Net Metering in Nevada

Understanding Net Metering

Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows homeowners and businesses to receive credit for the excess electricity produced by their solar panels or other renewable energy systems. When your solar panels produce more electricity than you need, the excess energy is sent back to the grid, and you earn credits on your utility bill. Net metering is a win-win situation, as it promotes the use of clean energy and allows individuals to save money on their electricity costs.

Net Metering Benefits

There are several advantages of net metering in Nevada. Firstly, it allows homeowners and businesses to offset their electricity consumption with clean, renewable energy. By generating your own electricity, you reduce dependence on the traditional power grid and decrease your carbon footprint. Additionally, net metering helps to promote local job growth by supporting the renewable energy sector.

Net Metering in Nevada

Nevada has been a pioneer in promoting net metering and renewable energy. The passage of Senate Bill 374 in 2017 has led to the reinstatement of net metering in the state. This legislation supports the growth of solar and other renewable energy systems by allowing customers to export excess energy to the grid and receive retail-rate credits for any surplus electricity.

Eligibility for Net Metering

To be eligible for net metering in Nevada, you must be a customer of a regulated electricity utility, such as Nevada Energy Systems, and own or lease a renewable energy system. The system must meet the requirements of the utility's net metering program and be connected to the grid. It's important to consult with a reputable solar provider to ensure your system meets the necessary criteria.

How Net Metering Works

When your renewable energy system generates more electricity than you consume, the excess energy is sent back to the grid. This surplus energy is credited to your account, and you can use these credits to offset future electricity usage. During periods when your system generates less electricity than you need, you can draw from your accumulated credits. At the end of each billing period, you are only billed for the "net" energy consumed.

The Future of Net Metering

Net metering has proven to be a successful policy in promoting the use of renewable energy and encouraging individuals to adopt solar power. As Nevada continues to prioritize clean energy and fight against climate change, it is expected that net metering will play a significant role in the future of the state's energy landscape.