
Published Papers

"Global Knowledge and Trade Flows: Theory and Measurement" with Natalia Ramondo.  Journal of International Economics (forthcoming). NBER Working Paper No. 30590 

"Global Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion" with Natalia Ramondo. American Economic Review: Insights, 5 (4): 494-510 (December 2023).  NBER Working Paper No. 29629

"Trade with Correlation" with Natalia Ramondo. American Economic Review 103(2): 317-353 (February 2023). Online Appendix NBER Working Paper No. 24380

"Adjusting to Rain Before It Falls" with Mitch Downey and Jeffrey Shrader. Management Science 0(0) (February 2023)

"The Economics of Innovation, Knowledge Diffusion, and Globalization" with Natalia Ramondo. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (July 2019). NBER Working Paper No. 25071

Working Papers

"Forward-Looking Monopsony" with Mitch Downey and Jeff Shrader (Draft Coming Soon!)

"The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage" with Marc Muendler and Gordon Hanson. March 2018. Online Supplement NBER Working Paper No. 21753  

"Credit Regimes and the Seeds of Crisis" (Reject and resubmit requested by Journal of Economic Theory) January 2021.

Work In Progress

"Markups with Correlated Technology"

"Max-Stable Associated Pareto Processes"

"International Markups and Mergers"

"Factor Demand in International Trade Networks"

"A Quantitative Analysis of the Great Migration" with David McMillon