Systems neuroscience through the lens of evolutionary theory

The workshop aims at discussing the recent issue Systems Neuroscience Through The Lens of Evolutionary Theory edited by Paul Cisek and Ben Hayden published by the Royal Society, which tackles many key questions in neuroscience from the perspective of evolution. With a focus on its major principles –natural selection and the constraints of descent –, the issue discusses how evolution can help resolve many outstanding problems in neuroscience.

Note that thanks to The Royal Society, all papers in the issue will be available until the end of May 2022!

Program (EST times)

10:00 – 10:10 Introduction by Ben Hayden

10:10 – 10:40 Lisa Feldman Barrett The role of body regulation in the evolution of the vertebrate brain.

10:40 – 11:10 Luiz Pessoa Refocusing neuroscience: Moving away from mental categories and towards complex behaviors.

11:10 – 11:40 Barbara Finlay Peaceful computational coexistence in the evolving forebrain: Separating and integrating the olfactory-limbic system and the neocortex.

11:40 – 12:20 Open Discussion

12:20 – 12:35 Break

12:35 – 13:05 Joseph LeDoux From the way we were to the way we are.

13:05 – 13:35 Paul Cisek Carving up the brain at its phylogenetic joints.

13:35 – 14:05 Patricia Churchland Morality and the evolutionary origins of mammalian sociality

14:05 – 14:45 Open Discussion



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