CCNP Security

CCNP Security, Hit or a Miss?

CCNP Security adds a feather in your cap in terms of enhancing interests in the field of knowledge of your liking. Basically, it is a perfect primary course for learning and understanding the concepts of security.

This world is at a catastrophic end! We saw how Russia’s websites were under consistent attacks during the Ukrainian war. With great cyber security threats, comes greater prevention ! This prevention is automated by certified security professionals whose demand is ever increasing. You can clearly take an idea of how CCNP certification Security will pave your way toward your futuristic goal of being a security professional.

what is CCNP Security?

This world has increased in every sphere on huge levels, take, for example, the internet, it has taken the world over by storm, we are overwhelmed by it. CCNP Security is what makes you a problem solver,a troubleshooter while being a serious candidate for content security. ( arrows)

CCNP Security is a perfect option for engineers and other networking professionals who primarily need to focus on securing network devices and implementing security measures across the network domain.

What will you learn?

  • Security components and considerations

  • To secure communications and architecture

  • Troubleshooting, monitoring & reporting tools

  • Securing access

  • Network threat defense

  • GUI’s

What exams to crack?

As far as any preconditions in regard to taking CCNP there are none! You just need to pass the core exam to get going!

However, there are four exams to take in the CCNP Security course of training

  1. 300-208

  2. 300-206

  3. 300-209

  4. 300-210

CCNP Security certification is valid for three years, and after that, it needs to be renewed. The best way to stay in the loop is to keep enrolling in different courses of your interest climbing the ladder of success in thE field of the network while moving higher towards bigger career prospects.

How CCNP Security will benefit?

Technically any certification makes you more credible and accountable amongst your peers. Also, personally, it will give you a morale boost and confidence to perform and work for the better. Recognition is what everyone desires and craves, if it benefits both ways what better to ask for? CCNP Security entails better salary packages, along with making your career graph grow higher. Job designations open after you have CCNP Security certification in your pocket :

  • Network Security Engineer

  • Security Analyst

  • Senior Network Security Engineer

  • Senior Security Solution Engineer

  • Product Security Engineer

  • Security Operations Engineer