How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application? Does Dependency Walker work with managed apps? I've downloaded the latest and tried profiling the app, but it just exits without much of an explanation. If it doesn't work with .NET, then is there some other tool that would help me debug a run-time DLL loading issue?

Dependency walker works on normal win32 binaries. All .NET dll's and exe's have a small stub header part which makes them look like normal binaries, but all it basically says is "load the CLR" - so that's all that dependency walker will tell you.

.net Dependency Walker Download

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To see which things your .NET app actually relies on, you can use the tremendously excellent .NET reflector from Red Gate. (EDIT: Note that .NET Reflector is now a paid product. ILSpy is free and open source and very similar.)

And its result looks like: (notice the code metric depth, 1 is for direct callers, 2 for callers of direct callers...) (notice also the Export to Graph button to export the query result to a Call Graph)

Enable assembly binding logging set the registry value EnableLog in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion to 1. Note that you have to restart your application (use iisreset) for the changes to have any effect.

ChkAsm will show you all the dependencies of a particular assembly at once, including the versions, and easily let you search for assemblies in the list.Works much better for this purpose than ILSpy ( ), which is what I used to use for this task.

Try compiling your .NET assembly with the option --staticlink:"Namespace.Assembly" . This forces the compiler to pull in all the dependencies at compile time. If it comes across a dependency that's not referenced it will give a warning or error message usually with the name of that assembly.

At my company we use "Assembly Information" by Ashutosh Bhawasinka. It is implemented as a shell extension, so you just right-click on the *.dll file and you get the information. You can see a dependency tree OR get a flat list of all the dependencies. What I like about this tool is that it also shows the Public Key Token which is a good way to check for conflicts. Here is an example of the flat list output of one of my company's assemblies:

We compiled in .Net Framework 4.0, so you can see that with the version on mscorlib; we are also referencing SharpZipLib which was compiled for .Net Framework 2.0 so we see that dependency also. Nice.

The only problem is that the utility was posted on CodePlex which was shut down. Thankfully, we kept a copy of the original files. I can't find it anywhere else on the web, so I've decided to post it here for anyone to get a copy of (looks like we only saved the 64 bit version):

Additional information: Invalid ArcGISRuntime deployment, unable to load native dll. Maybe a missing native dependency, checking with dependency walker may help resolve this issue. C:\Users\aaron.murphy\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\WpfApplication1\WpfApplication1\bin\Release\arcgisruntime100.0\client32\RuntimeCoreNet.dll

Error 1 Error initializing ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment. Unable to find ArcGISRuntime deployment folder. To create a deployment run the ArcGISRuntime Deployment Tool to create a folder called arcgisruntime100.0. Place this in the same folder as your exe, or set the ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.InstallPath to point to a different location. This deployment folder must contain sub-folders matching your process architecture. For developers you can also install the ArcGIS Runtime .Net SDK, which includes a deployment folder. C:\Users\aaron.murphy\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\WpfApplication1\WpfApplication1\MainWindow.xaml

Are you seeing this error when you run the application? Or just in Visual Studio when you have the XAML page open? If the error is occurring when viewing the XAML, then something's gone wrong with locating the assembly at design-time, in which case it won't affect the functionality of the application when executing.

I am also getting this in my click-once deployment. The Release/Debug folder in "bin" always has the ArcGISRuntime100.0 folder, but when I made the click-once deployment it never had that folder. I was able to get around that by copying that folder into a sub folder in my Project, and editing my .csproj file to have the following in it (At the beginning, and this is not the full file):

The behavior you describe is essentially as expected. When building an app project, there are build events that will copy the Runtime deployment directory into the project's output directory. But when it comes to deploying an application, it's up to the developer to either see to it that the deployment directory is deployed along-side the executable, or, if it is preferable to deploy it to another location, then the InstallPath property must be set.

Anyway, now that they are in the publish, the app still gives that error when I run it on a different computer. The ArcGISRuntime100.0 folder is there, and is exactly the same as it is in the "Release." I have even copied the entire "Release" folder to a fresh machine and tried to run my app, but I get the same error each time.

But, from previous experience I know that dependency walker sometimes messes up when it comes to this DLL, so I used Process Monitor, and filtered it for my app and found that it does in-fact find the RuntimeCoreNet.dll:

So, the machine is missing the VC++ Redistributable. I didn't remember needing that when I tested this in the beta, so I checked, and my test deployment from the beta had the following extra DLLs: concrt140.dll, msvcp140.dll, vcccorlib140.dll, and vcruntime140.dll

I'm not sure if this is important at this point but, it does not matter if I select "Any CPU," "x86," or "x64" I only get the client32 folder, I never get a client64 folder. I used to get a client64 folder in the beta, but now no matter what I do, I don't get one.

As for the client64 folder, I'm not sure if I have messed something up here, but if I remove all of my changes to the csproj file and try to run my app in Debug x64 from VS, it loads and runs correctly, but there is only a client32 folder created, no client64. Same if I run it on x32 or AnyCPU. Any suggestions?

On the Build tab of the project properties, make sure that the Platform target reflects what you'd expect. I just gave this a quick test with the various values (x64, x86, and Any CPU with and without Prefer 32-bit checked), and the client32/64 folders are being copied to output as expected.

This driver installer extracted itself into a temp folder, the installer.exe will show user a loading screen and quiet install old .Net Desktop 7.0.7 with unnecessary pack. Then it extracts one more installer.exe into temp folder, it shows an error "not found .net core 7.0.0 ..." if I let it download the Dotnet installer, it will reinstall what I already installed "windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.15-win-x64"...

We can see the Intel Arc Control installer in "Resources\Extras" folder, if you run it, look like it's an installer power by WiX Toolset, dependency walker shows it doesn't need any Dotnet DLL. I've checked arc control's executables, they are all normal executable, don't require Dotnet at all.

Now let's take a look at "GfxDownloadWrapper.exe" and "OneApp.IGCC.WinService.exe" in "Graphics_101.5234" folder, they are Dotnet executables, but if you open them in HxD and search "NETFramework,Version=v4.7", you'll see they only require the stock .net framework on Windows.

The UWP app being installed by the driver package name is "AppUp.IntelGraphicsExperience", but I don't think Windows Desktop Runtime or Dotnet 7.0 runtime is needed there, UWP app using a different Dotnet distribution.

So why on earth your installer team need to use a non-stock version of Dotnet (and it's not even the latest, Dotnet 7 is in maintenance mode now) only for this driver install process? Is it really better than "good old" NSIS/Inno/WiX ?

I appreciate your flexibility while we look into this. Please note that we are still working on the graphics installer. However, I would really appreciate it if you could give us some more time, as we need to check and replicate the issue further. We believe this will help us find a more accurate and comprehensive solution for you.

Thank you for patiently waiting. I have some news regarding your inquiry. Upon coordinating with our team, we want to let you know that Installing .net file is normal behavior. It is necessary to install .net and it's primary role is to kickstart the graphics installer.

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

Dependency Walker or depends.exe is a free program for Microsoft Windows used to list the imported and exported functions of a portable executable file. It also displays a recursive tree of all the dependencies of the executable file (all the files it requires to run). Dependency Walker was included in Microsoft Visual Studio until Visual Studio 2005 (Version 8.0) and Windows XP SP2 support tools. The latest version v2.2.10011 is not available on website but is included in the Windows Driver Kit v10.[6][7][8][9]

As of Windows 7, Microsoft introduced the concept of Windows API-sets, a form of DLL redirection.[10][11][12] Dependency Walker has not been updated to handle this layer of indirection gracefully, and when used on Windows 7 and later it will likely show multiple errors. Dependency Walker can still be used for some application level debugging despite this.

As of October 2017 an Open Source C# rewrite of Dependency Walker called Dependencies.exe has been released on GitHub. It does not yet offer the full range of Dependency Walker features, but has been updated to handle Windows API-sets and WinSxS (side-by-side assemblies). 152ee80cbc

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