
NetPLACE Seminars are held every two weeks through Zoom, usually on Thursday at 16:00 UK Time (ZOOM LINK) unless otherwise specified.  Check the list of upcoming talks below for more details. Each session consists of one talk, focusing on different areas of complex systems and networks, and a following discussion on some difficulty or problem involving our research or PhD life. Each seminar is about an hour long in total, during which questions and related discussion is highly encouraged and promoted

The seminars are held by graduate or postgraduate students and the aim is to share with other early researchers interesting results and facts from their field of interest at a nontechnical level. Therefore, an advanced knowledge of a the topic is not required to attend the seminars.  

If you are interested please do not hesitate to join the next meeting and to tell your friends/colleagues. Subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on Twitter to keep updated!

NetPLACE Seminars start again in January 2024. Fill in our form if you want to give a talk and join the discussion!

Check out our past talks!

Do you want to give a talk?

(#35) Abbas K. Rizi - 16th May, 2024 at 4.00pm UK time
Aalto University (Finland)

Zoom link

Network Interplay: Competing Effects on Herd Immunity

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed gaps in our understanding of epidemic dynamics and the shortcomings of traditional models in real-world scenarios, particularly in comprehending herd immunity. This presentation will focus on how the structure of contact networks affects disease spread and intervention effectiveness. I will highlight the impact of pharmaceutical interventions like vaccination and non-pharmaceutical measures such as contact tracing on epidemic trajectories, considering factors like behavior-based homophily, group structures, spatial characteristics, and heterogeneities of contact networks. I will specifically discuss how herd immunity is influenced by the contact patterns between people in a non-trivial way. 

Science communication in Network Science

Abstract: I’m a Network Epidemiologist who moonlights as a science writer for the public. I mainly contribute to science communication as the editor-in-chief of (FA). In this part of my talk, using my experiences, I will reflect on the situation of science communication in the network science community. I’ll discuss the opportunities and materials severely lacking at all levels such as the educational material for grad students and laypeople. 

(#36) Cheick Tidiane Ba - 30th May, 2024 at 4.00pm UK time
Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom)

Zoom link





(#37) TBA - 13th June, 2024 at 4.00pm UK time

Zoom link



