One Small Serving Of “This”

Daily Helps People Over 40

Enjoy "Youthful Energy" And Clarity...

These "unusual neuro-nutrients" evaporate brain fog,lift your mood, and support a healthy memory... 

What if it as Possible to Rewind Your

Energy Levels by 10, 20, Even 30 Years 

Imagine for a moment feeling a renewed get-up-and-go to tackle chores and get things done around the house..

Imagine popping out of bed with a clear head, having the inspiration to get back to activities you love... such as tennis, gardening, traveling, even riding your bike around the neighborhood.

Imagine feeling a "mental zip" that makes learning new things, easy and fun, even late into life.

Believe or not, this all very possible,
just keep reading.

Everyone from "stressed" moms, to aging senior citizens, to entrepreneurs and professionals looking for an "edge" are experiencing the benefits of improved memory, less brain fog, more focus and concentration...

Superfoods for the Brain? 

According to the top brain researchers, a group of polyphenol-rich fruits and vegetables, adaptogen herbs, and specific neuro-nutrients can help boost BDNF levels in your brain, and have the power to provide you with more focus, clarity and a boost in mental energy.

What scientists discovered- in case after case- was that people who eat the Mediterranean diet filled with bright colored fruits and vegetables, which contain the highest levels of polyphenols... age the best by almost every single health marker...

Polyphenols Don't Just Help Your Brain... 

My latest lab results showed they help support healthy cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar, support a healthy inflammatory response in almost every part of your body, and support blood pressure which has also been demonstrating in study after study…

So I began sharing my results, encouraging others to experiment with the same weird fruits and little known brain nutrients, and educating everyone I came in contact with on the profound power of BDNF.

I even wrote a best selling book, and have over 86,000 men and women following my story and advice on Facebook.

And right away, I started hearing about their amazing results. 

Brain and Energy Enhancing Formula 

So I worked with top brain researches and nutritionists, and partnered with the leading and most trusted dietary supplement manufacture in America...

And began formulating a solution that would help as many people as possible benefit from these ingredients immediately.

Starting with a base of polyphenols, which absolutely had to be organic, and had to include specific fruits and vegetables like blueberries, beets, Acai, Acerola, pomegranate, and 28 additional ingredients chosen for their unique anti-aging and fatigue fighting abilities. 

Foods That Pump Oxygen to Your Brain 

Foods like beets and carrots (both inside our formula) contain naturally occurring nitrates.

And these naturally occurring nitrates offer health benefits because of their conversion to a remarkable substance known as nitric oxide.*

The nitrates in vegetables boost the production of nitric oxide, or NO, in the cells that line your arteries.

Acting as a potent vasodilator, nitric oxide helps widen the diameter of your blood vessels to allow a greater volume of blood to flow through, so you can enjoy more oxygen to your brain, energizing you, and also, lifting brain fog.

And healthy blood flow helps your body function at its best. Because your blood carries oxygen and nutrients to your brain and other organs. And its essential for energy production and optimal performance of your brain.

This is why its so important to get nitrate containing vegetables into your diet on a daily basis.

Here's a fun fact, Beet juice is referred to as "natural Viagra" because it does such a good job of promoting blood flow and increasing libido as you age.

But beets are only 1 of 2 blood flow superstars that NeuroActiv6 contains. 

Detoxify Your Brain 

If you’ve ever suffered from unexplained headaches, tingling and numbness in the limbs, weakness, sexual dysfunction or fuzzy thinking…

Then you may be experiencing the symptoms of neurotoxicity.

Neurotoxins are highly inflammatory, so much so that they literally stimulate your nerve cells to death, which leads to brain fog, loss of energy, and a reduced feeling of well being.

You’d like to think that our food supply is protected from neurotoxins — substances known to harm the brain.

But the US Food and Drug Administration allows 3,000 food additives to be used in the US food supply and relatively few have been tested for safety. (1)

But there are a handful of food additives that are well-documented neurotoxins.

Unfortunately, some are in popular foods found in even relatively healthy diets.

Here is my "Top 5 Hit List" of neurotoxic food additives that have been linked to brain fog, headaches, anxiety, depression, and even Alzheimer's.

Two new studies recently published links diet soft drinks to an increased risk for stroke and dementia, and can form the toxic amyloid fibrils that are the hallmark of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Eliminating these five will help you reduce exposure to brain toxins, a key factor in keeping your brain sharp for a lifetime.

Avoiding "Senior Moments" 

With that said, it's pretty easy to see why so many folks, and perhaps you're one of them...

Struggle with loss of motivation, “senior moments”, or have trouble focusing or concentrating.

Even more scary, is that often this cognitive decline seems to sneak up on us, it happens gradually, then suddenly.

Before you know it, focus and concentration start going, We find ourselves continually reading the same paragraph over and over, unable to soak in what we've just read.

You start grasping for words, thinking what was I going to say again? Why did I open the fridge?

Most people don't even notice it's happening until their boss calls them into the office for a "talk" about your "declining performance."

Or maybe a spouse or a son or daughter has to embarrassingly bring it up.

Why You Feel Drained and Sluggish 

Mitochondria are the energy producing power plants

within our cells.

They generate the majority of the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is your body’s main source of cellular fuel for energy to complete everyday tasks like walking, sprinting, working,

talking, etc.

You are constantly using ATP, and your brain needs enough of it to work properly.

Like a factory that slows down production when raw materials run low or conditions on the floor are poor, mitochondria produce less energy as you age, experience toxins or stress, or when they don't get the nutrients they need.

The result? 

A brain full of fog, a body that begins to feel more tired than usual, and likely headed for obsesity.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

By improving mitochondrial function, you can tune up your metabolism, increase your energy, think more clearly, and feel less achy. 

Boosts Mitochondrial Energy Production 

One particular nutrient called citicoline (also known as
CPD-Choline), a water soluble compound found in every cell in the body, is an exceptional brain nutrient.

Citicoline increases the activity of the mitochondria (the
energy-producing furnaces in each cell) in neurons to produce the necessary energy for proper cell function.

Citicoline is a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of the body, but it's particularly important for your brain.

It's found in very few foods and ones not often found in the Western diet, mainly liver and brain. But if you want the therapeutic brain benefits of citicoline, you can't count on getting more from food beyond what your body normally manufactures.

You'll need to take a supplement. We chose Cogninzin. Cognizin, unlike other sources of citicoline, has been clinically tested in humans.

Here are some recent study results on Cognizin:

So far it has been found to increase motor speed, improve attention, increase energy to the brain, encourage the formation of brain cell membranes, and reduce the impulsiveness of ADHD.

In fact, in a recent study it was found Cognizin® citicoline increases brain energy (atp) by 14% and speeds up formation of brain membranes by 26%.

Another study published in food and nutrition sciences found that participants who received low dose of citicoline showed improved attention and cognitive performance after just 28 days of supplementation.

And the results continued to improve the longer you take it.

Does it Really Taste Good? 

The short answer is YES.

This is because I was adamant that NeuroActiv6 had to taste so good that even my 5 year old son, who is one of the pickiest eaters on earth – would want to drink it everyday…

And the key to the great taste we achieved is because of the natural berry flavor we used to sweeten it. NeuroActiv6 is naturally sweetened with only less than 1g of sugar per serving and absolutely no artificial sweeteners.

Once it hits your lips, you'll enjoy a pleasant berry taste down to the last drop.

In fact a lot of people are surprised its so healthy for you since it taste so good 

We've created a substantially discounted

multi-bottle plan... 

Where you can get six bottle of NeuroActiv6 for just $39.95 a bottle, that's a total of 237.95.

But this special discount is only being offered to you today on this website.

I’m also going to back your order with an IRON-CLAD guarantee so that you don’t risk a
single penny.

And That's Actually Just the Beginning... 

I understand that protecting your brain, your energy levels and your mood isn't just important to you.

It’s also important to your loved ones, whether those people be a spouse, relative, or friend/ And because

I want to ensure that you and those you care about continue to enjoy mental clarity, focus, and energy

for years to come.

We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction.

That's why NeuroActiv6 comes with a 60 day, no questions asked,

full money back guarantee.

Whether you order 1, 3 or 6 canisters of NeuroActiv6, you'll be eligible for our 100% money back guarantee.

If after taking NeuroActiv6 you don’t see dramatic improvements to your mental energy, concentration and mood, and overall wellness, then I want you to simply send back the unused canisters for a fast and full refund. 

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials found at and/or from are unverified results that have been forwarded to us by users or left on Amazon, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this website may appear differently to our European customers.

NeuroActiv6s claims to support healthy BDNF and cortisol levels come from its ingredients and its ingredient’s respective studies, as well as anecdotal experiences of customers. The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.