NeuroAI Social 

Co-located with NeurIPS 2023

New Orleans Convention Center

The NeuroAI social aims at the discussion of neuroscience-inspired AI and general intelligence. The primary objective is to facilitate insightful discussions, foster interdisciplinary collaborations, and provide a platform for researchers to share their ideas, and visions in the field. This is an in-person social for researchers working and wanting to work in the NeuroAI research field. The nature of this research area is inherently interdisciplinary and we welcome researchers from different backgrounds and interests such as neuroscience, machine learning, psychology, physics, and so forth. The social offers the opportunity for networking and informal discussion, aiming to both connect people starting out and introduce them to current NeuroAI researchers. We invite attendees from different sub-fields of NeuroAI and organize roundtable discussions for networking opportunities. 

Don't miss this chance to be part of a vibrant NeuroAI community! 

Date:    December 13th

Room:  R02 - R05


 7:00 PM 

Introduction to NeuroAI Social  [slides]

Yuwei Sun

 7:10 PM 

Consciousness as a platform for general agent

Ryota Kanai

 7:30 PM 

AI architectures through the lens of neuron-astrocyte networks

Dmitry Krotov

 7:50 PM 

Attention is all you need, but not as you know it: What can we learn from neuroscience?   

Karthik Srinivasan

8:10 PM

Roundtable discussions (with refreshments)

9:40 PM

Networking (with refreshments)

Invited Speakers

IBM Research • MIT-IBM


The University of Tokyo


Chalmers University of Technology


Hamad Bin Khalifa


This social is partially funded by Microsoft Research Asia

Let us know if you'll be attending!