The best way to run the command-line tools is by using one of the developer shells that Visual Studio installs. These utilities enable you to run the tools easily, without having to navigate to the installation folder. For more information, see Developer Command Prompt and Developer PowerShell.

MDbg.exe (.NET Framework Command-Line Debugger)

Helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime debugging API to provide debugging services.

.net Framework Tools Download


Older versions of the .Net Framework used to install "Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 / v1.1 / v2.0 Configuration" in the Control Panel, under Administrative Tools. I just noticed that there isn't a v3.0 or v3.5 version of this. Is this functionality now hiding somewhere else, or do I have to use the command-line tools instead?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1122,5): Error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retarget your application to a version of the framework for which you have the SDK or Targeting Pack installed. Note that assemblies will be resolved from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and will be used in place of reference assemblies. Therefore your assembly may not be correctly targeted for the framework you intend.

I'm running on MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3) Version I tend to use horizontal geometry tools for its dynamic capabilities as it is convenient to layout alignments. I've been running into issues where Microstation generates a Microsoft .NET Framework error (see below for details) every time I use these horizontal geometry tools and it eventually causes Microstation to crash and close. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

@Yoann same issue here. Clean install of Windows Server 2019 latest build, install .NET Framework offline installer 4.8, reboot and boom. Many native control panels, like Server Manager, requesting some 4.0.... version of .NET framework instead, failing to load.

@DavidSherrill This is the exact fix! For us, our RMM tool stopped working on a server 2019 standard server. It's services wouldn't start. Event Viewer complained about .net. Also server manager wouldn't open with the exact message you mentioned. Applying this fixed it all. thanks!!

YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE LEGEND! THANK YOU! THIS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION THAT WORKED! Every other solution I've googled of this problem has been some variation of "turn net framework on/off in the "turn windows features on or off" app" or "reinstall the newest version of .net" or "did you try restarting your computer?" (OF COURSE I TRIED RESTARTING MY COMPUTER!! DO THEY THINK I'M AN INFANT??)

F# is an open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language that enables developers to tackle computing problems with simple, maintainable, and robust code. F# is on GitHub, and many tools and libraries are available from the F# community.

ASP.NET is an open source web framework for building great web apps and services. Build beautiful, responsive, web UIs all with C# instead of JavaScript. You can also create web APIs and mobile sites, use real-time technologies like Web Sockets, and more.

Additionally, a generic coverage format is also supported if you wish to use an unsupported tool (though you will have to convert its output to the generic format yourself). In this section, we discuss the directly supported tools. For information on the generic format, see Generic test data.

Years of experience in dealing with multiple projects with different languages and platforms is always overwhelming. Businesses face a real struggle in developing customized web-based applications, but with the .NET development framework, the process has become a lot easier. Several third-party development tools have grown quite popular. These efficient dot net developer tools make jobs like measuring code quality, fixing bugs in .NET code, and other .NET application development tasks easier. To gain first-hand knowledge, you must have knowledge of the most important and effective development tools available in the market. After intense research, you can choose the correct tool. Having dealt with a variety of projects, either complex or simpler, different projects and under different priorities, we felt like sharing the essential dot net development tools used most on a daily basis to analyze code quality.

Visual Studio is a lightweight yet powerful source code editor by far, and with the most comprehensive Integrated Development Environment that every .NET developer recommends using it for developing websites, web applications, and web services. Its IDE offers .NET developers with the most productive and efficient way to get results from all the ones available in the market. Thanks to the well-designed features of Visual Studio Gallery like code completion, code suggestions, easy access to object definitions, and debugging and profiling tools. It also has a user-friendly interface that integrates with many source control systems, such as Git, making it simple to use and the most essential tool to manage branches.

NuGet is open-source software with an intuitive graphical user interface. It is widely used by .NET developers for developing and browsing NuGet packages. Microsoft develops it specifically for .NET platforms and is the most comprehensive database of .NET third-party components. NuGet is your primary tool for introducing frameworks, libraries, and modules into your.NET applications; however, it is best used in conjunction with an extra explorer tool. The NuGet package manager, together with its Gallery, serves as a central package repository for usage with the .NET NuGet package allows you to factor in your own code for usage in your own applications.

It includes around 150 thousand distinct packages to develop projects and more than a million users from a variety of other developer tools. If you are a beginner and want to learn NuGet from scratch then you can watch the below video.

.NET framework is much more versatile in developing various kinds of business applications. Every .NET development company and .NET developer will not deny the effectiveness of LINQPad. The tool that makes it possible for .Net programmers can immediately use it for testing code snippets and query databases using LINQ or SQL Server express. It is popular due to its extensive output formatting, built-in debugging, optional auto-completion, and helps prototyping with instant feedback. The utility makes it possible. Internet programmers may write and automate in any language. C#, F#, or Visual Basic are examples of .NET programming languages.

JetBrains has created this extension for Visual Studio called ReSharper to help developers in .NET coding. It is one of the .NET tools for .NET developers, which offers the ability to assess dot net code quality and rapidly discover and repair problems. It also has a lot of shortcuts for rapid refactoring and navigation. Resharper allows users to provide unparalleled support to all technology languages from C#, , XAML, JavaScript, C++, TypeScript, JSON, ASP.NET MVC, XML, HTML, CSS, Protobuf, NAnt and MSBuild scripts including comprehensive cross-language functionality. ReSharper is a new edition to the .Net development tool but still it is gradually increasing its popularity among the developers, currently it has 65 stars and 40 forks on GitHub.

Chocolatey is a Windows package manager that is completely free to use. The advantage of this tool is that it is compatible with all current programming establishment innovations. Chocolatey enables the creation and deployment of software packages using software development tools that you are already acquainted with. This software management solution supports a variety of Windows operating systems as well as cloud platforms such as Azure and Amazon AWS.

.NET Reflector is a well-known dot net decompiler and static analyzer. It is also available as a Visual Studio extension and is one of the most useful tools for .NET developers. The benefit of using the .NET reflector tool to debug your program and discover issues. It can even step into third-party code written in Visual Studio. It should be mentioned that the.NET reflector might help to simplify things.

APIs have become indispensable in modern software development, and developers are searching for tools like Postman that make working with API development simpler. Because of this, our community has developed organically, particularly on the GitHub extension for visual studio, StackOverflow, Twitter, and Reddit, and some of our greatest supporters often highlight how Postman has revolutionized their API processes.

Devart has developed another popular and effective tool called SQL Complete that contributes to improving developer productivity. SQL Complete can help you produce high-quality SQL Server Management Studio code with proper formatting and the most valuable and useful developer tools out there. It augments the SQL Server Management Studio with a lot of useful features. SQL Complete is an add-in for SSMS that allows you to speed up query authoring, format your SQL query, rename tables, columns, procedures, and functions, and obtain information.

PerfCollect and PerfView are two aspects involved in making Dot Net development tools more efficient. PerfCollect is a bash script that collects data and automates it. Bash scripts are a series of commands contained in a simple file for execution. While on the other hand, PerfView is a performance tool majorly focusing on windows-based performance. PerfView is a performance analysis tool, and erfCollect automates data gathering. The. With PerfCollect, the. PerfView can be used to analyze perf trace files collected by net programmers. e24fc04721

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