NeurIT: Information theory in neuroscience and neuroengineering

Neuroscience and neuroengineering are at a cusp today, poised to have a deep impact on our society. The goal of the workshop is to be a catalyst in broadening and deepening information theory’s role in answering key questions in clinical and fundamental neuroscience and neuroengineering. This will in turn contribute to continued growth of information theory by both formulating new fundamental questions as well as broadening its application domain. 

In fundamental and clinical neuroscience, there is an enormous opportunity for information theory to lay a foundation for understanding of the principles of information representation, communication and processing in the brain, in health and disease. In neuroengineering, the explosion of technologies for high-resolution sensing and stimulation of the brain (a Moore’s law of neuroengineering) is a game-changer for neuroscience and clinical practice​. These opportunities require addressing new fundamental challenges in sensing, stimulation, and inference. 

The workshop will identify these challenges and opportunities in neuroscience/neuroengineering, and discuss how new results from information theory and its sibling disciplines, signal processing, machine learning, statistics, and control, can shape how this area evolves. To enable this, NeurIT includes presenters from these complementary disciplines, working on problems at the intersection of neuroscience and information theory. 

The workshop is co-located with ISIT 2023, and will be held in Athens, Greece


Details forthcoming. We encourage participants to register early as places are limited and might fill up quickly.