Sib. 6.1: Photoscore Ultimate and Ghostscript Problem

 Posted by normanm4 - 02 Feb 04:19PM Hide picture So I bought photoscore ultimate because of the raves on the box about how easy and wonderful it is, and also because you could use it with pdf's. Well, I have gotten the message "you must have ghostscript installed"-it is installed on my machine- and then i receive a message to go to your website, specifically: in order to be enlightened as to my problem. Alas, the page doesn't exist. 

I am in need of being able to use this specifically with pdf's. Please help me. So far my results are 0. 

Photoscore will NOT open pdf's on my machine. 

Other frustrations are the LACK of clear directions on where to get support. Neuratron said "you must get support from Sibelius". I am unable to find a Photoscore support area here at Sibelius....So any directions to the right place would be greatly appreciated as well. Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.1: Photoscore Ultimate and Ghostscript Problem

 Posted by Robin Walker - 02 Feb 04:39PM Hide picture This forum is fine for PhotoScore queries.

Did you install PhotoScore Ultimate from CD/DVD, or from a download? The CD/DVD has an option to install GhostScript. I suspect that the download does not.

You say that you have GhostScript installed on your PC, but:

1. is it installed in the normal default place for GhostScript, or was it a custom installation for another application? PhotoScore will only discover GhostScript if it is in the "normal" place.

2. is it a very old version of GhostScript?

What version of Windows is installed? 32-bit? 64-bit?


Sibelius 6.2, PhotoScore Ult 6.1, Dolet 5.5 for Sibelius, Windows 7 SP1 RC, 4GB RAM Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.1: Photoscore Ultimate and Ghostscript Problem

 Posted by normanm4 - 02 Feb 05:08PM Hide picture I installed from the Neuratron disc. It only has the "Photoscore Ultimate 6.mpkg" to execute. I am on a macbook pro, new one. The ghostrscript version is 8.7. Not sure about the "normal place" question. Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.1: Photoscore Ultimate and Ghostscript Problem

 Posted by Laurence Payne - 02 Feb 06:09PM Hide picture >Well, I have gotten the message "you must have ghostscript installed"-it is installed on my machine- and then i receive a message to go to your website, specifically: in order to be enlightened as to my problem. Alas, the page doesn't exist. 

I just clicked on your link and got straight to a page offering ghostscript for both PC and Mac. Maybe a temporary glitch in your Internet? Try again?

PhotoScore Ultimate ranges from "almost perfect" on material that originated in Sibelius or Finale to "more trouble than it's worth" on some other printed music. Before the current version, I felt rather cheated. Now I'm happier, and class it as a useful tool in some situations.

This is a good place to get help and advice. Note that you're dealing largely with helpful fellow-users, so don't complain, just ask! Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.1: Photoscore Ultimate and Ghostscript Problem

 Posted by normanm4 - 02 Feb 07:34PM Hide picture Thank you Laurence. Sorry if you sensed my frustration but it appeared I had just paid $300 for something with no support- I was definitely annoyed neuratron who doesn't support their own product-somewhat of a wild goose chase. 

The page I referenced above is indeed working now and solves the problem. Any other ghostscript installation package does NOT work. I tried many while trying to figure out the problem.

Thanks for the help. Back to top | Allthreads Re: Sib. 6.1: Photoscore Ultimate and Ghostscript Problem

 Posted by Daniel Spreadbury - 03 Feb 09:55AM Hide picture PhotoScore does require a very specific version of Ghostscript in order to work. Sorry that you've had problems, and I'm glad you're up and running now.


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I have had an issue with photoscore. Exporting a simple vocal and piano part (where the vocal stave is hidden for a number of bars) causes all kinds of issues. Dorico sees the vocal part as having no time signature and creates a massive single bar while the piano part displays as expected.

I have opened the same .xml file in Sibelius and it handles the file as expected. Once re-saved in Sibelius I can open in Dorico and file is ok.

Am I missing something?



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