LinkedIn sessions

Session 1

Profile optimization. Your potential clients and cooperation partners are looking for you, but can they find you? What are the keywords searchers currently use to find you? How can you increase your findability?

Result: after this session your profile will be optimized for the search engines and you will be findable.

Session 2

Connecting. How to find and connect with potential partners/clients, how to search for content, people, companies, updates, groups. How to find a warm introduction with a company that you want to get in touch with? How to ask for an introduction. How to stay up to date about developments and news in your field of expertise. How to find key-role players and follow them.

Session 3

The Power of Online networking. VCP-process explained. How to prepare for connecting with a prospect or cooperation partner. How to approach a prospect or cooperation partner anywhere in the world in any organization.

Session 4

Content and publication strategy. What are you going to publish, how often and how (which hashtags and how many. How to mention/tag persons and companies. And which strategy would be suitable to reach your goals? How to sell yourself or your product without have to sell to your network.

Session 5

LinkedIn company page. How to optimize, manage and monitor your company page. Why is a company page important? What is the difference between a personal profile and a company page. Content and publication strategy tips for a LinkedIn company page. This module is especially interesting for LinkedIn company page managers.