
Neuroengineering Summer School 2024

Neuroengineering for Improving Quality of Life

June 18th - 21st 2024


The TUM-Georgetown Neuroengineering Summer School is a yearly event, co-organized by the Center of Competence in Neuroengineering at TUM and the Center for Neuroengineering at Georgetown University.

The 1st TUM-Georgetown Neuroengineering Summer School took place in Washington in 2023. 

Educating the new Generation of Human-Centered Neuroengineers

Neuroengineering is an emerging interdisciplinary field that aims to translate findings in neuroscience to real-world practical engineering applications to improve the quality of life of people with neurological and sensorimotor disabilities. Examples are neuroprostheses for amputees, deep brain stimulation for persons with Parkinson’s disease, electrophysiological neurofeedback for patients with disorders of mental health, and soft robotic exoskeletons for neurorehabilitation. These advancements are driven by neuroscientific basic research in areas such as neural plasticity, multisensory integration, and motor control & learning,  and are guided by clinical needs and neuroethical considerations. Reciprocally, neuroscientists are gaining new insights into how the brain functions based on these advanced neuroengineering techniques. 

To maximize the benefit of neurotechnologies for patients and society at large, we have to train a new generation of neuroengineers in this interdisciplinary integration of neuroscience, engineering, and neuroethics.   


Register is closed.

Participation in the Neuroengineering Summer School is free for students and faculty from TUM and Georgetown University. Soon after your application we will get in contact with you. 

 Summer School Chairs

Prof. Dr. Gordon Cheng (TUM)

Prof. Dr. Kristen Kozielski (TUM)

Prof. Dr. Josef Rauschecker (Georgetown University)

Prof. Dr. Max Riesenhuber

(Georgetown University)


 Organizing Committee

This year's neuroengineering summer school is organized by the Neuroengineering Team at the Institute for Cognitive Systems, TUM

Nicolas Berberich 

(Lead Organizer)

Alireza Malekmohammadi

Katrin Schulleri

Annika Guez

Maria Luna Ghanime

Beste Tasci

Fengyi Wang

Elizaveta Zavialova 

Viviana Wittemeier