has no competing interest. 

9. That there are no funders for any submission. His research works did not received any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.  He has himself fully self-financed (though his family has covered up some of his losses).

10.  That the work reported in the papers, datasets, codes, videos and all his work has been done independently and solely by him. He has himself fully self-financed and fully self-taught(for his passion) and arranged himself various tools needed to submit paper(s),with no support of any kind. He expects all his research works, would be nice Shroud for the passion and the price paid.

11. That for his homeland 'India' he said - " Their beneficiaries are bounded for their consciously works/policies/laws,world bank loan which in other word 'would be legally sold out'.  India as such was & is new face ... , ... & ... for New World Order/global order. And the plan of India degradation has been accomplished with its own help, and other plans also successful with their only help".   (necessary to disclose this to tell "I am not bounded to act").

12. That he is critical of universities/colleges and schools.  It on one side is criminal by law and after so much struggle, he could be only a... He is neither concerned nor related with any your MoU with Indian Professor or Indian university or school.  Their grads first have to openly solve live basic school & college questions and get 23 marks(Mandatory).   It is over (with no respect). 

If his ORCid profile is read,  his physical health got affected due to their's ... only and he donot has the same energy level (working 7 days a week 12+ hours with upto 18hrs) and he rather slept for 18 -20 hrs. 

Their passouts work in R&D and students as intern, on mere show of a degree. But he can still collaborate for designing and testing only his ß-BioMedical machines for humanitarian purposes only, if they pay properly (at par with their pass-out Engineer salary) and for complete designing + testing + R&D costing & time (1-3 year project expecting in 1 month) with approval letter but not for other things. The Indian Univ environment becomes suffocating after sometime, this can be understood as till date, he cannot even watch YouTube lectures, as it makes him enter into demotivation. Also, no medical device manufacturer has ever given him any project, till date. So preference is Pvt. clinic collaboration or remote your university or company. 

If he works at non-atpar Engineer salary, it is his personal project with that client,not with yours collaboration.

13.  That following are some very minor things,  which will be needed to adjust  :

14.  That he has to disclose these things, and there is nothing defamation on saying this, as if invitation talks go further, (few or some of the) general audience and even sometimes local people misunderstand (not always as other side, other kind rejection) he is representing India, from top college, concepts taught by professors, topper and high paid, which is opposite

They know how to make toppers, what to give to their young graduates and studying students ; a mere one act would be outcry, protest, condemnation and in his case others have come as opportunist, immoral, big shoe confidence, force him to bow(literal)/lick (not literal), after tons of harassment ; what happen, drama.

That he cannot do for the humiliation, harassment, and now all wrap up. 

15.  That some or many so called graduate accomplished have concern and even someone had raised concern "prohibited to work without qualification.” In his personal case, he is only representing only himself not anyone else, not country. As far as this is taken, it is not criminal. He is always attaching legal acknowledgement and disclosure(which many graduates find nonsense). 

He has never worked as an electrical contractor and never as an electrical consultant which requires license but he has saved related to genset (He apologies for it) and helped in three phase MCCB/busbar calculations , 3phase induction motor wiring with contactor/timer/star-delta & single-phase MCB wiring!  He also apologises for other protections and help done with bowing,licking.

16. Software Disclosures : Few  proprietary companies had given evaluation software with 2-5  months with even willing for 3-6 months+ further extension but didn't accepted hire contract request. 

No paid research, personal R&D work with no support, wastage of time in self teaching, time-wastage in computer crashes/problems/installing/back-up, wastage's of even investment money, bills, managing personal works when this complex R&D is not understandable by 99% and till date 5-7 computers completely dead with 6 hard disks including  1 Tb and 2 Tb hard disk disks completely dead (all self-financed).  

No industry or academic will use their time only doing this work, even if any proprietary software given free unless financed or top MNC and the author used old version software. 

The only thing, they wanted one line to add- "The author is thankful to ... company for providing software", which would be a marketing that they have done charity, their software is capable of doing this and others buy it, and this purpose is already served without mentioning one line.

He has discarded 20 software's and used n number software's and cannot mention each and every software & its story, when many of them no longer works and he has moved to open-source software's, thus, he does not has any special name to be acknowledged. 

What about losses, life years and living in such condition!

17. District Court/Criminal Cases (only) : Traffic Police (TC/655/2023, PHC, closed) and the other case (against pwd neighbor, rwa) in criminal court- (Cr 505 /2022, PHC,New Delhi).  

Allegations (with evidences submitted) are- harassment, provoking, abusing, cheating, impersonating, destroying evidences, defame, pressurising, suppressing,conspiracy to make him insane and criminal; do black magic acts(with blood, feathers, pic, syringe, vermilion, broken glasses, eggs, ashes behind number plate etc.); cigarettes and other items on his property; keep thorns which put scratches & even hurts; keep wet & inflammable & garbage things on Electricity 3phase Main supply for months; covid infected mask outside door/house(after which 3-4 people got infected but not me, which even PHC monitored by constable deployment); create parking problems; damaging car[wiper(2times), AC pipe due to which gas/oil leaked, painting car doors with wet soil, throwing soil, tyre valve, bonnet,numberplate, windshield glass(5times), scratches,dents(except 2), lock, bumper,throwing all over pwdpots red paint as stains, wine/beer bottle/can under car, cigarettes on car roof near petrol/cng cylinder and on dry leaves], damaged water pipe & motor;motor tapes with blades; themselves changed waterpipe; block drainage with cement & bags ; latest in April 2024 expensive water tank broken in between; keep items on his property; falling on stairs due to ac pipe which make stairs slippery;  uses pwd maintenance vehicles for encroachment and personal(when said retired;also goi car used to come);  pwd son threatens to do something for which I will cry a lot; national flag insult since 2021/2022; illegal towing from parking,fake fines, etc. 

Is it possible their highest authority (neighbor pwd) won't be knowing law and how come opponent housewife,labourers, pets and rwa(high court adv) know how to use/answer and fool police etc.  

Expecting him & his old mother to pick late abusive night calls (31 diff callers; 7 callers direct link and 1 labourer/caller confessed was given order to call like this way) and death threat, 3 times murder attempt (including delhi secretariat employee,23 Feb2022- continuous hit on head by helmet even after skull broken,closed by beating me,all evidences destroyed, requested 6 authorities for investigation,  later myself filed and then myself withdrawn from Court); harassment by allies (friends, maintenance, relatives, servant from NDMC) and also expect knew laws when had submitted to their authorities in time;  free time visit each week reporting new event ( like fencing, thorns going inside costly clothes, his body, car  etc.) and doing all harassment by powers granted and pay for their annual bonus by which law by LG or High Court or Supreme Court, impersonated as MCD & demolished & changed demarcation, regular harassment then ask where hospital admitted where evidence, nothing personal on rwa but they have to confess brainwash and don't on my property and other things filed in court. Big file of approx 300 pages and 10 DVDs. Instead of collecting evidences or questioning, said (my) evidences made up; evidences which are outside home, said it is of other streets/houses and he(I) irrelevantly connecting etc;  it is not called evidence, unless he(I) show their written letter etc. 

Like earlier, latest on 10 dec 2023,  accused false police complaint-'senior citizen misbehave', to arrest him and his mother when accused came to argue, his high-court adv friend threatens to destroys car in front of mother, neighbour pwd says if car gets destroyed then what with it,and rather his old mother fell on the road(again no cctv collected, no eyewitness questioned and suppressed) and earlier his pwd top plumber threatened old mother (after entering inside my house) to block water supply by GoI power, and even blocked drain with cement & bags; pwd maintenance plant labourers misbehaved with me and his old mother; sent fake police cop who threatened to put severe false case on me and his old mother; when I was not there, made my old mother visit police station several times a day for few days and stopped house internal work for approx 2 weeks using real police constable on order of (unknown)highest authority order; neighbor-pwd-officer comes with real cop when real cops already visited and collected documents, at 9pm to threat my old mother after entering inside house by GoI power; was said is it rape that I wrote to DCP  etc.

Accused regularly harass (weekly/bi-weekly) and followers show their High court advocacy and themselves record, challenge get FIR done, how dare went court, etc. and after provoking shout insane, and complain/object recording, and mock judiciary a joke. They dont cut fake police/goi stickers fines since 2015. 

Only wanted on Court record, no lifetime imprisonment, cover up of losses ; the criminal acts from your officers, pets of delhi pwd maintenance labourers/vehicles till date of 16 June 2024, again PCR has to be called when Criminal Court said to register 2nd FIR and 2nd criminal case in April 2024, is intention accomplished. And you know, arrest in 1 hr but no arrest since 2020.

Your officers will find thousand mile away accused by searching 400-1000 cctvs,  but won't search 2-5 cctvs despite writing to ... and here other invite or as VIP (for only 1 hr and nothing more than it and many already have removed on request from list) for what when others are paid and even get projects, and then give brutal torture

18.  That this is in the language written by the undersigned himself and he doesn't think it violates conformity of the language as no abusive language used, no vulgar analogy given, no obscene behaviour done and also no violent response he has given (necessary to write this- as some still taking for granted, nothing happened, big shoe crush, pressurise to do undergraduate degree from start after so much in 2024, why not class 10 again and they will cheerfully say, yes as found obedient slave, but if he licks and slave, it will be equal(not equivalent) to class10/12 ; unnecessarily forcing may not result good as they want him to do these, and you know, arrest in 1 minute). 

That with such goons and other licensed goons funded/accredited by govt policies, Hon. Court or even Hon. Delhi High Court or Hon. Supreme Court must not expect from him except humanitarian purpose, and neither Hon. Courts ever expected from him nor anything as they have accomplished graduates and experts (this is for in case in future,the country goes in emergency or other situations etc. ) .

19. That this is also no defamation as disclosure statement is mandate by law rather this affects his private career/life only.  It is simply not acceptable to him that others shamelessly bake their false ego, hypocrites, big shoe confidence, and cover up ...acts, using him.  Earlier during his career, some even objected why using engineer word-its criminal as not btech.

He has not taken all this or any of his endeavor for them or their...  He worked for which he was bounded according to his understanding.

Also, he cannot do, as for the completion of his research works, he could not take project and even had to miss interview, which is claimed by accused defence to prove him insane and unemployed, when he did multiple jobs for livelihood.

20.  That except for the passport, he has neither submitted any proof of work experience nor any  proof of attending any school (their x school system has not taught him how to write alphabet, word, draw or solve even basic maths or anything, failed to teach basic computer/internet /mouse[despite paying very high school feex and was taunted by 1-2 student]). So Panel/Jury/Judges/Justice/Court knows better what to fill in education but any of these would be satisfactory- amateur scholar/independent scholar/illiterate. He not seeking and don't want any hon. degree. Many Panels have addressed him as 'Dr.' but he has always written 'Mr.' 

21.  That his Company registration proof, ID, passport and other specific details if needed by particular organizer, are attached separately.  

22. That its upto Panel/Jury/Judges/Justice what they accept whether virtual(in-person voice is heavier than in virtually) or physical or reject, and he can accept.     

For in-person/physical, he doesn't care who the sponsor is ! and fees is expected as per standards or some fees along with full sponsorship, without which consider your invitation for cancel/reject.  Organizer may pay No fee but full sponsorship is a must, unless in other cases(depends) .

For virtual or webinar also, some fees is expected but it might be negotiated (depends) .  

23.  That he hasn’t said in detail, which will comprise 20-100 pages and still would be unsaid and the sheeple would only attack him, without understanding who ... them, and your officer/professor won't be able to show motto of non-violence, and your dept. hadn't shown any so-called fake Indian tradition(except for political or show-off ).  And he is not eligible by their own laws and a rejected, mocked, harassed person.

   It is over by age, health, felonious acts and harassment.  


Disclaimer For Clinical/Medical 

Novel ß-Unified (Non Linear)Theory/Postulates/Propositions

Novel ß-Bio Unified Theory, 

Novel ß-Bio-Equations,  ß-Bio Propositions  and ß- Bio Models 


1. All demos are proof of concept only and are not clinically tested

2. Though the work of Novel ß- Bio are meant for real life-critical  practical scenarios only, involving either human subjects or animals, these are never been clinically (trials) tested on humans nor by any doctor or any medical or any review board.  But the papers are submitted with clinical perspective, validity and testing (using simulation) to Medical Experts for peer reviewing (may or may not get published). 

3. He is re-organizing all other works in a more understandable manner as earlier work got lost in computer crash.  These are computational models, postulates/theory and do not need disclaimer but still as a caution, he is not responsible if the algorithm is misunderstood or all this is copied without understanding or improperly implemented and mishappening due to it. He is not responsible if the copied values cause mishappening

These are all Self-Claimed advancements  as 100% originality, 100%  Solo work which includes Novel ß-Bio Unified Theory, new ß-Bio-Equations, ß-Bio Propositions and ß-Bio computer models. These are based on Novel ß-Non Linear,Novel ß-Unified Theory/Postulates/Propositions and many specializations in engineering, bio-chemistry, clinical textbooks, quantum physics, bio-mathematics, bio-physics, bio-statistics, electrodynamics, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, control engineering, applied Mechanical engg , applied Fluid Dynamics, Electrical engg., Computer engg.  and Electronics engg. etc.

4. He has submitted as it is. For what he do not claim, Pls. read preprint and/or open- access peer-reviewed papers. 

5. The models can be verified by simple click and run/compile. He has attached video recording of simulation, these are not animations. In papers, these give results as per clinical textbooks & expected these to be useful, particularly when computer has to diagnose or to make medicine or machine/therapy but he do not claim any clinical or any pharma usefulness. But there is possibilty of making improved model and the testing of medicines in software itself. Full GUI application software can be easily made. 

6.  The complete submitted work - Novel ß-Bio Unified Theory,  Novel ß-Bio Postulates, Novel ß-Bio-Equations and Novel ß- Bio computer Models, do not fall under category of pre-approval and thus, ethical/Institutional Review Board under Food and Drug Administration regulations approval, is not applicable.

7.  He confirms that patient consent is not applicable for most of his work but if submitted as with practical/clinical patient's results, patient's consent is obtained.

8. The model details  and  model simulation files with complete project can be freely downloaded and discarded or modified under License Attribution : CC-BY, which means "Anyone can share, reuse, remix, or adapt this material for any purpose, providing the original author is credited and cited".  


Date :  16th June, 2024

 Place : New Delhi, India (Online)

Abhishek Bansal

  Abhishek Bansal


Abhishek Bansal

Mr. Abhishek Bansal

                    ( In-person

Category- Individual, Solo, 

not representing anyone else)