Memorial Grove

a NAHS Honor Society Student Led Community Project

Welcome to the Memorial Grove project at New Albany High School. This community-wide project is led by the National Honor Society at NAHS to design and rebuild a learning space and a place to honor students and staff who have passed in our community. Items from the original Memorial Grove have been secured and preserved to be added to the new Grove as it will be developed.  Please view the giving levels in the links below for ways to support the project. 

In addition to the giving campaign, NHS students seek sponsorships and grant funding. We have taken the community initiative opportunity to work with the New Albany Chamber of Commerce to develop presentations to local business partners to seek support for their Memorial Grove project! It is the students of NHS's goal to leave this as a legacy of their time at New Albany High School.

Additional information and resources: Memorial Grove Portal Website

Be a part of this fitting tribute at NAHS: Memorial Grove Donation Website


Check out the now COMPLETED project on Instagram: @nahsnhs & @memorialgrove