Managers and compliance auditors often ask IT admins to present a report listing file share permissions granted to a group or a particular user. Here are a few paid and free tools that will help you save time on generating these reports.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers delivers deep visibility into your Windows file servers, including permissions. It provides a complete picture of effective permissions by user and by object across multiple file servers and shares, and understand whether those file permissions were assigned directly or via group membership. Moreover, it makes it easy for data owners to perform regular user access reviews, limiting permissions sprawl.

Netwrix Effective Permissions Reporting Tool Download


It also delivers visibility into all changes and all access events (both successful and failed) across your file storages, so you can promptly detect privilege escalation attempts and other suspicious activity. It can even identify duplicate files and stale data across your Windows file servers. Its ready-to-use reports streamline NTFS permissions audits and compliance reporting for PCI DSS, SOX, HIPAA and other regulations.

Managers and compliance auditors often ask IT admins to present a report listing file share permissions granted to a group or a particular user. Here are a few free tools that will help you save time on this report generation and export all permissions granted to a user account on a file share and list of NTFS permissions for particular folder and file.

The NTFS Permissions Reporter by CJWDEV is an extremely adept tool for tracking access permissions. It displays group users with either direct or nested access for an entire file system directory. The report can be generated in either a tree or table format with color-coded access levels.

With Netwrix Effective Permissions Reporting Tool, admins can search a user or group throughout their entire IT infrastructure. The tool then generates a permissions report for an active directory or file share, including how users gained access, that can be exported as an HTML file. This information, though much more limited than reports generated by other tools, allows admins to guard against excessive user permissions by making sure they only have the appropriate permissions for their roles at the company.

The ManageEngine ADManager Plus tool is another great Active Directory monitoring and reporting tool. It provides visibility into the shares in specified serves, including information on locations and accounts, and shows objects guarded against inheritable permissions. It aids admins with their AD control tasks and has over 150 preformatted reports for file-auditing purposes.

The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) is hands down the best NTFS permissions reporter available to demonstrate compliance and ensure internal security, preventing disastrous data leaks. Its permissions visibility capabilities are superior to any other tool on the market, free or otherwise.

Finally, ARM has a variety of tracking tools to notify system administrators when file breaches have occurred, or suspicious activity is taking place, logging all changes for later reporting. ARM can be used for free with full functionality for a 30-day demo period.

For transparent pricing and a full range of features upfront, I recommend Access Rights Manager or Security Event Manager with File Integrity Monitoring. Both are highly scalable, include customizable templates and filters, have sophisticated reporting capabilities for compliance documentation and internal presentations, and prioritize UI to make data easily visualizable. I found these two tools most intuitive to use and most informative, plus both SolarWinds products come with support and a 30-day free trial to test things out before deciding.

However I need something that can somehow scan all shares (maybe even all volumes in general, not even limited to shared folders only) without making the results very confusing. I suppose I'm looking for the effective permissions here. Then need to collate the results (ideally results from multiple servers/volumes) into a readable comprehensive report that I can hand to clients. A big ask I know.

I am not a vendor so I just gave you a link for Netwrix, they have a tool for checking Effective permissions on shares and Active Directory, File Server and Exchange change monitor. I would check them out as they are pretty good since they have a lockout examiner, inactive account and password expiration tool. Keeps a good track of things that are going in the environment.

He said that for example, the tool reported that 6 specific users had some effective permissions, but in fact when he tested it, about 11 users actually have that effective permissions. Similarly, on a group object, we found that tool report that 4 people can change "member" attribute, but we found that 9 people can actually change its membership. So far, he has only tried on a few objects (couple of admin accounts and groups, and 2 OUs), but on most of them, tool is giving incorrect results :-(

Er, I am little confused now?! If as you are saying that "it (Netwrix Effective Permissions Reporting Tool) will not give you the correct permissions if checking on more than one OU", then what good is any such tool that cannot give correct results?! For us, this is serious security audit we need to do, and we could be in big trouble if we are making decisions on incorrect results or passing on incorrect results to auditors.

If you're looking to audit privileged users in your Active Directory, then I believe as dbeato has shared above, what you really need to do is audit "Active Directory effective permissions", on all your default admin accounts and groups, OUs, any groups you're using to delegate any kind of access on/to, any accounts that have delegated privileges.

The tool collects individual employee or group permissions for accessing data across Active Directory domain or file servers. It also helps to detect excessive permissions and in case of malicious activity, allows drilling down into effective permission details for rapid investigation, thus preventing privilege abuse. The generated reports are valuable for both internal and compliance audits. 006ab0faaa

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