I want to copy all my netbeans ftp details over to my friend's PC. I found th most of what i needed here:C:\Users\Jason Fonseca\.netbeans\7.0\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\php\project\RemoteConnections

You can run wireshark or tcpdump to get the password really easily if it's FTP, this is what I did. This works if you've forgotten the password, just listen for it using tcpdump or wireshark as it connects and it will stream the FTP password in plain text. It saved me a HUGE headache trying to find the password somewhere.

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This topic is quite old.. But, there are still some people (like me) that don't know everything about netbeans passwords, storing etc.After some googling, I've found solution: use included import/export mechanism to export passwords and import them on another machine.

Open Netbeans, go to Tools->Options, there are 2 buttons on the bottom: export and import. Click export, select file for saving, check all or choosen settings. TIP: checking all doesn't check passwords and keyring by default, so you have to check it manually. After that your settings will be saved in zip file. Copy this file to other pc and then click import. That's all.

Note that when importing the config options in another installation; most items will overwrite any existing settings. I'm not sure if items like macros, templates, keyboard shortcuts are additive -- as in, "If it's not already there, add it." or if it reset's all then changes everything to the imported settings.

Note, I've never exported the keyring & passwords before. I only export my templates, editor highlighting, and other tweaks. I can't test it right now either because my v8.0.2 installation just decided to erase & refuse to remember all my ftp connection passwords. 8(

I can move the .netbeans directory from my user directory but I cannot find how to move the .m2 directory.

Changing Netbeans'user home worked on 7.0.1, but now I upgraded to 7.1.1 and the same configuration changes as before aren't cutting it.

If it isn't working for some reason with NetBeans 7.1.1, a temporary workaround would be using a junction (Windows Xp) or a mklink (Windows Vista or Seven) in order to redirect the .m2 directory to another path.

Im trying to configure xdebug to work with Netbeans 6.9 and php 5.3

As far as i concern i have setup xdebug properly.

I can see xdebug extension from phpinfo page.

I have read other post and tried their suggestion but up to no avail

First, check that it isn't actually working for you, and you don't notice. I've done this...convinced it's not working I wasted a chunk of time trying to get it to work, only to find that everything was OK.

Look at your NetBeans status bar. If you see "netbeans-xdebug" and "running" then it is actually working just fine. You probably have the "Stop at first line" option turned off and you didn't hit any breakpoints you set (if any) yet. That would be a reason you are seeing the page with little or no indication that the debugger is actually connected.

If you instead see "Waiting for Connection (netbeans-xdebug)" and the progress bar is cycling, then you are indeed not connected. Open Tools|Options, and go to the PHP page. On the general tab, make sure that the "Debugger port" is 9000 and the "Session ID" is "netbeans-xdebug". You may want to have "Stop at First Line" checked. I don't, as I find it a bit annoying. I would definitely ensure that "Watches and Balloon Evaluation" is not checked. This option causes NetBeans and the debugger to destabilize. If you need a watch, hack a local variable into the PHP code where you need it, and you'll see it on the "Variables" tab when the debugger is running. Also, confirm that file (index.php) is specified in the project's Run Configuration > Index File.

Since you see xdebug in phpinfo(), that end of it is fine. Just make sure that all of the values look reasonable, and that there is some reference to a cookie "XDEBUG_SESSION=netbeans-xdebug" somewhere on that page. (Make sure that you don't have cookies turned off on the browser!)

The only other thing to check is to see if some firewall/security program is running that would be blocking TCP/UDP locally (which would be super-odd, but not out of the realm of possibility), or that port 9000 isn't already used by another application. I am using a different port number in my local setup for some reason. I don't remember changing it, but I am sure that the only reason I would have is if I had hit a port conflict with something else.

One last thing... We've been assuming that you are running NetBeans and the web server on the same computer. That's a common configuration, but not the only one. If your web server is on a different computer, then change the localhost in xdebug.remote_host=localhost to the IP address of the computer on which NetBeans is running.

Another last thing: When cycling through frustrating iterations, until you see xdebug info in phpinfo(), restart apache/php. Once there, still restart NetBeans between iterations. And believe it or not, restart your browser.

I couldn't figure out why some of my projects would connect to the debugger and others wouldn't. Then I realized that the ones that wouldn't connect started with index.html. Once I renamed these files to index.php, the debugger connected with no problem.

When I tried to debug the Yeoman WebApps powered by PHP backend in Netbeans, the status keep showing 'Waiting for connection'. There's probably because the index.html has nothing to do with php at all. It's only when I've triggered the ajax which needed PHP processing, the connection with xdebug immediately connected and debug as usual. Hope this give another perspective to someone as I have stumbled to 'think' there is a problem and trying to fix the ini.

We have been using the bucket for years. The access changes in 2023 have dropped a nuke on productivity by cutting us off from our repo code. The latest change was to add "Repository Access Tokens" -- easy to create, but not easy to use. I have tried every combination of username/password possible to create the url to the .git file, without success. I have tried Git for Windows, and GCM, both created new rabbit holes to drop into. I just want to be able to push/pull from our shared repositories on bitbucket. Can someone please help?

did not know windows had a credentials manager. found it. does not contain any references to bitbucket. could have been referring to GIT credentials manager, but I don't know. I don't have git installed on my computer -- did not need it.

SSH seems impossibly complex -- six different applications to install, 2 or 3 different powershell versions, none of the powershell commands run without errors, -- in short, another weeks-long nightmare.

Two different issues, two different threads. I know of no limitations on the number of simultaneous issues that can be open. So, far neither issue has been completely resolved, and the two will soon merge into the same SSH issue. An active link would seem appropriate.

I believe what you're looking for is either in the section Repository Access Tokens through the interactive password prompt or in the section Include the Repository Access Token in the URL.

I finally got it to connect. The new repository access codes did not work. Period. One of the old shorter access codes did. I have no idea why. I thought those were supposed to be old and deleted. There was considerable confusion over what username to use in the url given to netbeans. Could be: 1) x-token-auth, 2) the bitbucket account username, 3) maybe even the RAT name. Who knows? It does not say anything in the docs about it, except the explicit reference to x-token-auth, which did not work. For clarity, I am talking about :password@bitbucket.org/this/that/repo.git

This is the url that netbeans wants, or used to be before the RATS sank the ship. Drum roll.... the answer is #2, the bitbucket account username. Omit the password from the url, form your complete url, enter the short access code from olden times (last year) manually as the password, and viola, it works. At least for now. Maybe it will change again tomorrow. My client managed to get SSH to work and storing the key solved all his problems. I think he used a Linux machine, though. Cheater.

It's time to write your first application! These detailed instructions are for users of the NetBeans IDE. The NetBeans IDE runs on the Java platform, which means that you can use it with any operating system for which there is a JDK available. These operating systems include Microsoft Windows, Solaris OS, Linux, and Mac OS X.

When you create an IDE project, you create an environment in which to build and run your applications. Using IDE projects eliminates configuration issues normally associated with developing on the command line. You can build or run your application by choosing a single menu item within the IDE.

A source file contains code, written in the Java programming language, that you and other programmers can understand. As part of creating an IDE project, a skeleton source file will be automatically generated. You will then modify the source file to add the "Hello World!" message.

The IDE invokes the Java programming language compiler (javac), which takes your source file and translates its text into instructions that the Java virtual machine can understand. The instructions contained within this file are known as bytecodes.

To set this JDK as the default for all projects, you can run the IDE with the --jdkhome switch on the command line, or by entering the path to the JDK in the netbeans_j2sdkhome property of your INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/etc/netbeans.conf file.

When you created this project, you left the Create Main Class checkcbox selected in the New Project wizard. The IDE has therefore created a skeleton class for you. You can add the "Hello World!" message to the skeleton code by replacing the line:

If the build output concludes with the statement BUILD FAILED, you probably have a syntax error in your code. Errors are reported in the Output window as hyperlinked text. You double-click such a hyperlink to navigate to the source of an error. You can then fix the error and once again choose Run | Build Project. 152ee80cbc

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