The NeuroComputational Ethics Research Group at NC State

Our research focuses on the ethics of neuroscience and AI technology, as well as the cognitive neuroscience of Ethics. 

The Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles

Check out some recent press coverage of the research Dubljević and colleagues are conducting to examine whether autonomous vehicles can make moral decisions:

Read an interview where Dr. Dubljević discusses the team's efforts to develop new research strategies that go beyond the "trolley car problem" and investigate  moral decision-making in the autonomous vehicle context.

Watch a video of Dr. Dubljević discussing moral enhancement and the pros and cons of using biomedical intervention to alter morality.

Watch a video of Dr. Dubljević at RTP#180: Artificial Intelligence discussing Ethics in and for AI and Autonomous Vehicles (presentation begins at 25:42).

Read interviews with Allen Coin, Nora Edgren, and Ronnie Dempsey about their research in our group and their experiences in NC State's Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Program.

Read an interview with one of our team members, Elizabeth Eskander, in NC State's Humanities and Social Sciences News about her research experience with Dr. Dubljević and our group.