Enter a bible reference: 

 Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel First Samuel I Samuel II Samuel Second Samuel 2 Samuel First Kings I Kings 1 Kings Second Kings II Kings 2 Kings I Chronicles First Chronicles 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Second Chronicles II Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Song of Songs Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations of Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Tobit Judith Additions to Esther Greek Esther Wisdom of Solomon Sirach Ecclus Ecclesiasticus Baruch Letter of Jeremiah Azariah and Song Song of the Three Jews Prayer of Azariah Azariah and the Three Jews Susannah Bel and the dragon First Maccabees I Maccabees 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Second Maccabees II Maccabees First Esdras I Esdras 1 Esdras Prayer of Manasses Manasses Prayer of Manasseh Manasseh 3 Maccabees III Maccabees Third Maccabees Second Esdras II Esdras 2 Esdras IV Maccabees IIII Maccabees Fourth Maccabees 4 Maccabees Matthew Mark Luke John Acts of the Apostles Romans First Corinthians I Corinthians 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians II Corinthians Second Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians First Thessalonians I Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians Second Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians II Thessalonians First Timothy 1 Timothy I Timothy Second Timothy II Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James I Peter First Peter 1 Peter 2 Peter Second Peter II Peter 1 John I John First John 2 John II John Second John 3 John III John Third John Jude Revelation Apocalypse

From version 2.2.10 (March 2019) the oremus Bible Browser is now available at as well as at This means that all data is transferred between your browser and the oBB server fully encrypted. Third parties are unable to see the content of the data being transferred. All users are encouraged to switch to using the secure version.

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Alternatively, Amazon gift vouchers are a convenient method and can be purchased online at Amazon and delivered by email to simon@kershaw.org.uk . Please do use amazon.co.uk and not amazon.com or another Amazon site to buy vouchers. amazon.com vouchers can only be redeemed or spent at the US amazon.com (and similarly for other countries).

The oremus Bible Browser is, and always has been, offered free of any charge. If you would like to make a contribution to costs then donations can be accepted via Amazon or PayPal. Amazon gift vouchers can be purchased online at Amazon UK for delivery by email to simon@oremus.org

A frequently-asked question is whether it is possible to interface to the oBB. The answer is that it is, but that the interface has not been publicly documented. That has now been put right, and the web interface is described here.

In normal usage the oremus Bible Browser does not use cookiesat all. However, if you choose to customize the defaultsettings of the oBB (through the Set preferencesbutton, then your choices will be saved in a cookie that issaved to your computer and is read whenever you visit theoBB. The cookie only stores information about your defaultpreferences and is not used to track your usage of the site,and no information is passed to third parties. Third partycookies are not used at all.

Additionally, setting or unsetting dark mode sets a cookie. This cookie is not used or stored by the oremus server, nor passed to third parties. This cookie is used only to store whether or not dark mode is set, so that it can be used across pages.

A suggestion has been made that it might be helpful to compile apronunciation guide as part of the oremus Bible Browser. I would beinterested in hearing from people who might be able to help. Forfurther information, see this project page.

Version 2.2 has a new feature which allows you to dynamically toggle the display of verse and chapter numbers, footnote markers, and section headings after you have displayed a bible passage rather than having to decide in advance. These buttons will not remove these text elements if the text is copied from some web browsers into, say, a text editor. To do this click the 'Remove hidden text' button after clicking the required checkboxes, before copying text to the clipboard.

The oremus Bible Browser provides a simple interface to the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Just type in a reference to a passage in the box and press return or the submit button. In addition, the Authorized Version (or King James Version), and several other versions of the psalms are available.

We want our customers to be 100% satisfied with their Bible purchases. In the event the product is damaged during delivery we will gladly replace your Bible with a new one.

All sales from godblesstheusabible.com are final.

Are some of the pages in your Bibles sticking together? No worries, this is very common with new Bibles that have gold gilding around the edges of the paper. For your convenience, we have provided links to a Youtube video that does a wonderful job of explaining how to break your new Bible in.

No, GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign. GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates.

For questions about your order or more information about the God Bless The USA Bible, you can contact us below. You may also email support@godblesstheusa.com. One of our customer service representitives will response to your request as soon as possible. 152ee80cbc

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