Blogging Tips

 Blog Tips for Making Money from Blogging

It is a fact that the majority of bloggers, including popular bloggers, don't make much money from blogging. Not what you would call good money. There is a small group of bloggers who make a lot of money. It is possible. I have compiled a list of the best tips for bloggers who want to earn money from blogging.

1. Blog traffic for search

A popular blog post with a large amount of traffic from social media is a fleeting thing. Even if you make the front page of a website like, the traffic boost will only last a moment. The same article could bring you traffic even for years if it ranks high for a popular Google search term.

Search traffic is also targeted traffic. If your article on Blogging Tips, for example, ranks first in Google under "blogging tips", you will only receive traffic from people looking for blogging tips. You will make more money, as the traffic is targeted towards your offers and content.

2. Write long posts

You should write a long blog post containing your top 10 blogging tips rather than 10 100-word entries with one tip in each. This is because it's easier to rank 1000 words in search engines than 100. You can also promote a post more easily and have others promote it by linking to it.

3. Sell something

You will not earn money if your blog's purpose is simply to tell people about your day. Your blog must encourage some sort of profitable activity. Reading is not a form of advertising. No money is exchanged when a visitor reads the content on your blog. Reading does not earn you or anyone else money. Even your advertisers would pull their ads if all your readers did was read.

You can earn affiliate commissions if you recommend a particular product on your blog. This will happen when your readers follow your advice and purchase the product. Affiliate marketing is more accessible to bloggers who don't have their own product.

You must be willing to at least sell your traffic to a marketer who is willing to try and market to the people you are targeting. You can either sell traffic through a program such as AdSense, or directly by selling advertising.

4. Write about a commercial topic

Every blogger that writes about his or her favorite political party or sports team has to go to work every day. Bloggers who write about their passions are generally not rich, unless that passion is to make money. To make money with a blog, you must encourage some form of profitable activity. As I mentioned, no one (especially the blogger) gets paid when someone reads their words.

Certain topics are suited to blogging. These are also the topics that you don't want to blog about because there is such a crowded market. Politics is a good example, but personal finance can also be a great one. Theoretically, personal finance is an excellent topic for blogging because it's both commercial (there are many advertisers and products that the blogger can recommend) and simple to write about. There are already thousands of blogs that cover the same niche. If you plan to earn money within the next 12 months, this is a serious problem. You may make money from a personal finance website over time, but you will need a lot patience. This brings us to the next tip.

5. Blog when there are no blogs

You may be on to something if you come across a commercial topic with products and advertisers that you want to promote, but you cannot think of another blog that blogs about it. You can find blogs on just about anything you could imagine. So you need to look for niches and micro-niches that may not be so obvious. You can make a lot more money as the single blog in a $10 niche than you can as one-blog-among-a-million in a $1000 niche. Also visit scarlett johansson feet blog to know more details.

Topics that are not very appealing to the majority are good for new bloggers. If you find a niche you are interested in but would feel embarrassed to be associated with, you may have found a winner. Remember that many bloggers write under pseudonyms.

These are my five top tips for blogging to make money. I can assure that if you are willing and able to follow these guidelines, you can earn a nice income online.

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Blogging Tips