NeSy 2025

19th International conference on

NeuroSymbolic Learning and Reasoning

UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California

8 to 10 September 2025 

The NeSy series is the longest standing gathering for the presentation and discussion of cutting edge research in neurosymbolic AI. NeSy is the annual meeting of the Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning Association. 

Neurosymbolic AI

Neurosymbolic AI

The NeSy event series celebrates neurosymbolic AI since 2005 when the first NeSy workshop took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, as part of IJCAI2005. NeSy is about the integration of neural and symbolic AI, combining statistical machine learning based on neural networks with knowledge representation and reasoning from symbolic AI. 

Neural networks and statistical Machine Learning have achieved industrial relevance in a number of areas from healthcare to finance and business, obtaining state-of-the-art performance at language modelling, speech and image recognition, sensor data and graph analytics. Symbolic AI is challenged by such unstructured large data, but offers sound and well-understood formal reasoning and explanation via knowledge representation that can be inspected to interpret how decisions follow from data. Neural and symbolic AI approaches also contrast in the problems that they excel at: deep learning excels at scene recognition, but fails at planning and rich deductive reasoning.

Neurosymbolic AI aims to build rich computational AI models, systems and applications by combining neural and symbolic learning and reasoning. It hopes to create synergies among the strengths of neural and symbolic AI while overcoming their complementary weaknesses. The NeSy workshop series is the premier venue for the presentation and discussion of the theory and practice of neurosymbolic computing. Since NeSy 2005 the workshop provided an atmosphere for the free exchange of ideas bringing together the community of scientists and practitioners that straddle the line between connectionism and symbolic AI.

Keynote talks (in person)

Format and Presentation

NeSy2025 will include keynote talks, special sessions with invited talks and poster presentations, recently-published conference and journal paper presentations, specialized NeSy paper discussions and presentations, and audience discussion and social events to allow the group to meet, discuss and obtain a better understanding of the issues, challenges and ideas being presented. Authors of accepted papers may be assigned either an oral or poster presentation slot in the final program. Accepted papers will be published by Springer. Registration will be open to anybody willing to participate and is mandatory for one author of each accepted paper.


The conference will take place in person at the Jack Baskin Engineering Auditorium at UC Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA). If necessary, plans for a virtual event will be announced here.


Registration for onsite participation will open in mid-May. As in previous editions, NeSy2025 will put emphasis on making attendance fees affordable for early career researchers and community members from less financially affluent institutions. 

Call for NeSy2025 Paper Submissions

NeSy invites submissions of the latest and ongoing research work on neurosymbolic AI for presentation at the conference. Research papers in any of the areas of neurosymbolic computing listed below are welcome.


All accepted papers will be published by Springer LNCS and are expected to be presented at the conference. Accepted papers will be chosen for spotlight oral and poster presentations. Revised and extended versions of the best papers will be invited for submission to the Neurosymbolic AI journal.

Topics of Interest

NeSy invites theoretical and applied paper submissions combining neural networks and symbolic AI. We further invite paper submissions containing experimental and in-the-wild systems having neurosymbolic computing as a strong use case. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

Special Tracks


Full Paper Submission


Late/Short Paper Submission


Important Dates for Late/Short Paper Submission (Anywhere on Earth)

Recently-published paper presentations 

Authors of highly relevant, recently published papers in neurosymbolic AI are invited to submit proposals to present their papers at NeSy2025. This includes papers published recently at top conferences and journals such as JAIR, MLJ, AIJ, IEEE TNNLS, AAAI, IJCAI, NeurIPS and ICML. 

You are asked to submit a 2-page extended abstract including a reference to the published paper using the CEUR Latex template or the CEUR Word template. Please submit your extended abstract in PDF format via EasyChair. At least one author is expected to register and attend NeSy to present the paper. Extended abstracts will be published on the NeSy2024 website but will not be included in the official LNCS proceedings.  

Important Dates (Anywhere on Earth):

Call for Special Session Proposals

NeSy2025 invites your contribution and participation by organizing a special session or workshop. We welcome a variety of session proposals such as proposals for thematic sessions, hackathons, early career and graduate students sessions, tutorials, paper discussions, debates and discussion panels, industrial applications, challenges and technology tracks. If you would like to propose a special session, please contact Tarek R. Besold at

NeSy2025 General Chair

NeSy2025 Programme Chairs

NeSy Executive Board

NeSy Advisory Board

NeSy History and Past Proceedings:

NeSy2025 Program Committee

Community Slack and Mailing List

The NeSy association has a community slack for Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence with around 900 participants. Please contact Pascal Hitzler at to receive an invitation if you wish to join

Please also consider joining the (low traffic) mailing list of the NeSy association here
