nErDcamp NNE!!

See you Sept 28th, 2024 

at USM, in Gorham, ME!

Follow the conversation on Twitter HERE and don't forget to participate with the hashtag #nErDcampNNE!

Take the time to check out and 

nErDcampNNE Welcome Slide Show

nErDcampMI was the first EdCamp and nErDcampNNE was the second. Our first event was in 2014 

nErDcampNNE follows a true Edcamp model, which means the schedule of offerings is created by the attendees collaboratively, rather than having a board where people just add sessions. A spot on the board is not guaranteed because we really tailor the offerings to what attendees have expressed interest in the day of.  We also use a "facilitator" model where all voices in the room are given the opportunity to share/learn from each other.