This is an Java issue, which was came up due to recent windows 10 update, that started treated differently for GodMode folder/shortcut.This has been already fixed - -8179014 You can verify the fix in early access build of JDK8 update 152, which is available here

Which JDKs did you try (have you configured it in \etc\netbeans.conf?) Have you deleted %USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\12.1 already? You can also try to delete %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\12.1. BTW: NetBeans 15 was released.

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I faced such a problem today.On windows 10, If you not installed any antivirus software, check your windows difender protection history. windows difender blocks the folder modification access. In protection history, find the relavent notification and select allow on device. now this error might be solved!

Unfortunately changing dpiaware setting in the .conf file did not work on my surface 4 pro and Windows 10. I found the solution in a link in the netbeans forum that seems to be an universal solution for all(!) programs that declare to be dpiaware and actually are not (see Dan Antonellis homepage).

In netbeans, all editors used to open in the same window. For example, if I double click a file in the project explorer, or double click a file from a search result, or from a subversion "show changes view", the new editor opens in the top right window.

Edit: Netbeans behave as if I have this option activated: tools > options > windows > "New document opens next to active document tab". But if I uncheck it, nothing happens. All document still open next to active document tab. No changes if I restart the IDE.

Unfortunately I don't know of any integration tools that work with IE. If you know if any, leave a comment below. You'll always be able to debug by appending ?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug to the URL

1) Make sure to set a breakpoint in your PHP file.

 2) Start the debugger in Netbeans.

 3) Reload your web page, but not with XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug appended to the URL. Nothing should show up in your browser.

 4) Switch back to Netbeans. If you have everything configured properly, the like with the breakpoint should be highlighted and the execution of the script paused.

~ >>> netbeans

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (jar:file:/usr/lib/netbeans/platform/modules/org-netbeans-core-windows.jar!/) to field sun.awt.X11.XToolkit.awtAppClassName

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of

WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations

WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release


~ >>> netbeans

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (jar:file:/usr/lib/netbeans/platform/modules/org-netbeans-core-windows.jar!/) to field sun.awt.X11.XToolkit.awtAppClassName

WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of

WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations

WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

Here is a video link i made showing all the steps needed to compile locally on windows. The IDE is Netbeans v7.4. You can compile and download to the spark core all within the IDE. You dont need the command line for anything anymore. The IDE even...

In NetBeans, click the Debug Project icon in the toolbar (last icon on right in the tool bar). Note: In the bottom right of the NetBeans window, you'll see "Waiting For Connection (netbeans-xdebug)". Once it has connected, you will get new Debug icons to the right of the Debug Project icon. Also, the pane below will also provide Variable, Call Stack, Break points, and Drush. Nothing will appear until you refresh your Firefox page.

Subclasses are encouraged to override this method to specify their own sets of actions. Remember to call the super method when overriding and add your actions to the superclass' ones (in some order), because the default implementation provides support for standard component actions like save, close, and clone.Returns:array of actions for this componentSince:3.32openActionpublic static Action openAction(TopComponent component, String displayName, String iconBase, boolean noIconInMenu)Creates an action that opens and activates given TopComponent, when invoked. This method can also be used from XML Layer directly by following XML definition: The preferredID attribute is supported since version 6.37. If specified the action first seeks for existing preferredID component and if found, it opens and activates it. Rather than doing all this in XML, consider using TopComponent.OpenActionRegistration.Parameters:component - the component to opendisplayName - the display name of the actioniconBase - the location to the actions iconnoIconInMenu - true if this icon shall not have an item in menuSince:6.24See Also:TopComponent.OpenActionRegistrationsetCloseOperation@Deprecatedpublic final void setCloseOperation(int closeOperation)Deprecated. Do not use. It is redundant since workspaces are not supported anymore.Set the close mode for the component.Parameters:closeOperation - one of TopComponent.CLOSE_EACH or TopComponent.CLOSE_LASTThrows:IllegalArgumentException - if an unrecognized close mode was suppliedSee Also:TopComponent.close()getCloseOperation@Deprecatedpublic final int getCloseOperation()Deprecated. Do not use. It is redundant since workspaces are not supported anymore.Get the current close mode for this component.Returns:one of TopComponent.CLOSE_EACH or TopComponent.CLOSE_LASTpreferredIDprotected String preferredID()Rather than overriding this method, consider using TopComponent.Description. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method to provide preferred value for unique TopComponent ID returned by WindowManager.findTopComponentID( Returned value should be a String, preferably describing semantics of TopComponent subclass, such as "PieChartViewer" or "HtmlEditor" etc. Value is then used by window system as prefix value for creating unique TopComponent ID. Returned String value should be preferably unique, but need not be.Since:4.13componentOpenedprotected void componentOpened()Called only when top component was closed on all workspaces before and now is opened for the first time on some workspace. The intent is to provide subclasses information about TopComponent's life cycle across all existing workspaces. Subclasses will usually perform initializing tasks here.Since:2.18componentClosedprotected void componentClosed()Called only when top component was closed so that now it is closed on all workspaces in the system. The intent is to provide subclasses information about TopComponent's life cycle across workspaces. Subclasses will usually perform cleaning tasks here.Since:2.18componentShowingprotected void componentShowing()Called when TopComponent is about to be shown. Shown here means the component is selected or resides in it own cell in container in its Mode. The container is visible and not minimized. Note: component is considered to be shown, even its container window is overlapped by another window.

Note: Beside typical situations when component is hidden, it is considered to be hidden even in that case the component is in Mode container hierarchy, the cointainer is visible, not minimized, but the component is neither selected nor in its own cell, i.e. it has it's own tab, but is not the selected one.Since:2.18componentActivatedprotected void componentActivated()Called when this component is activated. This happens when the parent window of this component gets focus (and this component is the preferred one in it), or when this component is selected in its window (and its window was already focussed). Remember to call the super method. The default implementation does nothing.componentDeactivatedprotected void componentDeactivated()Called when this component is deactivated. This happens when the parent window of this component loses focus (and this component is the preferred one in the parent), or when this component loses preference in the parent window (and the parent window is focussed). Remember to call the super method. The default implementation does nothing.requestFocuspublic void requestFocus()Request focus for the window holding this top component. Also makes the component preferred in that window. The component will not be automatically opened first if it is not already. Subclasses should override this method to transfer focus to desired focusable component. TopComponent itself is not focusable. See for example CloneableEditor#requestFocus. Note: Use TopComponent.requestActive() instead to make TopComponent active in the window system (not only focused). This method should be considered deprecated for calling from outside; but it may be overridden (inside of which you may call super).Overrides:requestFocus in class JComponentrequestFocusInWindowpublic boolean requestFocusInWindow()Request focus for the top component inside focused window. Also makes the component preferred in that window. The component will not be automatically opened first if it is not already. Subclasses should override this method to transfer focus to desired focusable component. TopComponent itself is not focusable. See for example CloneableEditor#requestFocusInWindow. Note: Use TopComponent.requestActive() instead to make TopComponent active in the window system (not only focused). This method should be considered deprecated for calling from outside; but it may be overridden (inside of which you may call super).Overrides:requestFocusInWindow in class JComponentrequestActivepublic void requestActive()Activates this TopComponent if it is opened.Since:4.13toFrontpublic void toFront()Attempts to bring the parent Window or Frame of this TopComponent to front of other windows.Since:5.8requestVisiblepublic void requestVisible()Selects this TopComponent, if it is opened, but does not activate it unless it is in active mode already.requestAttentionpublic final void requestAttention(boolean brief)Cause this TopComponent's tab to flash or otherwise draw attention to itself. This method is thread-safe. It will remain flashing until either cancelRequestAttention is called, the component becomes selected or its activated state changes, unless the brief argument is true, in which case it will stop after a few second.Parameters:brief - True if the tab should blink a few times and stopSince:5.1makeBusypublic final void makeBusy(boolean busy)Notify the user that some (possibly lengthy) process is being run in this window. It is safe to call this method outside EDT.Parameters:busy - True to start 'busy' notification, 'false' to stop it.Since:6.51See Also:WindowManager.topComponentMakeBusy(, boolean)cancelRequestAttentionpublic final void cancelRequestAttention()Cause this TopComponent's tab to stop flashing if it was flashing.Since:5.1setAttentionHighlightpublic final void setAttentionHighlight(boolean highlight)Permanently highlights this TopComponent's tab until user activates it.Parameters:highlight - True to highlight the tab, false to switch the highlight off.Since:6.58See Also:TopComponent.requestAttention(boolean)setNamepublic void setName(String name)Set the name of this top component. The default implementation just notifies the window manager.Overrides:setName in class ComponentParameters:name - the new display namesetDisplayNamepublic void setDisplayName(String displayName)Sets localized display name of this TopComponent.Parameters:displayName - localized display name which is setSince:4.13getDisplayNamepublic String getDisplayName()Gets localized display name of this TopComponent.Returns:localized display name or null if there is noneSince:4.13getShortNamepublic String getShortName()Short version of TopComponent's name that doesn't include the name of activated Node.Returns:Short version of TopComponent's display name. The default implementation returns null.Since:6.52setHtmlDisplayNamepublic void setHtmlDisplayName(String htmlDisplayName)Sets localized html display name of this TopComponent. Hmtl name usually contains basic html tags for text coloring and style. Html name may be null if not needed. Must apparently begin with .Parameters:htmlDisplayName - localized html display name which is setSince:6.4getHtmlDisplayNamepublic String getHtmlDisplayName()Gets localized display name of this TopComponent with added html tags for text coloring and/or font style. May return null. Must apparently begin with .Returns:localized html display name or null if there is noneSince:6.4setToolTipTextpublic void setToolTipText(String toolTip)Sets toolTip for this TopComponent, adds notification about the change to its WindowManager.TopComponentManager.Overrides:setToolTipText in class JComponentsetIconpublic void setIcon(Image icon)Set the icon of this top component. The icon will be used for the component's representation on the screen, e.g. in a multiwindow's tab. The default implementation just notifies the window manager.Parameters:icon - New components' icon.getIconpublic Image getIcon()Rather than overriding this method, consider using TopComponent.Description.Returns:The icon of the top componentgetHelpCtxpublic HelpCtx getHelpCtx()Get the help context for this component. Subclasses should generally override this to return specific help.Specified by:getHelpCtx in interface HelpCtx.ProviderReturns:the help contextavailableModespublic List availableModes(List modes)Allows top component to specify list of modes into which can be docked by end user. Subclasses should override this method if they want to alter docking policy of top component. So for example, by returning empty list, top component refuses to be docked anywhere. Default implementation allows docking anywhere by returning input list unchanged.Parameters:modes - list of Mode which represent all modes of current workspace, can contain nulls. Items are structured in logical groups separated by null entries. Input array also contains special constant modes for docking into newly created frames. Their names are "SingleNewMode", "MultiNewMode", "SplitNewMode", can be used for their recognition. Please note that names and existence of special modes can change in future releases.Returns:list of Mode which are available for dock, can contain nullsSince:2.14processKeyBindingprotected boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed)Overrides superclass method, adds possible additional handling of global keystrokes in case this TopComoponent is ancestor of focused component.Overrides:processKeyBinding in class JComponentwriteExternalpublic void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOExceptionSerialize this top component. Subclasses wishing to store state must call the super method, then write to the stream.Specified by:writeExternal in interface ExternalizableParameters:out - the stream to serialize toThrows:IOExceptionreadExternalpublic void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundExceptionDeserialize this top component. Subclasses wishing to store state must call the super method, then read from the stream.Specified by:readExternal in interface ExternalizableParameters:in - the stream to deserialize fromThrows:IOExceptionClassNotFoundExceptionwriteReplaceprotected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamExceptionDelegates instance of replacer class to be serialized instead of top component itself. Replacer class calls writeExternal and constructor, readExternal and readResolve methods properly, so 8 any top component can behave like any other externalizable object. Subclasses can override this method to perform their serialization differentrlyThrows:ObjectStreamExceptiongetAccessibleContextpublic AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()Specified by:getAccessibleContext in interface AccessibleOverrides:getAccessibleContext in class ComponentgetLookuppublic Lookup getLookup()Gets a lookup which represents the "selection" of this component. By default the lookup includes all nodes from TopComponent.getActivatedNodes(), all objects from those nodes' own lookups (excepting the nodes themselves), and also the component's ActionMap. This is useful for components with explorer views. The default implementation also has a special behavior when you look up Node.class: if TopComponent.getActivatedNodes() is null (as opposed to an empty array), the result will contain an extra item whose Lookup.Item.getId() is none and whose Lookup.Item.getInstance() is null. This can be used by (say) node-sensitive actions to differentiate between a component with an explorer view that currently happens to have no selected nodes (zero-length array so no Lookup.Item), vs. a component with no explorer view that would never have a node selection (null so one dummy Lookup.Item); in either case Lookup.Result.allInstances() would return an empty collection. In particular, NodeAction relies on this behavior to avoid disabling an action just because focus is transferred from a component with a (potential) node selection to a component that does not have node selections. If you override the method in your subclass, the default activatedNodeslookup synchronization will not be performed. That can influence functionality that relies on activated Nodes being present in the TopComponent's lookup. If you want to preserve the synchronization, use TopComponent.associateLookup(org.openide.util.Lookup) instead.Specified by:getLookup in interface Lookup.ProviderReturns:a lookup with designates context of this componentSince:3.29See Also:ContextAwareAction, Utilities.actionsToPopup(Action[], Lookup)associateLookupprotected final void associateLookup(Lookup lookup)Associates the provided lookup with the component. So it will be returned from TopComponent.getLookup() method. When used, make sure the provided Lookup contains objects needed by other subsystems. For example, if callback actions are about to search their actions in this TopComponent, it is good idea to include this.getActionMap() in the lookup.Parameters:lookup - the lookup to associateThrows:IllegalStateException - if there already is a lookup registered with this componentSince:4.23getSubComponentspublic TopComponent.SubComponent[] getSubComponents()Retrieves sub-components this TopComponent contains. The resulting array is a snapshot valid at the time of the call and shouldn't be held for too long. This method can be called from EDT only.Returns:Array of internal sub-components or an empty array if the TopComponent has no internal sub-components.Since:6.52Skip navigation linksAPI ChangesArchitecture 6.100 Prev ClassNext ClassFramesNo FramesAll ClassesSummary: Nested | Field | Constr | MethodDetail: Field | Constr | Method ff782bc1db

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